Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3447

Kindness Of Sai Baba

Kindness Of Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: I am Sai Dasi from Germany. By the grace of Sai Baba’s holy lotus feet, I would like to share my recent experience. 

I recently traveled to India from Germany during the New Year holidays to visit the Shirdi temple and my parents. With all travel restrictions in place, I needed to have my negative Covid report before the check-in for my flight besides having a double dose of vaccination. I took the test which gives a report within 24 hours but it didn’t come as per the expected time. Chanting Baba’s name I reached the airport and got another test done which was to give a report in 90 minutes but that too didn’t come on time.

The airline personnel told me that they could not allow me to check in without a negative report. I requested them that I would still try and wait in the check-in queue till the last passenger which they allowed me and this entire time I kept chanting Sai Baba’s name for His protection and help. With the queue becoming smaller, my anxiety kept increasing as there were very few people remaining for check-in. Then the time came when I was the next in the queue and the miracle happened, I got the mail from my first test result (within 24 hours report) of a negative report and showed the same at the counter for my boarding pass. All this while I was refreshing the test results page and my email box to see an update but there was nothing.

 It’s all my Baba’s blessing. I told Baba, “Please let me visit Shirdi to see Your holy lotus feet. Please help me board the flight.” All the while I was praying to Baba. I kept getting messages on Facebook and other sites that said “You will have your problem solved in the morning. Have faith and patience.”

My Sai always rescues His devotees on time. I feel really blessed in this human life to feel Baba’s presence. Thank You Sai Baba for every breath. May Your presence remain till my last breath and beyond.

Sai Baba, bless us all.
Bow to Shree Sai, Peace be to all. 

Sai Baba Blessings 

Sai Baba Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: Om Sairam! First I would like to thank Hetalji and the team for maintaining this beautiful site where all Sai devotees can share their experiences. I always read Sai Baba miracles from this site. After reading, I feel very happy. Today I would like to share my experience.

Experience 1 – Actually for the last three months I missed my period after taking the corona vaccine. I was very worried about why my periods were not coming. I got stomach pain. I am staying in Germany. Here I have a language problem. So I prayed to Baba that if I get normal without visiting the doctor then I would post the miracle here. As always my Sai is always with me. I am getting ready to go to the hospital. My period has started. Thank You so much, Sai for always helping me. Thanks a lot.

Experience 2 – My Mother is an Asthma patient. Because of the weather, she fell sick. She went to the hospital. The doctor gave medicine and said, “If after taking these tablets if you still don’t feel better then you have to come again.” My mother and I were very worried. She didn’t want to go out in this pandemic. We prayed to Baba and took Udi water. By Baba’s grace, everything got normal. Thank You so much, Sai. I am very sorry, Baba. I’m posting the miracle a little late. Sorry, Baba. Om Sai Ram! Please Sai, take care of my mother’s health. Thank You so much, Deva!

Ananth Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Raja Di Raja Yogi Raja Parabhram Shri Sachithanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Miracles Of Sai Baba

Sai Baba Is Full Of Love And Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-2793N1 Datta Sai. 

In January 2020, I asked my friend about Baba and suggested MP Seva which is nothing but Baba’s seva. Immediately I was added to one of the groups. I started reading MP. I got a job in the same field for which I am passionate. I did not have the Sai Satcharitra book. We got a message in the group. I ordered and got it on Thursday which was a double surprise. Then I told my friend that I wanted Baba’s idol for Pooja. She gifted me the same on Ram Navami.

Pandemic hit, but our health and my job were protected by Baba. Lots of things happened, everything was a surprise. In The last TWO months or so, we were trying to get a personal loan, a bigger loan to repay smaller loans, and concentrate on one loan. It was going for a few months but no luck as of more so our financial strength. On Thursday, on TV (I am from Bangalore) I heard Guruji saying, “Please go to Baba Mandir and speak your heart, you can cry there.” I did that. I asked for what we wanted. Then the miracle was on another Thursday. Some guy from the bank called (would not like to mention the details). He stated his name; I was not able to trust him. His WhatsApp name said Sai, later in less than a day the loan got sanctioned. Baba heard us. I don’t know how to thank you. It was totally a miracle.

One more miracle: There was a huge penalty amount to be paid. It got reduced to a very minimal amount. I would just say “Miracle.” Baba is with us. He is everywhere. He listens to us, understands our problems, and helps resolve the problem. Till today I cannot believe so many, many, many miracles! Tum hi ho matha, pitha tum hi ho oh Sai (You are only the mother, You are only the father, You are everything Sai)

Om Sai Shree Sai, Jay Jay Sai. Jai Sairam. Sai, bless us all.

Sai Baba Is Full Of Love And Miracles

Sai Baba Is Full Of Love And Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am a Shirdi Sai Baba devotee from Australia.

Sai, when is this corona going to end and when are You going to call me again to Shirdi? I am looking forward to that day. With Your grace and love, today is a nice day because You had granted my wife’s wish. Please keep her happy like this always and drag her close to You and build more confidence in her for You.

My wife is suffering for a while with knee problems. We had an appointment with an ortho surgeon. I prayed to my Sai to please see to it that she does not need surgery. When we pray to Sai He looks after us. Many, many times we don’t even need to pray for a particular thing. We just need to always keep Him in our thoughts and He does the best for us. So the Ortho surgeon said that she does not need surgery but just physiotherapy. Sai, please hold our hand and walk us through getting a good physio for my wife, and the problem is solved with just physio. She should not need surgery in the future as well.

Jai Sairam!
Om Sri Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva!

Thanks To Sai Baba

Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says Om Sairam! Thanks to everyone who’s maintaining this wonderful platform.

Regarding my experiences, I was able to obtain the necessary approvals in time and my project is also progressing well. This is all due to Baba’s blessings. Thanks, Baba. Om Sairam.

My brother was able to buy a new house and dispose of his old house. This too is all due to Baba’s blessings.

You know what I am praying Baba – please make people follow Your path to go in the right direction.
Om Sairam. 

Gratitude To Sai Baba

Gratitude To Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Devotee Meghna Sai from India says: Om Sai Ram to all. I am here to post my answered prayer. 

Everyone in our family is sick due to viral fever. Post fever it was very hectic. It was tiring and I was not able to have anything due to gastric and nausea. I was tired of medications and finally surrendered my problems under Baba’s lotus feet. Now I am able to have something and feel much better without nausea. I had promised to post here. Thank You, Baba.

Om Ganeshaya Om Shakthi Kallalamma Thaye Adhi Thimappa Mkdg Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva. 

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2 years ago

Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

2 years ago

Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Please shower their lives with good health, peace of mind, joy,laughter, wisdom, knowledge and prosperity. Baba I was being questioned and you know very well about what ? Please help my husband develop faith in you and allow me to pray to you. Baba help him resolve all his problems, we are facing a very challenging situation baba. Please protect his health baba and free him from all danger and evil. Help my children Baba. Baba i surrender to you. Hold my hand Baba and help me be a likable person with good relations with all my near and dear ones. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah🙏

2 years ago

Om sai om sai om sai

2 years ago


Sai daughter
Sai daughter
1 year ago

Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all