Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3359

Sai Baba Blessed With A Dream Job In Miraculous Way 

Sai Baba Blessed With A Dream Job In Miraculous Way

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee says: With Guru’s love, thanks for maintaining this website. Please do not disclose my name, contact, and location details. I have been under Sai Baba’s love for many years with His blessings. I would like to share my recent experience about a dream job blessing. Sai Baba blessed me with my dream career in a miraculous way. I was continuing with my routine job and used to study at night for some time for the dream career where I wanted to be, but with the kids, I used to get very limited time in the night to focus and study the subject. 

Every day I used to think about my dream career but had to continue my present job due to responsibilities to take care of dependents and financial commitments. For a few weeks, after I had a conversation with my boss, I was seriously thinking about taking a step towards my dream career and I asked in Q and A site, I got a reply as “Be true to yourself, follow your heart, victory will be yours, Shri Sai Baba will help you.” Then I kept thinking, was postponing taking steps as I have a few months baby.

After a few weeks, one Thursday when one of the employees was talking, she motivated me by asking why I was not trying when everyone was trying. I really felt that God made her talk to me. Then the same day again I asked in Q and A, I got a reply as “Your efforts will bring you success, feed cow on Wednesday, Remember Shri Sai Baba.” 

Then on the same day without delay, I took steps. The first round of interviews was scheduled for Thursday. I felt so confident with Sai Baba’s sign and it was cleared. Then the client interview was scheduled for Wednesday. I was so nervous when days were nearing and so again asked in the Q and A site. I got a reply as, “Do not doubt, remember Shri Sai Baba then see how He will satisfy you.” 

The interview went well on Wednesday. The result came on Thursday morning when I got selected for that contract role. These were all His miraculous ways to push and bless me with my dream job which I had been praying for so many years by doing all small-small jobs. I wished I could join on Thursday with His blessings and thought that if it didn’t fall on Thursday, then also it was fine as His blessings would definitely be there for me. 

I was praying to our Guru Shirdi Sai Baba to help me with courage, confidence, and knowledge to survive in this dream job and show me someone who could help me in the team to survive and with a good manager and little non-heavy project as I have a few months old baby to take care of. I also wished that this job should continue and become full-time with clients and should continue throughout life without having again interview/ job survival stress in life. Hopefully, all goes well with His blessings. 

My prayers for all the devotees who are all in the same stage of facing career problems to have faith and patience as though sometimes it takes a longer time, a very long time due to our karma but keep praying until our prayers are fulfilled. Prayers will definitely be answered. May Sai Baba bless all of us to have a healthy and happy long life with a good career, business, prosperity, health, good family life, kids, and everything without comparing with one another. 

Sai Baba is True Love and Guardian Angel

Sai Baba Is True Love And Guardian Angel

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Bangalore, a small devotee of Baba. I owe my every breath, my life to my malik. Om Sai Ram!

Baba, first of all extremely sorry for posting this so late, I love You so much! There has not been a single moment in my life when I haven’t felt Your presence, since the time You have taken me into Your lap! I remember the Thursday evening in Bangalore when You called me into Your temple, I just looked into Your eyes and tears started flowing from my eyes and I felt like You took away all my pain right there which I was suffering for my past karmas. How can I describe that bliss supreme in words!

I was looking for a job switch recently and every time I meditated in front of You, there was the inner voice of Yours which kept echoing in my heart that, “My Tatya, why are you worrying so much? You’ll have exactly three offers in your hand and keep them written in your mind in bold letters. I know you have gone through a lot financially and otherwise, now the struggle times are over. You will have plenty of wealth, prosperity lined up, and just keep in mind the fact that never get too attached to money. My blessings are always with you. I will give you all the happiness. You’ll excel a lot technically in your new role.” 

How could I’ve doubted my Baba’s words which have never been untrue even by the tiniest margin so far? I got exactly three job offers at last with a 300% hike from my current salary by my Baba’s grace although multiple other offers were in pipeline to be released one thing led to another and they were never released. That’s the power of my Baba’s words. Thanks for everything Baba. 

This life, this money, this position, and this every single breath of mine is Yours, You just guide me in the right path and make my soul merge into Your feet’s dust on the D day. That’s the ultimate destination where I want to reach. Gratitude for everything from bottom of my heart and until the time I am here on this Earth, please guide me and bless me to do my KARMA (Personal/Professional) with utmost dedication, righteousness, and ease. Please bless me to excel in my new role technically for the new organization where I’ve joined and please be with me always. I know that You will take care of some of my other desires which I had expressed and I have full faith in Your words. Bless everyone and guide everyone in the righteous path to do good karma. I love You. 

Sai Baba’s Blessings For devotee’s Son’s Health

Sai Baba's Blessings For Devotee’s Son’s Health

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: I am a small devotee of Sai Baba and I and my children are members of the Global Mahaparayan group.

I wanted to share my experience and express my thanks to Baba for protecting my son from fever and illness. We had recently planned a weekend; a trip for my husband’s 50th birthday. It was supposed to be a surprise for him and being a milestone birthday I had planned a few special activities to participate in over the two days. 

On the previous Thursday night, my son had complained about some soreness in the throat but he was not experiencing any other symptoms, so I didn’t think much about it. By Saturday morning his nose was running but he was going about his usual activities and we were also very excited about the upcoming trip. We reached our destination on Saturday and after dinner, noticed that my son had become very tired and started coughing a lot. I gave him the medicines that I had brought along but I started getting worried given the Covid situation still around. That night he was burning up with a fever and continuous coughing. I was thinking we had no other choice but to return home Sunday as we could not risk it and put others at risk as well.

It was very disappointing because we were all looking forward to celebrating my husband’s birthday which was the next day on Sunday. I did not get any sleep that night as I was up with my son. I was continuously praying to Baba to make him better and for the fever to abate. I had faith but like most people, I was not sure what to expect. Mentally I was prepared to go home. 

The next morning, his fever completely broke. He still had a cold and some cough but nothing like the day before. Thanks to Baba as we were able to celebrate my husband’s special day. 

On the way back, we did a Covid test as I had invited people for dinner and I was not sure if it was safe. With Baba’s grace, the test came negative. It was a huge miracle and relief. I know all this happened only because of Baba’s grace and I am very, very grateful to be one of His millions of devotees. Baba protected all of us from Covid during this trip. He is with us always and listens to our prayers however small they are and gives us what is good for us. Jai Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. 

Thanks to Sai Baba

Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am a small devotee of Baba. Today I wanted to say thanks to Him as He listened to my yesterday’s prayer. Yesterday, at my workplace the system was not working and all my senior managers were not happy and struggled. 

Yesterday, I realized that it was due to my mistake only that the system failed. Then I prayed to Baba that none should notice and complain about me. Today, as per my wish, none blamed me but instead the system. I had also told Baba that I would post here. 

Today, being Vijayadashmi, I am trying to remember Baba in as many ways as I can. Baba, please bless me with these thoughts. Please shower Your blessings on Sriram to get good marks and get success and get into the medical field. Please come to my home as per Your wish. Please save my sister’s eye her retina should heal and she should get her vision back. Also please bless my Amma as well for good health. 

Please help to do something for the community and please allow me to be immersed in Your thoughts and carry me in Your arms. Om Sairam. 

Thanks for giving Sriram such a big opportunity and I will post here if he is selected again at the international level with Your grace. Anything is possible but only with Your grace. Please forgive me for any wrong actions. Happy Dussehra Baba, my friend. Om Sairam!

sai baba Blessed With A Baby Boy 

Sai Baba Blessed With A Baby Boy

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a small devotee since 2007. I have experienced many miracles based on my belief. 

I had a big challenge to give birth for the second time not only in terms of the family situation but also in terms of physical strength. I had a lot of complications in becoming pregnant for the second time. So I prayed to Baba that I would post my experience here every time I do a doctor’s visit and if the hopes or comments received from the doctor were positive. 

As I had promised, I posted my experience then and there at Sai Baba’s experience forum. Finally, as I am nearing my due date, I prayed to Baba that if I am blessed with a baby then I would post my experience here. As I promised, I am blessed with a baby boy and hence I am posting my experience here. Please Baba bless my children with longevity and also bless my mom, brother, sister, and husband with longevity. We always seek Your divine blessings. Om Sairam. 

Gratitude to Sai Baba

Gratitude To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says:  Thank you admin and team for this modern Satcharitra. I am a small devotee of Baba. 

My nephew had rashes on his face and my cousin thought it could be allergies and ignored it for two days on the third day the rashes flared up. We really got scared. My cousin tried to take the doctor’s appointment and she got lucky and got the appointment. She took my nephew to the doctor; meanwhile, we all kept praying to Baba that it should not be anything serious. We were really scared. The doctor said that it was nothing but poison Ivy and there was nothing to worry about and gave steroids. We all were so relieved. Thank You Baba for taking care of my nephew. Within two days all the rashes went away. Really thank You so much, Baba.

Baba, please keep Your blessings on my family, friends, relatives, and Your devotees. 

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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3 years ago

Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his cough baba cure my mothers eye baba I am very scared baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

3 years ago

OM SAI RAM…. Baba please protect and safeguard my husband and children. Baba shower their lives with faith and devotion in yourself, please grant them good health, peace, joy, happiness and prosperity. Bless them with knowledge and wisdom and to be righteous all the time. Baba help my husband maintain good health. Help him exercise and take care of his diet. Free him from all diseases and help him in his work. All his life he has been dedicated calling work is worship, please be his guide and mentor baba. Help us maintain a respectable living baba. Help my children choose the right path and hold their hand baba as their virtual super powered parent. You are everything and everyone to me baba. Help and protect my little family baba. I owe a visit to see you baba as promised. help me keep my promises baba. Be with me always baba, Help me at home and at work to bring outstanding results and conduct my work rightly. Baba be my courage, strength, wisdom and power to face the world. Help me look good and pleasant natured. Om SAi rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

3 years ago


3 years ago

Om Sai Ram!

Shamaji I would make a humble request to you to intercede my prayers to BABA like you did for Haji Sidik Falke. I am not good with words and prayers so that could be reason/s why my prayers are not answered.

Till now I was thinking I was only one to worry but when my wife discussed last night about our insurance cover and delivery expenses for future baby it worried me more. I always wanted my wife to be happy in her second pregnancy as I could not do much during her first one.
Baba I always felt that I would get invitation for 190/491 visa which would solve out our Medicare and would help us financially. Additionally my health insurance is little know by people. We are really worried as unlike many insurances our insurance does not cover much. However things are not likewise that government will have any approval for invitation till June or July.
Baba you are saviour bless grace us with your blessing so that we are happy and have peaceful life. Om Sai Ram.

I am losing all my shaddha and suburi baba, please encourage us with your grace and blessing. I do not want to unripe fallen fruit. When the prayers remain unanswered as human you know very well what goes within. I am just waiting like a “Chatak bird I am ever waiting for the Merciful Cloud” chapter like Hemadpant in 18 & 19 SCC.

I am jotting down my prayers here requesting all the readers to pray for me/us so that my/our prayer reaches to Baba. I know I am sinner that is why even after bowing down to Baba, reading SSC number of times and prayers every day and all means I tried all means to get my prayer heard. I know I am living with frustration just because of my bad karma but I just want to complete all the bad Karmas so that in next life I will be much closer to you.

Om Sai Ram!

Sai's daughter
Sai's daughter
3 years ago

Baba please bless me and cure my heart which is full of pain and false expectations. I’m sorry for what I said about Y and A as I was full of egoism at that point. I’m literally no one, please forgive for this. Also, Baba please fix things between us, its just that how we use to hang out before but that place has been taken by someone else. Baba please help me be strong so that I mind my own business and not care much about other people and live my life peacefully and not get influenced by them. I leave this with you at your lotus feet, Sai please bless me and hubby with a baby and help me loose weight and ensure the process of conception is smooth. Baba help me meet my family – mom, dad and brother soon, sometime this year for long time please please Sai. Help me be successful at my job, be always down to earth and make myself financially more strong and stable. Om Sai Ram

Sai daughter
Sai daughter
2 years ago

Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

Sai daughter
Sai daughter
1 month ago

Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Akilananda Anandakoti Brahmananda Nayaka RajathiRaja YogiRaja ParaBramaha Sachiananda Samratha Sadguru Shirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all