Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3432

Sai Baba’s Help And Guidance In Day-To-Day Life

Sai Baba's Help And Guidance In Day-To-Day Life

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from India. It’s been more than 20 years that with Baba’s blessings I became His devotee. The enormous power of Sai makes our life easy. We don’t even know what we have done in our past lives and what we will be doing in the future, but with the hand of Sai on our heads, we are walking step by step. Thank You Baba for accepting us as Your children. 

Many experiences and miracles of Baba in our daily lives. My experience of Baba’s blessings starts and never ends. I pray that I always experience His presence in our life always. He is the best teacher for me, my husband, and my little son. Baba always helps me with my household work by giving me ideas and help. He helps me with my cooking. He guides my husband who is a surgeon with his surgery on a patient; He holds the hand of my little son and guides him with his writing, reading, and studies. Baba always helps us to overcome our health issues whether it is my acidity, suffocation, pulse rate, dizziness, or any other health issues. He cures my son’s cold allergy, sometimes nausea after overeating, or even acid reflux. In this pandemic situation, His protective hands are always on us. 

My parents and my brother’s family along with maids got cough and cold recently. With the blessings of Baba, they are all now in good condition. Thank You Baba for everything. We are ignorant children of You, we make mistakes, but still, Your motherly love is limitless for us. Thank You Sai Maa. 

Sai Baba Fulfilled Long Waited Request

Sai Baba Fulfilled Long Waited Request

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: I am Baba ki Beti (daughter). Om Sai Ram. Thank you for posting everyone’s experience on this website which helps in maintaining our faith in our Baba. I am a very small devotee of our Baba.

I want to share Baba’s blessing with my family. We have been waiting to get our green cards for 10 years. Our faith and patience were paid off and Baba finally approved our application and our GC got mailed to us in Oct.

I want to ask Baba for forgiveness for posting it late. Baba is everything to me. There is not even a single minute that goes by without thinking about Him.

I want to thank Baba from the bottom of my heart for helping us at this time. Keep blessing my family and everyone who is keeping their trust in You.

Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai

Bolo Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram

Sai Ram
Apki Beti

Sorry And Thanks To Sai Baba 

Sorry And Thanks To Sai Baba 

Shirdi Sai Devotee Meghna Sai from India says: I am Meghna Sai from Bangalore. Thanks to the team for providing space to connect with Baba. Baba, sorry I know I always get angry with You as You only said that my anger, my happiness, my tears my laughter, and my depression is a kind of love towards You because only with You and Om Shakthi Kallalmma I can be free and can share everything with You all without hiding my feelings. You both are my friends, guides, and saviors.

You helped to reduce Bhuvan Aditya Sai’s fever and cold. Thanks for getting my periods on time. I was so tense. You asked me to do yoga. I didn’t do that. Now my health is upset. Please help with that. I will do yoga next week. Guide me to study. I am a lazy child of Yours. Thanks for making my husband bring money on time. Thanks for helping me with my office work as always.

Everything is left under Your lotus feet. If there are a few things that I won’t tell You still You will help me, I know that. I will trust You and that’s it.

Take all our lives and situations under Your control. Bless us, guide us, and lead us.

Om Ganeshaya Om Shakthi Kallalamma Thaye Adhithimappa Om Sai Ram MKDG. 

Sai Baba – The Ultimate Saviour

Sai Baba - The Ultimate Saviour

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba for the last 8 years. Life was very much stressful during the Covid period. In the month of April 2021 and May 2021, my husband and mother-in-law got affected by Covid. My husband is diabetic and my mother-in-law is an aged person. Having two kids at home and the other two affected by Covid, I was really in a very bad situation and scared about what to do and what my kids will do if I too tested positive.

By Baba’s grace, I tested negative and my mother-in-law got admitted to the hospital both my husband and mother-in-law recovered by Baba’s grace. 

One month back, my elder son got a high fever and the fever didn’t get reduced for one week and he got diagnosed with dengue. But with Baba’s grace, he also got cured and became normal.

Now, I got stuck with one official issue. I am not sure of the implication. I am totally dependent on Baba for this. I am praying to Baba to make me come out of this situation without any issues. Baba, please help me. You are always there for me in every difficult situation and saved me in all instances. Please save me, Baba. Sai is the ultimate savior. 

Gratitude To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram. Thank You to the team for maintaining this blog. Om Sai Ram. I want to thank Baba for all of His help the other day. I was in a difficult situation and it was completely my fault only but I was praying that everyone else should not get in trouble because of me. I was so scared and kept praying to our Baba that everything should be resolved and that I would share the experience. It is not something that gets resolved so easily but our dear Baba helped me. Words are not enough to thank You, Baba. Love You Baba and we are always at Your feet. Thank You so much, Baba. 

Sai Baba Loves His Children

Shirdi Sai Devotee Priti from India says: I am Priti. This experience is regarding my son’s health. 

Sai Baba has always saved me and my family from all the odd situations which we face in our life. My son suddenly while playing with me said that he thinks that something has got stuck in his throat. I was worried and prayed to Baba to save my son from this situation. I promised to share my experience here. My son is alright now with Baba’s grace. Thank You Baba for everything. Om Sai Ram!

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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  1. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai ram, Om Sai Ram Baba please take me out of this night shifts, 3 and half years I am struggling. Please baba

  2. OmSairam
    Baba, thanks for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all