Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3350

Sai Baba Always Answers Our Sincere Prayers

Sai Baba Always Answers Our Sincere Prayers

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram. I consider myself blessed to come across this divine platform. Thanks, Hetalji and team

Experience 1:  My 17-month-old baby got cold and was not able to eat or sleep properly. He started waking up at midnight for the past three days and was crying badly in pain. I am not sure if it was because of a cold or stuffy nose or because he is teething. But whenever I prayed to Baba and chanted Sai Rakshaka Sharanam 11 times my baby used to fall asleep. I get very worried about my baby because he has not been putting up enough weight. That’s been the case since he was 2 1/2 months old. I have seen so many babies who are younger than him but look big. Baba, please take care of my baby and help him to gain height and weight to be on track with the growth chart here. Also, take care of my daughter Baba. She started going to preschool and she has been catching colds and coughing frequently.

Experience 2: We went for apple picking one day and suddenly a bee stung my lip. I immediately chanted Sai Rakshaka Sharanam and the pain slowly vanished away. My lip didn’t even swell. I read Baba’s experiences every night. That particular night, I came across a devotee’s experience who was also stung by a bee. I have no idea how Baba can make these coincidences/miracles happen.

Experience 3: These days, my husband keeps fighting with me a lot. He has a problem with everything I do. And also, every year I make a Ganesha idol. This year also Ganesha came out so beautifully and we did Pooja also for the next nine days with devotion and love. But the idol broke when my husband was lifting the idol to take Ganesha for visarjan. We got very nervous and scared. We have been facing so many issues in our lives now and this incident made us sad. Hope everything will be fine with Baba’s blessings.

Experience 4: My mom’s birthday party was last month. Baba, please bless her with good health and heal her wound. She has a chronic wound that has not been healing for the last few years. She tried everything she could and even though we are not financially well off, she has been trying to visit a good doctor in a big hospital whenever the problem gets worse. However, she misses some appointments when she can’t afford them. She wanted to try an antibiotic ointment (that worked for her previously) as a last resort. With Baba’s blessings, I was finally able to send her the ointment. The wound became very big now and I hope with Baba’s grace it starts healing. Please take care of my parents, Thandri.

Experience 5: We live in an apartment and this time my husband missed the rent payment. The management charged around $125 as a late fee charge. We emailed them requesting to waive off the fees but didn’t hear back anything for the next two days. I prayed to Baba to help us and He listened to us. They waived off the fees. With only my husband working, our financial status is really tight.

Baba, please help me to continue doing yoga to lose weight. Please heal the wound on my right ear due to the earring and also help to come out of the pain in my feet.

Baba, please take care of my husband’s health. Sometimes, he is complaining about a slight pain in the chest. At a young age, he got diabetes due to heredity.

Baba, please take care of my kids and their health. Both are still coughing and sneezing.

Baba, please bless us to buy our own house here soon, Thandri. At Least we can save on the rent as the payment will go to EMI. You know how my in-laws treat me. I am not smart like them and can’t talk so cleverly.

Baba, please bless me and my husband to live a happy family life with love and affection. Sometimes, when we fight I am showing all my anger on the kids unknowingly. Later, I felt so bad about it.

Please take care of my family and all Your devotees, Thandri. 

Sai Baba Cured Devotee’s Son

Sai Baba Cured Devotee’s Son

Shirdi Sai Devotee Abhishek Shrivastava from India says: Om Sairam to all Baba’s devotees. I am Abhishek from Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh) India. Special thanks to Hetal mam for maintaining this blog. 

I am a small devotee of my Baba. Without Him and His blessings, my life is nothing. My Baba pulled me and my family members out of critical situations every time. This experience is about my son who got severe stomach pain.

In Sep 2021 my son got stomach pain. He had been suffering from this pain for 2-3 days. But after that, his pain began to increase day by day. His condition was so critical. He was restless. Seeing his face and pain we were very tense and could not understand what we should do. We rushed to a doctor and took medicine. But there was no relief in his pain. We prayed to Baba as usual and gave Udi water to him along with medicine. After 1-2 days there was no recovery. Again we rushed to the second Doctor and took medicine but there was still no recovery. 

We prayed to Baba from the bottom of my heart. We were unable to see him in this condition. But we knew very well that Baba would definitely cure him. I took him to Baba’s temple once meanwhile. We requested Him that if he recovered then I would post on this blog. Baba, I am so sorry for the delay. Returning from the temple, there was some relief but again he got pain and it was unbearable now. This time we took him to a third doctor who is near to my house. I usually go to him, if I have any problem. There is a big photo frame of my Baba on his wall. Maybe this was an indication of Baba that we should go to this doctor. We took medicine from him and got him checked up. Then we returned home and gave medicine as the doctor had prescribed. After taking medicine he felt well and began to take some water and little meals which he was unable to take. It was all because of my Baba’s mercy. He is my guide, my life, my Guru, my God and everything. My son began to feel good gradually. 

I owe to my Baba’s lotus feet and beg for His mercy on us. Baba Apki Kripa Hamesha Bani Rahe (Baba may Your blessings be ever on us).

Shri Anant Koti Brahamand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachhidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! || Om Sairam||

Sai Satcharitra Miracles 

Sai Satcharitra Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from South Africa says:  Om Sai Ram. I am a Sai Devotee from South Africa.

I have had problems since 2019 which made my life so miserable but at the same time, made me a better person. My husband was cheating on me and the person he was with was doing black magic to me and our children. To get help and remove the black magic, has cost me a lot of money and has put me into debt. Somehow I managed to get through those times when my husband even left us and went to stay with her. Eventually, the black magic got so bad that the person who was helping me, told me that I needed to leave my home with our children because this lady would not leave us alone and that I should give up on my husband. I knew it was serious as I was frightened for my kids and husband. I eventually decided to tell my husband that I would leave and go to stay with my parents. After telling him that he should not worry about me and move on with his life, he seemed upset but I could not understand why as he was still with the other lady. Anyway, my only prayer was to have my family together as I do love my husband a lot. 

I joined the Mahaparayan group that same week and on my birthday which was two weeks later; he made a commitment to me to only be with me and our children. I was in total shock and I thanked Baba so much for this. We are together but it seems as if he feels that he has made the wrong decision and I know that I do not want to stand in the way of his happiness. How can I force someone to love me when there is no attraction towards me? I pray to Baba that I am so grateful to have my family together and I pray that some kinks get ironed out as I truly would love for myself and husband to reunite as husband and wife and I pray that he will remain faithful only to me and our children. Baba knows best and I will leave it in His hands.

Baba has performed many miracles in my life and I pray that He will never let go of me and my family. Thank You for allowing me to share this with everyone. Om Sai Ram. I love You, Baba!

Sai Baba Saved Devotee From Embarrassment

Sai Baba Saved Devotee From Embarrassment

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thank you Hetalji and team for maintaining this blog for us. 

This blog is as helpful to us as the Sai Satcharitra. I had a slight cold which developed into cough and throat irritation. I was supposed to watch a movie for the first time after the pandemic. Hence in order to ease my dry cough, I ate Vicks. As soon as I entered the movie hall, my cough was not subsiding even though I was drinking water. My situation was getting worse and my eyes were watering even though I was drinking water to soothe my throat. 

An old couple was seated next to me. I was scared that they might ask me to leave, considering the pandemic situation. I started praying to Baba fervently and promised Him that if my cough stops till I reach home then I would post my experience. I was just wonderstruck that Baba listened to me and my cough did stop. Except for a rare occasion, I did not cough throughout the movie. This was possible only by Baba and cannot be something random. Thanks a ton, Baba for saving me from any kind of embarrassment. Baba, please help me to get married soon. Shri Sacchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaja Ki Jai. 

Thanks To Sai Baba For Getting Back The Lost Item

Thanks To Sai Baba For Getting Back The Lost Item

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi All, I am a small devotee of Baba waiting for His blessings.

I was searching for my parent’s wedding invitation for a year which took place 30 years ago. It was preserved for all these 30 years by my mother. Last year she kept that in a different place so that it would be well placed. I wanted to see it but could not find it at first. I searched all the places multiple times but in vain. I took a vow to Baba and prayed for His help. I knew it was inside the home but not exactly where. I prayed to Baba many times right after reading the experiences on this website where devotees post after finding their lost things. At times I felt very bad even after praying to Baba that He was not helping me to find. Recently I quit that effort of searching and thought that it was lost and might have gone in the garbage. Yesterday all of a sudden my father when he was searching for his old files came to know that he had placed them inside the file. Earlier I did search those files many times but not this one as there were multiple files so somehow this was missed. He had forgotten that he had kept it in that file. I felt very happy after finding it. So I am penning down this experience as I had vowed earlier. Thank You, Baba. This experience reminds me of the quote ‘Things happen when you least expect it!’

Sai Baba Spoke Through Message

Sai Baba Spoke Through Message

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee from Tamil Nadu.

Om Sai Ram! Hetal mam, thank you very much for your support for sharing Sai Baba’s leelas through your website and also please correct my message wherever necessary. 

Yesterday I got a message from my niece that she went and met one astrologer. When she inquired about me, the astrologer told her that I had some problem in my uterus and that I needed to do some pooja. I was tense because I haven’t had kids for the past eight years. I also went for treatment and did a small surgery on my uterus last year. I have also tried one IVF procedure but nothing worked out. So I left everything into Sai Baba’s lotus feet.

So after hearing about the astrologer’s message, I just prayed to Sai Baba and told Him that I am a poor fellow and I don’t have money to do pooja or go for any treatment. I also told Him that You are the only Doctor, so You have to take care of me and bless me with a kid. I told Him that if You are there then please tell me that You will take care of my health. Then after some time when I was listening to a Sai Baba’s message from a devotee, he mentioned that “No disease will enter your house.” That was the confirmation I got from Sai Baba. So I thank Baba for listening to my prayer and for taking care of me and my family and for comforting me. Om Sai Ram!

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 851


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children always. Please grant them with good health, peace, happiness, prosperity, love , joy, laughter and your blessings at each step of their life. Baba thank you for clearing the relationships at home. Baba please take care of everyone so that the family understands each other and stands by each other in good and bad times. Baba please come home and stay with us to complete our family. Baba hope you may make the days ahead frutiful and meaningful with goodness. Help my children complete their education without any hindrances baba. Help my husband manage his work without any harm in reputation and to lead to prosperity baba. Help me meet everyones expectations both at work and home. Bless us baba and thank you for everything baba. I surrender to you. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  3. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all