Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3514

Sai Baba’s Grace That Was Bestowed

Sai Baba’s Grace That Was Bestowed
Day 42 – 108 Days Anusthan – Chanting 108 Names Of Sai Babas

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am Sai’s sister from Odisha, India. 

Baba, thank You for everything. You are my big brother. Just like a brother-sister relationship, I love You, sometimes complain to You, fight with You, ask for more and more wishes and always depend on You. But You as a loving elder brother always forgive me and love me. My every second of life is filled with You and Your grace. 

Now coming to our recent Baba’s blessings and experience. Baba has always been a guide for His children. All thanks to these lovely children of Baba because whom we all are able to share our experiences here. 

Following are the experiences of Baba’s blessings:
1. Getting Baba, Hanuman, and Shree Ram’s vision – Recently I had a beautiful vision of Shree Ram one morning. Just when I woke up, I started chanting Baba’s name and did namaskar, and closed my eyes. I had the darshan of half-closed eyes on Ram’s face. First I got the darshan of Shree Ram’s feet. His yellow dhoti was moving slowly, just when I was wondering whether it was Ram or Krishna I saw Shree Ram’s face with a slight view of his bow and arrow. Jai Shree Ram.

 A few weeks later I got Baba’s Murti vision with three kumkum dots on His forehead, with sovala. Immediately I got Shree Bajrangbali’s darshan. Thank You, Lord, for Your grace on this devotee of Yours. Jai Shree Ram. 

2. My son’s health is getting better all because of Baba’s blessings. Thank You Baba for all the peaceful sleep that my son is having. Be with us always, oh Father.
3. With Baba’s blessings my son’s school life is getting better day by day. Baba, hold his hand and guide him.
4. All the traveling of our family members was safe and healthy because of Baba’s blessings. Thank You, Baba Sai.
5. My mother’s oxygen level was low to 92 recently when she had mild restlessness. Thank You Baba for curing her perfectly without any medication or hospitality. It’s all Your grace that we get this life.
6. Sorry Baba, if I forgot any blessings of Your, our everything and every day is Your grace only. Be with us always, Baba. Om Sai Ram! 

Sai Baba Helped Sister To Get Job

Sai Baba Helped Sister To Get Job
Sai Baba Gurupoornima Messages 2022

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Namaste Sai family members. I am thankful to Baba for giving me an opportunity to share my experience. 

My younger sister was studying abroad and she was away from family for a few years. We had financial problems and she took that very seriously and studied very hard to get a decent job. During this time, she underwent a lot of stress and went into depression. She was away from us and we were really worried about her. So one day I prayed to Baba to help her and somehow make arrangements to bring her back home. I prayed very sincerely every day to Baba and asked to give her strength and peace of mind to overcome this situation. Her exams were near and she was tense. So I told her to give her best and leave the rest to Baba and that He would take care. 

By Baba’s grace, she passed with a good score and also got a good job before she could complete her course. I was so happy and thanked Baba for all His blessings from the bottom of my heart. When she came back to India, I took her to Baba’s temple and brought her a small Baba idol, and told her to worship him every day. 

I just want to say that if you have faith and patience then all your worries will come to an end with Baba’s blessings. I pray Baba to be with her always and give her strength and guidance to overcome the difficulties.

Om Sairam. Peace to be all. 

Sai Baba – The Saviour

Sai Baba - The Saviour
Sai Baba Gurupoornima Messages 2022

Shirdi Sai Devotee Divya Walia from India says: My association with Baba is almost 13 years old. This experience is regarding my 3 years old son. This New Year we all went for a small vacation. Upon reaching there, I realized that my son was a bit dull and is otherwise a very active child. Thinking it to be his nap time, we made him sleep and for a change, he took only a few minutes to sleep. After an hour, when he got up, he refused to eat anything and even watch TV. Then I realized that something was seriously wrong and I touched him to see his temperature which seemed high to me. I just put the thermometer under his arm and was shocked to see his body temperature was 104. I got really nervous and tears swelled up in my eyes out of worry. We decided to cancel the outing and rushed back home as we weren’t very far. Soon he was diagnosed with a viral stomach infection by his pediatrician. He took three days to recover and every day was very tough for us to see him suffer. But by Dadu’s grace, he started getting better after I prayed to Dadu. Sai Dadu, please take care of our baby as we consider him to be Your gift. Always keep him healthy and happy.
Om Sai Ram.

Sai Baba Blessed With Good Results

Sai Baba Blessed With Good Results
Sai Baba Gurupoornima Messages 2022

Shirdi Sai Devotee Aparna from India says: Om Sairam to Hetalji and team and my fellow devotees. I am Aparna from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-1906N1 Savan Ram Sai. 

I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. My son and I were very much inspired by reading this modern Sai Satcharitra. Our beloved Baba has always blessed us and held our hands tight in every situation. I have already penned down some miracles before. 

Recently Baba blessed my son with very good results in his semester exams. Baba always guides him in tough situations in his studies and blesses him.

Thank You Baba. Thank You is a very small word to say for what You have done in my life, Baba. You are everything to me and my son. We know You will be with us in each and every moment of our life and beyond life. Om Sairam, Sai Rakshaka Sharanam Deva. 

Thank You So Much Dear Sai Baba

Thank You So Much Dear Sai Baba
Sai Baba Gurupoornima Messages 2022

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. A very special thank you to the team maintaining this blog. 

Om Sai Ram. I want to thank Baba for His divine help today with something that I had prayed for. I fully trusted that everything would go well and that I would share my experience here. I am not able to even describe how grateful I am to You Baba. I am not at all deserving of Your love and kindness but You are always there as a caring mother for me. My life would be nothing without Baba and I consider Baba to be my True friend and share all of my thoughts with Him. Not an hour goes by that I don’t chant Baba’s name. Baba, You know what I am praying for and that I have completely surrendered to You by heart. I know You will take care of everything and I will read the holy Sai Stavan Manjari every day. Baba, please bless us and guide us in this and take care of everything from start to finish. I love You Baba and I am beyond blessed to be Your loving daughter. Thank You so much, Sai Baba. 

Sai Baba Blessed With Business

Sai Baba Blessed With Business

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am from the USA. I would like to share one of my experiences. I am working full-time and with Baba’s blessings, I have a 16 months old daughter now. We recently bought the house and while the real estate industry is booming we purchased the house at a high price. So I decided to do a side hustle to kick in some extra income. I joined as a social media marketer and I started a business with Baba’s name. In this business, we have to achieve new titles every month and need to find customers every month. So in my first month, I achieved the very first title with Baba’s blessings only. I prayed to Baba that if I get the title in my 1st month then I would share my experience. And Lo! Baba made it happen. Baba, please bless me to achieve more titles and help to achieve my goals.

Thank You so much Baba for being with me. Please bless us. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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  1. Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower them with your blessings and grace with a long healthy happy life filled with good health, wisdom, knowledge, love, faith, devotion, courage and prosperity. Baba please be there as a founder in the company and direct everyone to get results that we need, anything is possible with your grace. You know everything baba that one person cannot do anything, we need your help Baba. This will give some guidance to us. Please help us get some prestigious projects if you think we deserve them and enlighten all those who are not performing. Baba please hold our hands and guide us through the path of righteousness and knowledge. Help us Baba every minute. Baba thanks for enrolling me in exercise. I hope you will give me the strength and direction. Please be with us Baba. Take care of my husband and children’s health Baba, they are everything to me. Save us from danger and evil Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏