Incredible Sai Baba Leelas
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am a Baba Devotee. Om Sairam to all Sai Baba Devotees. Thank you Hetalji and other admins for giving us a platform to share our experiences with Baba with other Sai Baba devotees. May Baba shower His blessings on you all. Please keep me anonymous. Here are my recent experiences with Baba.
Last year soon after doing 9 Thursdays Vrat, Sai Baba blessed my older daughter with a baby boy. She delivered safely during Covid time.
Another important experience is that my younger daughter was proposed to by the boy she liked and they both got married after five months. All these happened by Baba’s grace only. How can I describe His Leelas?
For the last 1.5 months, I have been suffering from low back pain. It was severe at times while walking or bending. Sometimes I used to feel pain even if I sat. About two weeks back when I was doing Chamaram to Baba in Sai Baba Temple, I prayed to Baba that soon after stepping out of the temple if the pain vanished then I would share His leela with other devotees.
After the arathi, I did pradakshina and stepped out and was walking towards another building where the Prasad was being served. While walking I realized that there was no back pain. Twelve days have passed since then. I am not feeling pain now. How can I explain this Baba’s leela? It is incredible.
Baba, we are incredibly grateful to You. Please shower Your Blessings on all of us and all Your devotees and those who are helpless and suffering. Please be with us always and let us rest at Your feet. Sachidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.
Request To Sai Baba To Cure Son’s Fever
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a devotee of Baba for the past 12 years.
Thanks to Hetalji for maintaining such a good platform to share our experiences. Coming to the experience, my son is 19 months old. He was suffering from fever last week from Sunday onwards. We went to the hospital on Sunday and after three days the fever was cured. Then suddenly on Monday, I was feeling a headache and high fever. I went to the hospital and got cured. The day before yesterday my husband was suffering from high fever, body pains, and headache. We went to the hospital and got cured.
From yesterday onwards my son got a fever again. I have given syrup. It didn’t get cured. We went to the hospital again. This time the doctor told me to test for dengue, malaria, blood count, and infection. While they injected needles into my son’s hand I was crying. In the doctor’s room, Baba’s picture was there, and at the entrance, Baba’s picture and dhoop arati were also there. I prayed to Baba if the reports came negative then I would share the experience and the results came all negative. But after we reached our home my son’s temperature was 103.65 degrees and had a very high fever. I prayed to Baba and kept agarbatti, Udi on my son’s forehead. Please Baba cure my son’s fever as I can’t see my son in that situation. Please bless my family with good health. Baba, if I did anything please excuse me, Baba. Ananthakoti Bramhandanayaka Rajadi Raja Yogiraja Prabrahma Satchitanandha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.
Sai Baba Helped To Get The Job Offer

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: I am a master’s student who recently graduated in the US and was looking for full-time opportunities. I was having a very hard time finding a job after my graduation. Finally, I got tired of waiting and hoping. I left it all to Baba.
I finally got a job offer, but it was dependent on a background check. I was very scared because it was taking a long, long time and I did lie on my resume. I was worried for a while. Then I realized that it was pointless and left it all in Baba’s hand. On a Wednesday, I told myself ‘Tomorrow is Thursday; you will get your offer. Baba will do it!”
As expected, I got my official offer letter on that Thursday. Baba listened to my prayers! I had told Baba that I would write it down here.
I love You, Baba. You are the one I trust and I know You always have the best plans and do the best for me. I really believe that this year Baba is going to shower all His children with the best blessings!
Sai Baba Is The Best Teacher

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba who is always waiting for His merciful glance. Thank you Hetal mam for this wonderful temple of Baba, where all His children sit together and pray to Baba.
My little son’s performance last week’s performance in exams and class was splendid; all because of Baba’s blessings. Baba always helps him with his studies with proper guidance. Thank You Baba for keeping his health good.
Thank You Baba for curing his sudden cough that morning. Your Vibhuti is our best medicine. Sorry Baba for making the mistake again, I promise I will not repeat it again. Thank You for forgiving us always and loving us like a mother. Thank You mother Sai for everything. Be with us always oh Father. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba Saved Husband’s Job

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Sairam! I am a Sai devotee from the USA and my Global Mahaparayan group is MP-11479N1 Mahaguru Sai.
My husband and I are Sai devotees. We both are in the same Mahaparayan group. My husband is an IT salesperson. He has to meet his target quarterly. He couldn’t meet his target during the last quarter and we were afraid that his company may lay him off. We prayed to Baba and Baba saved my husband’s job. Today on 4/2/2022, his manager called and had a usual talk. There was no bad news. Posting it here as I had promised Baba to share this post if He saved my husband’s job. Thank You Sai Baba for being with us at every step and protecting and saving us.
Bow to Shri SaiRam.
Husband Joined The Global Mahaparayan

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I have been in the Global Mahaparayan for two years. I joined various devotees but could not make my partner join.
I am in Mahaparayan for two years but could not join my husband. I requested many times but he was not that interested. Finally, I started 9 weeks Baba vrat is the Katha tells the change in hubby in the story. I prayed the same and next to a couple of days my hubby finally joined Mahaparayan and is doing pooja with me for 9 weeks. He is stopping non-veg for the first time in so many weeks is a most fabulous miracle of Baba.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba cure we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om SAi Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Shower their lives with goos health, peace, happiness, laughter, joy, wisdom and prosperity. Please protect my little family from all danger and evil Baba. I surrender to you Baba. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Sairam! Please bless my Sampriya to do all the CA exams easily and with confidence .,please stay by her Baba and remove all anxiety and bless her with yourgrace to score good marks in both the Groups in this attempt and get through the exams successfully. Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram and you will
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all