Sai Baba – Our Saviour

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram! I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I am also a part of the Mahaparayan group. I have shared many experiences before and many have been published too. Today I would like to share my recent experience.
My daughter who is six years old, fell yesterday on the slippery floor. She was attending her online class and she went to take a cup of water. While returning she was in a rush and water fell on the floor and she slipped on it. She couldn’t stand it. We rushed to pick her up, her voice choked, her neck got stiff and she fainted for almost a minute. We rushed to the door to take her to emergency care and there was Sai Baba’s picture at the door which I had brought from Shirdi. I was also chanting Baba’s name and suddenly she woke up saying that she didn’t want to go to the hospital and she was good. It was all Sai Baba’s miracle. I was thankful to Baba for this. It was like Baba saved my daughter’s life. Thank You so much, Baba. I can’t thank You enough for this.
We got a little relieved but after looking at her; I could understand she was in pain. She was not saying because she was scared of going to the hospital and taking medicines. Still, we left for emergency care after some time to get her checked up. Later she started complaining of back pain. On the way to emergency care, she said that there was no back pain. When she was seen by the doctor she was fine. The doctor said that she had a minor closed head injury but refused to do any x-ray or CT scan due to her age and said that she was fine. We needed to observe her for 24 hours. I kept praying to our Baba from outside the hospital since my husband had taken her inside. Due to Covid, only one parent was allowed with her.
When we returned from there, I still had doubt in my mind so we went to urgent care that day for a second opinion but was not seen by the doctor because of the long wait time. We came back home and I kept praying to Baba all night to take care of my daughter. I also applied Baba’s tika from the puja room. My Baba was with me and my daughter slept and woke up nicely the next morning. She looked fine. By Sai Baba’s grace, we got her regular pediatrician’s appointment on the same day and we took her there for a second opinion. Initially, Doctor said that she might have some head injury but due to her age she cannot get her CT scan done. Later on, after examining her, she said that her fall was severe but she was lucky enough to escape severe injury. She said not to worry as she looked fine to her. The doctor added that she might get pain in her shoulders in a few days but everything should be fine. So we came back but I am still tense. I am praying to my Baba to take care of her.
Please Baba take care of my daughter and please make her well completely (if there is anything) as we cannot see what’s going on inside. I am unable to forget that incident. I am getting negative thoughts since then and I have lost my peace of mind. Please help us, Baba. Baba You are the only One Who saved her and I have full faith in You. Please take care of everything. I am leaving my daughter in Your hands. Like always, stay with her and bless her with a healthy, safe, and long life. She is Your blessing Baba. Please protect her. Forgive us for our mistakes.
I somehow missed sharing our previous experiences. Please forgive me for the delay. Below is the previous experience:
This year when I came back from India after a long time, my husband wanted to host a party for my birthday. But before the day I got a sore throat, I got tense about whether it was good to celebrate or not. Then I prayed to Baba that it should not be Covid and if I felt better on the day then I would post my experience here. I developed sinus symptoms and Baba took care of my health on my birthday. We were able to enjoy my birthday party due to my Baba. But after that day my sinus got worse with a lot of congestion. Without a doubt, I went for the Covid test and prayed to Baba to take care of my result. As always; Baba took care of it and everything became normal. He helped me to recover from the severe sinus symptoms. Now I have a mild cough, I know this too will go away with Sai Baba’s blessings. Thank You Baba for helping me and sorry for posting late. Also, my daughter had got a fever and I had prayed to Baba for her recovery and her fever went away, her cough also subsided due to Baba’s grace. Sorry for posting this too late. Thank You for taking care of her Baba and protecting us from Covid. We are grateful to have You in our life Baba. Please always be with us and give us a healthy and long life.
Please be with my daughter and my family always. Please take care of my parent’s health and bless them with a healthy, safe, and long life. You are the only one Baba. I love You my Baba. Thank You for everything Baba. Please forgive us for our mistakes. Please take care of the things I am worried about. Om Sai Ram!
Om Sai Namo Namah !
Shri Sai Namo Namah !
Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah !
Sadguru Sai Namo Namah !
Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namah !
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraja Yogiraj ParaBrahma Sri Sadchidananda Samarth Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Sai Baba Is The Only Hope

Shirdi Sai Devotee Meghna Sai from India says: Hi, thanks to the team for posting most of my posts. Om Sai Ram to all. Baba, I don’t know. Sometimes I feel very low and bad to the extent of losing interest in this life. But You are inside my heart and give me a strong push to live always. I am fed up with these failures. Baba, I want to see success. I want to taste that by Your grace. Why does it always happen that one good and then bad to me? I have so many why in me.
Sorry, I am not able to perform pooja properly but I won’t leave praying to You. Please accept the way I pray to You. No energy, Baba. You know I am a scared heart with worries, tensions, responsibility, and not being able to satisfy my family with my earnings. You helped me to increase my earnings which I didn’t expect. Thanks for that but no one bothers how she is managing everything; they only bother about their needs. That always hurts me. I don’t know whether I can talk like this or not. You are my friend and so sharing with You. I am the youngest amongst them but more responsibilities left all my desires and happiness. But no one thinks about that. They will feel that I have a lot of attitudes. You know what I am and for whom I will work and think always. Sometimes I feel that I should be like a butterfly, I should dress up, do shopping, enjoyment, and everything but it’s not possible for me. I only feel that I am wasteful and boring. I know to become a butterfly we need to suffer first, maybe I am on that stage now. Sorry, I wanted to share my feelings with someone. Humans will misunderstand our feelings so share with Mere Sai.
You did so much to me, a big thanks for that. I know You will always be with me. I can feel that I can feel Your care, love, anger, laughter, forgiveness, and everything.
I want one success. Baba, I should come back like a pheonics, guide me for that. Show good path to our family. We should leave gossip, controversy and we should surrender to You completely. The day should start with Sai and end with Sai Positivity.
Now its time for gratitude:
- Thanks for reducing the cold of my chota Sai. Please bless children with good health as the weather is not good. I have left everything under Your lotus feet.
- Thanks for always helping me with my work. Thanks for that printing mistake as You managed with that mistake only.
- Thanks for solving the misunderstanding between me and my husband. Please let my in-law consider us as her family and behave truthfully. I am leaving all her anger towards me under Your lotus feet and help her to surrender to You. If I am wrong, take me to the right way Baba.
- I was searching for a crèche badly because my son is 3 year old and talks less because he doesn’t have any friends. So I thought of joining him in the play group. I surrendered my wish under Your lotus feet. You guided me in one day within my budget. After I went to see that crèche, first I saw Your picture on the gate. I got full satisfaction because it was confirmed that it was Your plan for my son Bhuvan Aditya Sai. Tomorrow is Thursday and a big day for my son. He is starting a new journey. Be with him. I know You will take care of him.
- Thanks for increasing my weight. Once I asked You and You did that for me. That is Sai.
I don’t know why You are delaying my husband’s business. Whatever Your plan is, it will do good for us. So I will wait. Baba, give us Shraddha and Saburi towards that.
Thanks, Kallalamma for guiding us towards a good crèche on Your day.
Om Ganeshaya Om Shakthi Kallalamma Thaye Adhithimappa Om Sai Ram Mkdg
Om Anantha koti brahmanda nayaka rajadi raja yogiraja parabrahma sri satchidananda sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva Om Sai Samarth Guru Deva Datta Sri Sripada Vallaba Digambara
Sai Baba Fulfilled Wish

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Dear Sai Baba Devotees, I am a small devotee of Baba since 2017. Firstly, I would like to thank everyone behind this platform for creating and maintaining the same as it would relieve all devotees who read others’ experiences here. I have already shared a few experiences and I am happy that one of them got published (Thank You Baba). I would like to share another experience.
My toddler son who is going to daycare fell sick on Sunday (11/14/2021). We were informed on Friday by his teacher that he had a temperature of 99 F on Friday; so they asked us to keep an eye on the same. However, he was totally fine on Friday evening as well as on Saturday (we had been to a museum and had lunch and came back home in about five hours).
My son developed a fever the next day (Sunday) where the temperature was around 102 degrees F. We made him rest a lot so that he would recover soon. I also applied Sai Baba’s Udi on his forehead and prayed that he should be well soon. However, at one point he had a temperature of 103 degrees F. He was not able to eat properly, he also did not like to drink milk but we gave him milk. At one point in time, I also thought that it should not be Covid. On Sunday night before sleeping, I prayed to Baba that if he recovered by the next day (temperature should come down to 98 degrees F) and would be able to go to day-care then I would post the experience.
The next day morning (Monday) he was still the same (temperature was around 102 degrees F). I was worried thinking that I may have not believed Baba strongly so I did not worry much but just believed Him that He will take care and will not leave us. By evening, the temperature was around 101 degrees F. He was still not very active but was tired and was also not playing much.
The next day morning (Tuesday) we were happy to see that the temperature was around 99 degrees F. However, we did not send him to day-care so that he could recover fully and start from Wednesday. He was able to eat little in the afternoon, however puked the milk that he had in the evening. His temperature came down to 98.5 degrees F which was fine. He pooped thrice today and also started playing later in the evening. He also had little for dinner but drank milk as his tummy was clear. We also gave him Udi mixed water yesterday and today and are very happy that Baba fulfilled our wish and he recovered soon without any medicines.
Thank You Baba for everything. Please take care of everyone and this Covid should end soon.
Sai Deva (Baba) Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Myself poor Sai devotee from Hyderabad. Earlier I had shared many of Deva’s miracles on this holy blog.
Om Sairam to all Sai devotees. Hetalji and team, you are blessed souls to do this holy job. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving us the platform to share our Deva’s miracles. Sai Deva, please forgive this poor devotee for sharing the miracles late. We are nothing without Your blessings.
Thanks a lot, Deva for helping me in my professional career Deva. Thanks for blessing me to get the required mail. Thanks a lot, Deva for blessing me with a promotion. Thanks a lot, Deva for relieving me from the project and going on ML without any issues. Thanks a lot, Deva for helping me with the password reset. Thanks a lot, Deva for getting me the lost ear sela. Thanks a lot, Deva for blessing me throughout pregnancy and scans. Deva, You blessed and whatever told me in one hospital was not true and You made me shift to another hospital where my first baby girl was delivered healthily. Deva, please bless me with a healthy baby boy Deva and the problem which doctors were saying should be gone before the delivery of Deva. Only You can do this miracle, Deva. Please bless me with strength so that I can perform all mokkulu which I have delayed and every mokku Deva.
Please recover the colleague who has undergone an operation and be with his family Deva. Please bless Praveen Annaya’s son and Prakash Annaya with good health, Deva. As they have undergone critical surgeries, Deva, please be with them. Thanks a lot, Deva for curing my daughter’s cold Deva. Please pull my husband and my daughter at Your holy feet Deva. Please bless my husband with a good job Deva. Please bless my family and all living beings Deva. Please bless my vadina and akka with child Deva. Please forgive me for missing Your miracles Deva and not being able to share correctly Deva.
Deva, please bless me to have a safe delivery with a healthy baby. Ananta Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sacchidananda Samartha Sadguru Shirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. Om Sairam. Loka Samastha Sukhinobhavanthu. Sarve Jana Sukhinobhavanthu. Sarva Jeeva Sukhinobhavanthu. Hetalji, please forgive any spelling mistakes. Thanks a lot Deva for blessing me to share all Your miracles now and earlier and in future on this holy site Deva. Thanks a lot, Deva for blessing me to attend varalakshmi vratham in my mom’s house without any obstacles. Please bless my mother and mother-in-law with good health, Deva. Please bless me to read Sai Stavan Manjari on Ekadashi’s entire life without any obstacles, Deva. Please forgive me, my husband and mother-in-law for whatever we did unknowingly on one of the Ekadashi days. Om Sairam.
Mere Sai Mera Vishwas – Sai Baba Is Belief

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Reoti Ballia UP.
Babaji has always been with me to support and has even supported my husband a lot. I have so many experiences to share and would like to share a few of them.
My first experience is that my husband met with an accident due to which a small child also fell down. His head was injured and was bleeding profusely.
Then that boy was referred to Reoti Ballia and there the doctors referred him to Banaras. He was then in ICU. He was very critical and his life was in danger. His life seemed impossible. He and my husband had to face a lot of problems and finally with Baba’s grace his life was saved. He gave new life to my husband and that boy. Thanks a lot to Sai Who is the Lord of the lords and lord of the helpless people.
Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am a very small devotee from the USA. I want to say thank You to Baba for being there for me.
As I said I am a very small devotee from the USA. I would like to say thank you for making my sister-in-law’s 1000 subscribers on YouTube. Also Baba You know that for the last 15 days I have been dying to talk to my family in India. Just now I saw one WhatsApp in our family from my family in India. Hope they are doing well.
Baba, please take away my fear, worry from me, and give me peace of mind. Please I don’t want anything else but to make my family happy. Baba, please help me.
We are about to finish publishing the book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" on Shirdi Sai Baba, have you read it? Kindly do not miss to read as It is a book equivalent to Shri Sai Satcharitra.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Sai Ram to dear Sri Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing Sri Sai’s wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Sai Deva, please bless my younger son to complete ear boring function with out any issue. Please bless me not to get any issue in my release. Please Deva, I m not praying You. Please make me to think You always. Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba cure his drinking and smoking habits sai we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
OM SAI RAM…. Baba please protect, safeguard and take care of my husband and children. Please shower on them your choicest blessings by keep them in very good health, disease free, accident free. bestow them with peace of mind, joy, mental calm and prosperity. Enrich them with wisdom and knowledge to enlighten them and choose the right path of life. Baba please give me too peace and joy with the conviction that you are always with me. baba you have taken care of my family so far, please take care of them every second in the future too. Sometimes i feel restless but i know you are there for me to take care of the. Baba help my husband fulfill all his dreams and globalise the brand with prestigious projects. He has dedicated himself to work as worship, please bless him baba to fulfill his dreams and be with him as his guiding force. Baba take care of my children. Help them complete their education and earn a respectable living with good job opportunities and thereby become good entrepreneurs. baba i surrender to you, please give me the direction and the conviction you are there at every step. Remove my restlessness baba and take care of my family always. Baba I surrender to you. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all