Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3495

Sai Baba Gave Home

Sai Baba Gave Home
Day 23 of Anusthan for 108 Day

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the beautiful Baba’s children here. 

I am blessed to know Hetalji’s website and thankful for her for creating this space for us to speak to Baba and to be able to share the happiness or sadness as if speaking to Baba directly. During life’s ups and downs, this website helped me to stay positive; a DM helped me to continue my love for Baba.

Coming to my experiences:

1. Sai Baba Helped Us Buy Our House: Three years ago, suddenly there was a house that came up on the market for sale and we decided to buy it. Though it was slightly expensive we were very keen. When my husband shared with me house viewing videos, the first thing I saw was Baba’s portrait in that house. I took it as Baba’s signal for us to get that house. But somehow the sale couldn’t go through. Probably that was the way Baba was saving us because Baba knew Covid was approaching and we wouldn’t have been able to move into that house for the next three years. 

Recently again there was another house on the market. It was slightly over our budget. We decided to buy the house but somehow the money we were expecting from others or from different accounts got stuck. We were not sure how we were going to do the payments each month. But somehow miraculously, before each deadline, Baba made sure that we had money in hand. Some people would just come and give us the money without asking. For the last installment, we had applied for a bank loan which initially got rejected. We had given up the hope of the bank loan and we were trying to arrange for that money to be borrowed from the market at higher interest. 

Suddenly one day, a person who is not very close and just knows us because of our name came to our house to meet us for some other purpose. In discussion, he decided to help us with the bank loan. Though we did not have any high hopes, as the bank loan was denied once. He tried it again and within a week, our housing loan was sanctioned. By Baba‘s grace, we were saved from any humiliation and managed to give money before each deadline. Surprisingly the new house is right opposite the previous house we saw three years ago. The house we bought is much bigger, almost double in size compared to that house, and for a much better price. All this is Baba’s Daya and mercy. Baba, be with us always. 

2. Baba Saved Us During Covid: I had promised Baba that I would write for this blog if my family feels better after having Covid. Everyone in the family felt good, had no fever, and was equally energetic as before. This was only possible because of Baba’s mercy. Thank You, Sairam.

3. Baba Saved The Puppies: Recently our dogs had given birth to four puppies. We were asking the breeder to come and take these puppies away for some price. After calling quite a few breeders and our old breeder, none was ready to take these puppies away. These puppies were growing and wouldn’t go for sale. Then Baba’s perfect timing- someone came to buy two puppies and the other two were taken away by close friends. 

4. Baba Blessed Me With Higher Degree: Recently I applied for a higher degree in my profession, for which I have to be in a certain position in my job. After filling out the application, I realized that I might not qualify then and may be qualified with some other paperwork. But with Baba’s blessings, the college decided to honor me with a higher degree without any more paperwork. Baba is so kind and merciful. Baba knows the best. Baba, You know the best. Baba, bless you all always. Keep showing us the right path, hold our hands and teach us Your two pice Dakshina. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Gave Husband His Dream Job

Sai Baba Gave Husband His Dream Job

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram. I am a Sai Devotee. Om Sai Ram! Baba blessed my husband with his dream job after joining the Global MahaParayan in a month.

I have known Sai Baba since 1996 when I first visited Baba in Shirdi. I was in school at that time. I was too young to believe in miracles and had also not known much about Sai Baba. But that time also Baba helped me in many ways like getting admission to school in Nashik. My father got transferred to Nashik from Jamshedpur. Without Marathi language, it was impossible to get admission. But after visiting Baba, the admission was smooth. But after that, I lost connection with Baba. I used to pray to Him but not as a Sai devotee.

Sai came to my dreams several times, saving me from falling or visiting my house but I never thought much about those dreams. But recently something happened and I would like to share my experience with Baba.

I had a miscarriage last Dec 2020, so went to India to spend some time with my mom as I was so disheartened. It was an IVF baby. My maternal aunt visited me and brought Sai Baba Vrat book along with a Udi packet. She told me to hold Baba tightly and just have faith in Him. She advised me to start the Baba Vrat on 9 Thursdays. When I came back to my husband I got another news that this contact would end in another two months and during these Covid times getting a job was difficult.

I started praying to Baba for his job and also started the 9 Guruvar Vrat. He got several interviews but no luck. He does not believe in God so much. I used to tell him just wait and have faith, Baba will show us the way and guide us through. It was a hard 9 months of waiting and struggle. I was working thankfully but still. 

As advised by my aunt I also joined the Global MahaParayan group around November 2021 and used to do the reading along with Sai Vrat. My birthday was in December so I asked Baba to give me my husband’s job as a birthday present. Every morning I used to wake up and the first thing that I did was that I used to go to His picture and tell Him, “Baba my birthday is coming, don’t forget Your gift.” Somehow my husband also started believing in Baba and always chanted “Shraddha and Saburi.”

Miraculously Baba did something and even thinking of it gives me goosebumps every time. Exactly a day before my birthday he got an offer from a good company with a good salary. It was only one round of interviews and they offered him the job. I was in tears in front of Baba. Baba kept His promise and gifted me the best birthday gift ever. As Baba says, “What I take, will give you more than that.” Exactly that happened and my husband was gifted with a good salary and position.

I know it was long waiting and struggling days. During those struggling days I was sometimes losing hope but somehow Baba always kept my faith up through His powerful messages on Facebook. Now I’m praying to Baba to bless me with a child. I know the struggle is hard as this is my second IVF, but Shraddha and Saburi. Thank You for creating this MahaParayan group.

May Sai Baba bless everyone. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Blessings As Always

Sai Baba Blessings As Always

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! Thank you Hetalji and the team. I am blessed to be accepted by Baba in this life. 

I usually tell everyone, “Baba has perfect timing, have patience and accept everything as Baba’s wish”, but I apologize to Baba and hope that He forgives me that recently I lost patience and became dull. 

Recently there was a big change in my life with the permission of Baba and I had been looking forward to this change for many, many years but somehow things were going a bit slow. I distanced myself from Baba because I knew, that whenever I go near Him, I will start crying. I continued my parayans and all daily readings but somehow was not able to talk to Baba heart-to-heart as I would do every day. But even then Baba held me closer to Him, closer than ever before. He sent me His love through His messages, sent His messengers who helped me to uplift my mood and see positivity in my scenario. 

A friend sent by Baba showed me the way to surrender- she asked me to continuously chant “Baba gracefully accepted” and that helped me to carry on each day. This mantra truly helped me to stand in front of Baba and start feeling joyous about life again. I still have a long way to go, still have lots of ups and downs to see, still settling into this major life change, but only with the support of Baba. Baba, protect us all always. Baba, because of You, I am living today, don’t leave my hand and hold me as tight as possible and help me to walk as per the plan You made for my life. Forgive me for my mistake and also as I am not able to give Dakshina of Shraddha and Saburi. Love You Baba always. Om Sai Ram. 

Sai Baba Saved From A Very Bad Situation

Sai Baba Saved From A Very Bad Situation

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello Sai family, Om Sai Ram! I have been a Sai Baba devotee for the last fourteen years and He is my everything.

I am a research scholar working in a biotech department. I had Covid and after Covid when I again started working, I used to feel very weak and for my experiments, I had to run to different common areas which are present on different floors. For example, for an experiment, I needed three instruments out of which one was present on the same floor on which my lab is situated (2nd floor) and the other was on the first floor. I had to go from the second floor to the first floor again and again for my experiments every 20 minutes and because of weakness, I was unable to do so.

Therefore with the permission of the concerned person, I shifted that instrument to my lab so that I could work easily. One of my juniors had raised the concern about how I had shifted the instrument to my lab. She had created a scene and told me that she would talk to her supervisor and she would raise this concern and would talk to HOD regarding this. She blamed me and held me responsible for her degraded work. As I am already in the last phase of my Ph.D., I am very busy and sometimes troubled also because of the experiments. I felt so bad and mentally depressed that without any reason I got stuck in that situation. Then I prayed to my savior – my Sai Baba to get me out of this situation. I made a vow to post my experience. Sai Baba has always saved me, protected me, and fulfilled all my wishes. Please pray for me so that I can finish my Ph.D. ASAP. I am really in urgent need of all your good wishes. May Baba bless you all and fulfill everyone’s wishes. 

Sai Baba’s Unique Way Of Connecting With Devotees

Sai Baba's Unique Way Of Connecting With Devotees

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a member of daily and weekly parayan groups and house captain of 12 groups. 

I had always believed in the power of the Almighty but I was never too religious and had never idolized any particular God or Goddess or Guru until Baba came into my life. When I was in class 10, in 2007, we visited Satya Sai Baba’s temple at Puttaparthi from where we got a statue of Shirdi Sai Baba for our home, and also we got some pictures and lockets of Shirdi Sai Baba for our friends and relatives. Though the statue was kept in our bedroom, I never paid much heed to it.

In the year 2020, just before the pandemic hit, I got surrounded by problems from different phases of my life. My marriage was scheduled to be solemnized by the year-end, but my fiancée backed out due to his fall out with his business partner, who was also my boss. I was working in the company for the last 5 years and because of my fiancée’s actions, my professional relationship was also hampered. As the pandemic started, my mom’s health also started to deteriorate, thus pushing me into a state of depression. 

During that period, one of my friends who is a devotee of Baba met me and as she was consoling me, she mentioned to me: – “Listen to my words, surrender yourself to Sai Baba. I met Baba through you. Remember the locket you gave me when we were in class 10? Also, you gifted me a statue of Sai Baba on my last birthday. You are a daughter of Baba, just surrender everything to Him.”

Her words had a huge impact on me and the day after I moved the statue of Sai Baba to my study table and started worshiping it every day with naivedya and incense sticks. Within a few days. She made me join the daily and weekly parayan groups. During the initial days, I used to pray to Baba to rearrange all the situations in my life. Gradually my professional relations revived and my mom’s health started to improve but still, I used to pray for the re-fixing of my marriage. I used to be still sad and depressed because of this. But suddenly one day, a feeling came from within that let me not pray to Baba for anything and just accept whatever He decides for me. This moment freed me from the continuous anxiety. 

With Baba’s blessings now I am married to someone whom Baba has chosen for me. I treat Baba to be my own Father. At times, I shout at Him, I make demands, I make wishes but in the end, I know, He knows what is best for me. I wish Baba fulfills one of the major wishes of my life and I promise to repost once it is fulfilled. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Always Helps

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I have been a Sai daughter since 2009. 

Baba, thank You so much for helping my kid to sleep peacefully. 

Please cure his constipation problem. He is suffering a lot while passing stool. We are not able to figure out what is the cause of his constipation. I have left everything on Your holy feet. You are our only savior. Please cure him and show us the right path.

I am surrendering myself on Your holy feet. You know what is required and when. Please give us what is best and good for us. Always be with us and shower Your blessing on us.

Om Sai Ram! Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam!

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 860


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ra, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram

    Baba I know I have begged and cried in front of you numerous time but now I accepted that when time comes I will defiantly have your grace and will be successful and fulfill all my dreams. Thank you for giving me courage to accept it baba. Sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai