Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3366

Sai Baba Answered Prayers

Sai Baba Answered Prayers

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi Sai family members. I am from Bangalore and have been Sai Baba’s devotee from my childhood.

I was introduced to Sai Baba by my best friend when I was in school. And from then on Baba is with me always. He became my Guru, my Parents and my best friend. He has shown me a way to lead my life with humanity and to be compassionate for people who are in need. By His grace, I have always had the strength and courage to face any hardship in my life. I take this opportunity to thank Baba for making me part of this wonderful Mahaparayan group, which awakens people to participate in such good deeds. 

Coming to my story: On Dussehra, I was working as my manager was on emergency leave and I had lot of deadlines to meet. As usual, I finished the pooja at home and read Satcharitra and started my work. I was supposed to attend pooja at my parents’ office in the afternoon but I had an important client call to take. Also, my parents’ place is quite far from my place. I was in a fix as I had never missed Dussehra pooja at my parents’ place and if I didn’t go then my parents would be upset. So, I decided to go to pooja and then attend the client call there. But unfortunately, the weather became cloudy and I worried if it would start raining in the middle as I was planning to carry my laptop and go on my bike. I waited for some time to see if it would rain. Meanwhile, my parents started calling me saying that pooja had started and everybody was waiting for me. So, I decided to start and prayed to Baba to see that it should not rain till I finish the pooja and come back home. If everything went well then I promised to post the experience in this group.

Thinking about this, I started my travel. By Sai Baba’s grace, the pooja went on well and everybody was happy that I could attend the pooja. Luckily the weather became sunny and I reached home without any problem and was able to take the client’s call in time. I thank Baba for helping me in this situation and for easing my tension. He is always with me. Good or bad but He guides me. I am ever indebted to Him. Om Sairam and peace to be all. Om Sainathaya Namaha. Jai Sairam!

Sai Baba And His Ways

Sai Baba And His Ways

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am small dust under Baba’s feet. Om Sairam. I am a small devotee of Baba and love Baba in my own way. At times He becomes my son, sometimes I become His daughter, sometimes a friend, sometimes Guru and sometimes God. But He is always the shoulder that I lean on for happiness or sorrow. The blessings that I am going to share here with His grace are nothing but Amrit (nectar). 

Two of my friends were facing issues in their personal lives. Friend A has been married for nine years and was trying for a baby with no luck. Similarly, a friend who was in the USA, her husband’s visa got rejected and they had to leave the country in two weeks with a six-year-old daughter. When I spoke to each of them, I could feel the pain and I prayed to Baba earnestly for them. That is when Baba flashed this thought in my mind – to refer them to Mahaparayan. Both of them joined and within a year friend A got pregnant and friend B is in Canada. Baba answered their sincere prayer and gave me the blissful feeling of praying for others and the happiness that comes with it. Thank You so much, Baba, please be with all of us. 

Similarly, my son (who was born due to the blessing of Sai) was having a hard time passing stools. I prayed to Baba to help Him and as always He did!

My son was having sleep problems, he would wake up every 10 minutes. I and my husband decided to sleep train him. I prayed to Baba to give me the strength and also to sit next to my son throughout the night in the crib and help him sleep. My Baba was/is always with my son in the crib, that is how I picture it. I put a blanket for Baba, light four lamps on his plank and place the crib with my son next to Him and I sing the lullaby. Whenever my son wakes up, I tell Baba to go and help him, sit with him and rock him to sleep. And I know that is what my Baba is doing.

Baba, You know what I am feeling/doing/thinking. Don’t leave our hands, Baba, we don’t have anyone else. The world is desolate to us without You. Love You, Deva!

Sai – Miracle In The Sai Name Itself 

Sai - Miracle In The Sai Name Itself

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Udupi Karnataka. Dear Hetalji, I am really grateful to you for providing this platform to share our real-life experiences, which will boost Sai devotees’ faith

My recent experience is regarding our UK settlement visa. Let me elaborate clearly.

My husband got a UK job in March and started working from India (earlier he was in KSA). My husband has British citizenship, so he doesn’t need a visa but I and my son need a visa to travel to the UK. So we applied for our visa on Aug 5th 2021 with supporting documents but we did not have a house in the UK and my husband did not have UK bank statements as he was working from India. He submitted his NRI bank statements. As far as I know, both the above documents are very essential to get a UK visa. With Baba’s grace, we got a passport dispatched message on Thursday (21st Oct 2021). Today we got our passports with a visa stamp.

Baba heard our prayers and helped us to get a visa within 10 weeks.

I strongly believe that it is my Sai Baba’s miracle, as everyone knows getting a UK resident visa is not that easy. When Sai’s blessing hands are on our heads then everything will go in the right direction.

Love You, Baba. Bless everyone. Om Sairam! 

Sai Baba Is Strength

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a doctor (Gynaecologist) residing in Coimbatore and practising in Chennai. I am blessed with a beautiful family by our dear Sai Baba. 

Sai entered my life when I was totally broken. I had been suffering from anxiety disorder since my childhood, having panic attacks and a very difficult day to day life. I was on medicines most of the days and would suffer despite it. I submitted myself at the holy feet of Baba when I was totally exhausted of all my hopes. Slowly my life started changing. I could feel His presence all the time and miracles came the way.

I chose a difficult career and had to face it during my pregnancy and postpartum. Sai was there safeguarding me all the time and I did emerge out as a successful gynaecologist with His blessings during the hard times. I started facing life with more courage and happiness. Slowly I got cured of the anxiety and stopped taking medications that I had been on for many years.

He gifted me a beautiful family consisting of my husband and kid. My husband too became His devotee later on and he is successful too. Whenever there is a difficult situation we place our faith in Him and miraculously things work out for our good. He is there protecting all His devotees and their family, guiding them in all situations. Thank you, Lord, for all the help and love that You have showered on us. 

Sai Baba Is Devotee’s Life

Sai Baba Is Devotee’s Life

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Baba is my life. Thanks to Hetalji and her team

I am a small drop in the ocean of Sai devotees. 

My parents’ health check-up was fixed today. I prayed to Sai Appa that everything should be normal and if so then I would post. Thank You Sai Appa. The doctor told me that everything is normal and there is nothing to worry about. As promised I am posting Deva.

Please save Your children from this pandemic and keep them happy and at peace. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Pregnant Again With Sai Baba’s Blessings 

Pregnant Again With Sai Baba’s Blessings 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I’m a Sai devotee from Kerala. May Sai bless all of us to fulfil our good wishes. 

It’s been eight years since my wedding. I had two miscarriages during this time frame. Currently, with the blessings of our beloved Sai, I was able to conceive again. I request Baba to make this pregnancy full term and help me to deliver a wonderful child. I request all the devotees who read this to pray for me. Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu.

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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3 years ago

Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma protect him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba We are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

3 years ago

Om SAI RAM…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Please shower your choicest blessings on my little family and give them very good health, happiness, peace, joy, laughter and prosperity at all times. Baba please be the guiding force to my husband, help him in maintaining his health and also guide him in his work. Release him from all stress and provide him with support of good people to manage his work. He has so much dedication baba and so far with your grace we are able to manage, and trust you will help us in the future too. Give my kids the guidance and right choices of education with stability in thinking and choosing ther friends, give them abundant knowledge to enrich themselves in the field of their work, give them faith and devotion towards YOU. Baba please protect everyone in my family. Please guide me baba, i have a lot of work pressure. Thank you for helping me find a home help and i hope you will help me find people at work and do my daily work in the most productive way. Baba i place my faith in you. Take care of everything baba and protect us from all dangers. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

3 years ago


3 years ago

Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram om Sai Ram Kripa baba.. /\

Sai daughter
Sai daughter
2 years ago

Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

Sai daughter
Sai daughter
19 days ago

Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Akilanda Anandakoti Bramahananda Nayaka RajathiRaja Yogiraja ParaBramaha Sachiananda Samratha Sadguru Shirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all