Sai Baba Gave A Second Life And Second Chance

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: In October 2021, I started facing serious health issues and facing a lot of anxiety and was almost going into depression. January 2022, I started Sai 9 Thursdays Vrat and prayed to Baba wholeheartedly to cure the health problem. Into the third week of the vrat, I booked an appointment with the doctor. All these days I was depressed and was having anxiety (never in my life have I felt so anxious and depressed) not having proper food, sleep, etc.
Meanwhile, my mom fell sick and had to be taken to her younger brother’s nursing home. I dropped my mom and dad at my uncle’s place and returned home. All the family members were infected with Covid and two days later both my mom and dad were infected with Covid too.
I had been suffering from anxiety and depression and then I had to hear this news. However, my uncle told my dad to go to Bangalore and get the treatment (understandable as all their family members were down with Covid). So I had to bring them back to Bangalore then. However, I prayed to Baba and chanted His name. A few minutes later I didn’t know my uncle called and said, “Your parents will be here and we will take care of them. Such a relief. (Baba’s first Miracle).
Now coming back to my issue, as I had booked an appointment (19th Jan 2022) with the doctor for Friday (2 in 1st Jan 2022, 3 PM) I was reluctant to go to the doctor as I was scared.
On Friday with a heavy heart, I started to go to the doctor’s clinic and reached almost by 1:30 PM since I had almost 1.5 hrs for consultation. I searched on google maps for Sai Baba’s mandir near me. I found one near me which was a 10-minute by walk. I went to the temple and chanted Sai Sai Sai and prayed to Baba wholeheartedly for this health issue not to be life-threatening.
I left the temple and was walking back towards the doctor’s clinic. Now I saw hoarding smiles. Sai (i felt that Baba is with me and asked me to smile.
I entered the doctor’s clinic saying “Sai” in mind and BOOM I saw a small sticker of Baba on a window (this assured me that Baba is with me and I felt very relaxed). What a relief it gave!
Next, I met the doctor; he was very friendly and listened to all my problems, and issues and explained them to me calmly. He could make out that I was very anxious and depressed. He prescribed a few lab tests which were very scary. The moment I saw those tests I was again very nervous and anxious. The receptionist told me that the test results would be in 3 – 4 days. However, I was not ready to wait that long as it would make me feel more anxious. Hence I decided that I will get the tests done by visiting another lab for rapid results.
Saturday (22nd January 2022) I started towards the testing center while I was driving my car, I saw Baba in another car which was going ahead of me. (Baba showed His presence here too). All these incidents assured me that Baba is guiding me and He is ahead of me wherever ever I am going (how blessed we all devotees are).
I visited the testing center and they collected my blood/urine samples and told me that rapid results would be by evening and a detailed report would be two days later.
Now the results would arrive by 7 PM and I felt heart palpitations, got the reports in email and opened them by saying Sai. Phew! The results were normal. Immediately went to the pooja room and thanked Sai. I also went to the Sai mandir and thanked Baba and distributed rice to all the poor people sitting in front of the temple. (Baba’s second Miracle).
Now the detailed results are still awaited and are expected to be out on Monday (24th Jan 2022) evening. Since I was doubting Thomas, I started to feel anxious and depressed again.
Sunday (23rd Jan 2022) all I remember is chanting Sai’s name, listening to Sai stories, and Sai Sandesh on YouTube. Throughout Baba was showing His presence. I hugged Sai Satcharitra and cried in front of Baba.
Monday (24th Jan 2022) I felt more anxious and depressed. The results are awaited by evening. I got up with a heavy heart with all the dark thoughts in my uncontrolled mind. I took a bath, went to the pooja room, completed one chapter of Sai Satcharitra, twice read Sai Kasht Nivaran Mantra, and started chanting Sai Ram Sai Ram from 6 PM – 6 30 pm.
Exactly at 6:29 PM, I received an email with reports. I immediately opened it and found all the results normal (Baba’s third Miracle). Immediately went to the pooja room and thanked Sai. I also went to the Sai mandir and thanked Baba and distributed apples to all the poor people sitting in front of the temple.
Meanwhile, my parents also started recovering from Covid. Baba took care of my parents too.
Sai Baba killed my anxiety and disease! I believe this is completely Baba’s miracle. His ways are inscrutable, He allows us to go through difficult times while He is busy cleansing our bad karma.
With my above experience narrated; my faith in Sai has increased innumerable times and this incident has brought me closer to Baba.
Read Sai Satcharitra, Sai Kasht Nivaran Mantra (very powerful), chant Sai Ram, enroll in the Global Mahaparayan, read His stories, and express gratitude.
When you are His devotees don’t instruct Him, just report to duty! He is the Universe. He will give His best and He won’t disappoint you for sure. Everything will be taken care of by Him.
With the above experience, I will leave the rest to the readers/devotees to imagine the bliss I experienced.
Father Got Well In A Week
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Shirdi Sai devotee from Bangalore.
Here is my experience. Fifteen days back we were at our native place, a small town. They’re all my family members including me were affected with viral fever (probably corona but they didn’t test). My father was affected a lot. He is 78 years old and diabetic and at that time his BP was also high.
On the 6th of Jan, we went to the doctor. That night my father fell down in front of the bathroom and my mother who was with him tried to hold him also. She called us. We saw that my father was in lack of consciousness as he couldn’t stand on his legs. It was a horrible situation as we all were sick. Somehow we managed to take him and my mother to bed. My mother somehow managed herself but my father couldn’t. For the next few days, he was unconscious. He became bedridden. We couldn’t take him to the hospital as we live on the first floor. No lift is there. I just prayed to Baba to help us. I asked Baba to give me some hints on what to do. Then I opened Sai Satcharitra which is downloaded on my mobile. Then randomly opened one page, the page opened was about Nashik’s Narayan Mothiram Jani’s story to whom Baba after His Mahasamdhi, told in his dream that his health will improve and in one week he will be able to walk on his legs.
Then we asked my father to let’s go to the doctor and asked him if he could try to get down. He said ok. With the neighbor’s help, we went to the doctor. Then in 3-4 days he improved and started sitting and walking with the help of a walker. Then in the next few days, he started walking without a walker at home, and now he is going for a small walk outside the house with the help of a stick. Om Sairam. Thank You, Baba.
A Devotee’s Trust In Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: Deva, I trust You! A devotee stays afloat and does not drown by holding on to Baba’s feet.
My relationship with Baba is inspired by my childhood memories with my grandfather. I was attached to Him in my own way and still cherish the time that I spent with Him. I talk to Baba, as I would with my grandfather, and strongly believe that He is holding my hands as I walk the path of life. I have had to make drastic changes in my life, move across the globe, and have had to make difficult financial decisions in the past few years. I have also since then, faced and handled a physical disability and pain associated with this. Nonetheless, Baba has never let me down. I do feel sad when I think about where my peers are in life and where I stand, but I do know there were a million things that could have gone wrong and I could be in a worse situation but I am not.
I am grateful to Baba for keeping me and my family safe, secure, and sustained. I am blessed with a very loving family, an empathetic, kind, and obedient child, and a husband without whom I cannot imagine being alive. He is highly qualified and educated from highly sought-after educational institutions like the I of T’s and M’s. However, he is currently grossly underemployed, underpaid, and worse, in a job where people cannot even understand what he has to say. Baba, I am not complaining, this is probably because You are protecting us from something else because this is the best for us and You always know what is best for us. All I am asking You are to help us go through the frustrations and humiliations with strength and help us to keep up our morale and faith. Help us swallow the guilt that sits like a big rock on our chest when we cannot give our child what she deserves because we cannot afford it. Let me not forget You when I crumble with physical pain, when I struggle to walk and when I am overwhelmed by my physical disability and my compulsive situation to work and stay afloat. Be with me as You have always been, I will continue to walk in this dark alley for I know You are watching me and You will lead me to the light.
Sai Baba Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: I have been posting Shirdi Sai Baba’s miracles for some time now. They are awesome and certain things that have happened to us which cannot happen without Baba’s grace.
Requesting Baba’s help further. Today I am requesting one more big miracle from Baba. Please make my daughter speak with me and my husband. Please message her head Baba to connect with us, communicate well and see us. Please ask her to talk with her mom and dad and to come back home. I know Baba is so powerful and I don’t understand why it’s taking this long. I am praying to Baba at least three times a day and I am repeatedly praying to Baba in my heart and thoughts during the day.
Baba, if my daughter is angry with me, please tell her why I had to behave in a certain way. All that was done was to take her out of the bad situation she was in. Please protect her Baba, do not let her loose and do that bad stuff ever again. Please let her know that mom and dad are willing to give her a second chance.
Sai Baba Listens To Prayer If You Ask With Faith

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am from India. Thank you Hetalji for this site which not only builds confidence but also faith in Baba. I would like to share an experience which happened recently. Last month (Dec 2021) and this month I got my period 10 days earlier. I have a fibroid in my uterus. Because of that, I used to get my period early with heavy bleeding. Last month and this month after seven days there was a brown discharge. I was a bit scared about that. So I prayed to Baba that if the brown discharge stops the next day then I would post this experience. Baba listened to my prayer. Brown discharge stopped on the next day. I am posting this experience late. Sorry, Baba. Thank You, Sai. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Cured Husband’s Headache

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you for this wonderful platform. Yesterday evening my husband complained of severe headache. I was so worried due to the pandemic. I prayed to Baba that my husband’s headache should go away and that l would post the experience. Like always here I am posting the experience. Thank You, Deva. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
OM SAI RAM… Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba shower their lives with good health, wisdom, knowledge, peace, happiness, joy, laughter and prosperity. Baba please hold their hands and mine too. You know what is going on in my mind with respect to many things. I surrender to you. Please protect my family from all dangers and evil baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Baba I am crushed and thrashed as my hopes and dreams have dashed to the rock and I am still hopping and praying to you for better future. I have given all i could with regards to faith and tried my best to please you. I have very less confidence and hopes now to achieve what i dream off. I am forced to take the route which I never wanted and always prayed to change the route, however I believe that you know what is best.