Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3430

Sai Baba Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ganesha. Thank you Hetal mam and team for this beautiful site. Thank You Baba for giving Your blessing and helping me every time when I needed You. 

Devotees below are my few more experiences where Baba showered His mercy on me.

Experience 1 – Thank You Baba for helping my colleague with the data integrity issue. We work in a Pharma Company where overwriting on the documents is not accepted. My one colleague mistakenly overwrote it and the matter was escalated to QA, HOD and he was very stubborn to take action against my friend. That time I prayed to Baba silently saying, “Please resolve this issue without taking any action on my friend and I’ll share Your blessings here with all the devotees”  and Baba listened to my prayer. 

Experience 2 – Actually whenever I go out in the hot Sun, I get a headache after coming home. Last Sunday on 26.12.2021 I was supposed to go out for 4 hours. While leaving home I applied Vibhuti to my forehead and prayed to Baba, “I should not get a headache after reaching home and I’ll share Your blessings here with all the devotees” and Baba listened to my prayer. That day the climate was good till I reached home and did not have any effect on my health. 

Experience 3 – Thank You Baba for helping me last week for creating entire databases and folders for the year 2022 on time. Without Your blessing, this would not have happened so smoothly. 

Experience 4 – Thank You Baba for giving me the strength to come to the office to complete pending work when I was not feeling well. Actually, whenever I get a cough and cold it becomes difficult for me to travel or sit in AC in the office but last week my presence was crucial to completing all database creation for the year 2022, and Thursday 29.12.2021 I got a cold. Same time, I prayed to Baba to help me to come to the office in the next two days and that I would share His blessings here. Actually, I was still not feeling well but because of Baba’s Kripa I was able to come and complete the task on time. 

Thank You Baba for taking care of me every second. Baba, please help daddy completely recover from the Hernia operation and also resolve his prostate-related issue. Tomorrow we will get his blood report and we will go to the doctor. Please, Baba, everything should be normal and good. I promise Baba that I will share the same here with all of Your devotees. Sai Baba, I pray to You for the good health of my parents, family, friends, and everyone in this Universe. Please bless each being with good health. Om Sai Ram. 

Sai Baba Saved Money Plant

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the UK says: Pranam all Sai devotees, I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba living in the UK with my family. 

Coming to my experience, though it sounds small it means a lot to me. I have a money plant which I planted a few years back and I am a lover of plants whether it’s indoor or outdoor. Likewise, I have a money plant which grows very big in my pooja room, and a few months back due to some reason we needed to move the plant somewhere else. 

In January 2022, my husband again moved it to the pooja room but it got so tangled that my husband says we need to cut that out and I seriously don’t want that. So I requested Sai Baba to help me detangle that and seriously I don’t know how I detangled and my husband was completely fine without any issue. Thanks, Sai Baba for always helping me. Also Sai Baba, You know You are helping me with one more thing and I am keeping my faith and patience in You. Sai Baba, thanks for showering Your blessing on me and my family. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Helped

Sai Baba Helped

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: I am a simple devotee of Baba and ever grateful to Him. 

Om Sai! Baba, my humble pranams to Your feet which has neither a beginning nor end. He is always there and patiently listens to devotees’ prayers and will continue to do so. Although at times when we are going through turbulent times it is often possible for our faith to be shaken but we have no other Saviour but Him. 

Recently I had inflammation and was worried as it was there even after five days after I originally spotted it. I was quite worried about this and prayed to Sai Baba and applied Vibhuti and ointment. Thankfully it started subsiding and is hardly seen. In between, I asked Him in Q & A. He answered “Keep the faith and wait. Everything will be alright.” I also got several signs of 9 and 27 and in particular, 27 is so dear to me as I consider it a strong sign from Sai. Thank You Baba for everything. Hamesha Sabki Raksha Karna (always protects everyone). Jai Jai Sai!

 Power Of Sai Naam

Sai Baba Saved Money Plant

Shirdi Sai Devotee Mahima Mathur from USA says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees. I want to share an experience related to the power of Sai Naam that happened today with me. My husband was going out to pick up lunch today in our car but when he tried to close the garage door, it stopped. We both tried a couple of times but it didn’t close and as it was Sunday I thought that no handyman would be available to fix our problem. We could not let it remain open. Then I ran to my Baba and said Om Sai Ram and pressed the button again to close the door and the door closed! 

 Thank You Baba. After some time I saw this message on this site saying, “God is concerned with all your things.”
Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am a devotee of Sai Baba for the last many years and have witnessed many miracles for the last many years. 

I wanted to share one of my recent experiences. I had severe throat pain for more than two months which was gradually getting worse. I took two courses of antibiotics with not much improvement. I prayed to Sai Baba every day. Finally, I took Udi mixed with water, and slowly my throat started feeling better. I know Baba is always with me.

I also had promised to write on this blog, once my son reached his place of work safely. Thank You, Baba, for everything. Let Baba shower His blessings on everyone and keep everyone happy and healthy.

Om Sairam!

Sai Baba The Saviour and Guru

Sai Baba The Saviour and Guru

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Sai Baba is my Guru. This life is the biksha of Baba. He is my everything. Without Him, I cannot live my life. He protects His devotees all their life. 

We lost something and we were not sure where we had kept it and I am sure Baba will help us. As usual, Baba showed us where it is. Saying just ‘Thank You is a small word for the things He did for us. Finally, my long wish is coming true seeing Baba in Shirdi. I know He always tells me that He is everywhere but I really want to see Him in Shirdi and sit in Dwarakamaai. Finally, He is calling me. I am so blessed. Thank You Baba for everything. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 858


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  1. Baba somehow today’s experiences touched me, Thankyou so much sai for you madt the car to start otherwise I don’t know what we would have done, Thankyou so much protect my father sai, please excuse us if i took small plant cuttings without anyone notice

  2. Om sai. Baba, please help us to sort out the issue, we do not have much time left. Also, help me to finish 1 week pf parayan. Om sai!!

  3. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all