Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3482

Sai Baba Said “No” 

Sai Baba Said "Ns

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: Good Morning Sai Devotees! Om Sai Ram! I am part of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-7436-N1. I got to know about the Global Mahaparayan group from one of my relatives and had joined this group in 2020. I am blessed to be part of such a wonderful Sai family and thanks to Baba too for selecting me and giving me this wonderful opportunity. 

I am here to share a couple of Sai Leelas that I have experienced and at the same time there are a lot of painful things that I am still going through even today, which I would like to share with my Mahaparayan family members.  

I am a software engineer by profession and working in one of the top MNCs with a good salary. I got an Onsite opportunity at the end of 2015 and moved to the US. Then later in a few months the person whom I loved got married to the person of his parents’ choice. Till the last minute of his marriage, I was with some hope that he would break the engagement and come back to me and I was with a hope that Baba will help me for sure and some miracle will happen. I have a habit of putting chits In front of Baba and asking Him for decisions. When I asked Him about my love He said, “No” to him. I cried a lot when Baba said, “No”. I then tried to convince myself that he would not come back. Then later, when I went back to India in 2019, I then got to know that the guy whom I loved used to flirt with other girls while he was in a relationship with me. I was always under the impression that he left me due to his parents’ sake and used to pray that he and his family should always be happy. After 4 years, I understood why Baba said “No” and I really thank Baba for saving me from that toxic relationship. 

While I was in the US, I was in depression for almost 2 years and I was all alone. I used to cry a lot at night. There were a lot of nightmares. Somehow, I came out of it with the help of Baba and my friends. My love failure made me very strong and I left my marriage decision to my parents and I myself asked them to look for an alliance. While the process was going on, I met one guy and he proposed to me but I was a bit hesitant to accept, as I already had gone through a lot. I thought that it was not right but I did have some soft corner towards this guy. I was a bit confused and checked with Baba about him and Baba said, ‘Yes’. Based on Baba’s decision, I said yes to him and immediately informed my parents the very next day. They were a bit angry and were not ready to accept because the guy was from a low caste. I have been trying to convince my parents. Meanwhile, my visa got denied and I went back to India in 2019. From then on we were in a long distance relationship and were trying to convince my parents. Now it’s been close to 3 years that we were still in a long distance relationship and haven’t met yet. 

Besides all these chaos, my mom was diagnosed with Cancer in 2020 and with Baba’s blessing she is getting cured and better. Without Baba, I can’t imagine how mom would be. I want my mom to get cured completely and live a normal life. I couldn’t give up on my love nor can I marry without my parents’ acceptance. Baba somehow always tells me not to give up but society and people started yelling and scolding me saying that I am not a good daughter. They tell me that even at this point I am not thinking about my mom. My very own family members made a statement that mom will get cured only if I marry a person of her choice. They did mention, “You talk to us only if you want to marry a person of our choice, else don’t show false love for Mom.” This statement really broke me, how can one say I don’t love my mom. I always think about her, I always feel guilty that I am not with her.

With all these health issues, fights somehow my parents finally agreed to meet his parents. His parents visited my home, unfortunately my parents had shown a bit of pride in their caste because of which his parents felt a bit disrespected and finally the guy’s parents themselves said, “We are not interested.” My mind went blank and I was broken because the guy’s parents are the one who always supported me. Now they themselves mentioned that they were not interested. Not sure what to do. Three years of effort just went in vain in a day. Not sure how to convince my parents and his parents now. All the roads got blocked. I am crying day and night and in a lot of pain; I don’t know why things have turned out like this. Baba is the One Who showed me this. I am now scared to open my eyes and face my parents. I can’t forget that guy. He is ready to marry me against all these odds, but I was unable to go against my parents. Meanwhile, my parents are taking advantage of the situation and asking me to go with their choice. Please Baba help me, show me the way. 

I want my parents to wholeheartedly accept the guy whom I love and I want to get married to him with their and my Baba’s blessings. Sai devotees please pray for me. Baba only showed him to me, but it’s not an easy path. I have been going through a lot of struggles and trauma. Please society don’t be biased, all are humans. Caste is nothing. Treat everyone equally. 

Sai Baba’s Miracle

Sai Baba’s Miracle

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful site. I have been an ardent follower of Sai Baba from 2015. 

I have experienced many miracles in our life due to Sai. He has always been my comfort person. I have shared many experiences on this site. When I read those experiences I wonder how Baba has shaped my life. During Covid my family got affected very badly except me and my son. I prayed to Sai that we should come out of this. Till date everyone would say that it is a miracle of how my mother- in-law got recovered. I applied her Udi and asked her to drink water. We also visited Shirdi before getting Covid, which made me believe that we will always come out of this.

Shirdi trip has always been a miracle one. We booked for April 11th but as there was a lockdown during that date, our travel date got preponed to April 1 on Thursday. There was not much crowd and we went inside temple for three times. We had really good Darshan and aarti. Everything was really a blessing from Sai. There are more experiences to say where one experience story would not be enough. 

My son has always fallen sick. So I always prayed to Sai and gave Udi to him in water. Sai Baba, You have always guided me, corrected me if I am wrong. You have been with me in all my ups and downs. Thank You for giving us everything which we have till date. I am longing for a second child, please bless us. Please bless us so that our family will be complete. As promised I will always do the Annadhanam. Devotees, please always donate food for poor people. Sai will help us to reach places. Thank You again Sai for providing us everything. We are very grateful to You. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Helped To Get Dream Job

Sai Baba Helped To Get Dream Job

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Karnataka. I have been a Sai devotee for the last five years and I’m currently working in my dream company. Sorry Sai Baba for posting my experience late. 

Seven months back I was in another good company. During the yearly appraisal my manager gave me an average rating. I was very much disappointed because after years of hard work I didn’t get what I deserved. So I started looking for a job change. Then finally after 2 months I got one offer. So I put down my papers and after so much drama finally I decided to move on whatever offer my current company gave I will move on. After 1 month due to some issue with joining date and all, I lost all the offers which I had. After 1 week I got another offer letter from a different company. Then I was happy but my aim was something else. My profile and my dream was rejected many times. One fine day I got a call from my dream company and I was very happy that at least I got a call. I decided to attend the interview. I didn’t know at that time that I would get a job there or not but I was very much happy that at least I got an opportunity to attend the interview. I prayed to Baba and Baba helped me to get that job. 

One of my friends used to tell me that everything happens for a reason. Why I’m telling this as now we are building our own home and my financial situation would have been very critical if I hadn’t got a job in my dream company. Baba knows when to give and what to give. Sorry English is not that great. Sairam please bless all Your Children. Thank You so much Baba.

Sai Baba Please Shower Grace And Blessings

Sai Baba Please Shower Grace And Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee says: I want to be anonymous. Please don’t share my name, contact and country. Om Sai Ram. Baba, please help me share my experience. Thank you Hetal didi and team for maintaining this blog. 

After a long time, I am able to write about my experience. I was in a very bad period and I had to face it for years. Baba rescued me many times and I am grateful to Him for what I am now. We humans may make mistakes and recollect everything that we have done good to others but only Baba is there for every devotee to shower His grace. He is our Guru and parents. Please Baba, forgive me for my sins done knowingly and unknowingly in this life and previous lives. Thank You is a very small word and I am always grateful to Baba. 

Sai Baba’s Grace

Sai Baba's Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Om Sai Ram. I live in the US and approach Baba whenever I am anxious, scared or desire anything. 

Thanks to all the people involved in maintaining this platform. I have recently started reading all experiences and have enjoyed going through them. Om Sai, Sri Sai, Jai Jai Sai.

Coming to my experience, today is Maha Shivaratri – March 1, 2022. I wanted to watch at least one aarti of Baba from Shirdi. For one reason or the other whenever I tried to tune in, I missed the arati timings. Today in Shirdi, Baba was beautifully decorated in white shawl and flowers – truly a sight to see! I was left with the last Shej aarti and usually it starts at 12:00 pm Eastern time. But somehow Baba made me tune in at 11:44pm and arati was going on. If I had waited till 12:00 pm I would have missed Shej aarti too. Baba made me tune in before and as per my wish made me witness the arati. Om Sri Satchitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!

Sai Baba Listened To Prayers 

Sai Baba's Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Thank you team for providing this amazing platform that brings us close to Baba. These are two small experiences but show that Baba is with us even for our smallest wishes if we ask devotedly.

 One day I was going to Sai mandir with my Parents and as we entered I prayed to Baba, “If You are listening to me then please be wearing Pink clothes.” As we entered and saw Baba, I was shocked to see that He was wearing pink clothes. This gave me so much more confidence that Baba was listening to my prayers. Though the things may not happen in our time but they will happen when He feels the time is right for us. 

Another experience, I was really hoping to get a message from one person and I was doubting whether it would come because we rarely talk. I prayed to Baba, “Please make this person message me next week.” Then somehow the next day I got the message when I was least expecting it. Thank You for always being with me Baba and showing me the right path. Forgive my mistakes that I make knowingly and unknowingly, please be with all Your devotees. Om Sai Ram!

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Hetal Patil
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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa