Sai Baba Always Listens

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am Baba’s daughter from the USA. I would like to be anonymous. Dearest Baba, I am in a very difficult situation. I am feeling worse because I am also guilty. I am very worried and sad now and don’t know what to do. I am in a complete mess. Please help Baba.
Dear devotees,
This is regarding my darling son who is in medical school. He is very brilliant and a loving son. He is also passionate about his work and wants to do something for this world and humanity. This is regarding his marriage. He is 31 already and like any mother, I have been praying to Baba for a suitable candidate for him. A few months back he had chosen a girl for him who was not at all suitable for him, kind of like a party girl and I prayed to Baba to do something. Finally, my son broke up with that girl and I submitted my experience about this.
After a few months again I was after my son to find a suitable girl for him. I was in India and on a Thursday morning I heard some crows cawing. I thought I was going to hear some good news about my daughter’s medical school interview. But after some time I got a message from my son that He was able to find a nice girl and he would tell me the details later. I was very happy to hear this. After I came back to the USA, I got busy praying for my daughter’s medical school interview and while doing a Saptah Parayan for her, I heard back from my son about this girl when he showed me a picture of her. I asked Baba if this was the girl for my son that He had chosen and the answer was a ‘No.’. Though this girl was not a very good fit for him, I left everything to Baba. I didn’t want to argue with my son and hurt him. I was praying Baba to somehow make this girl work though not a great fit. Honestly, I get a little desperate since all of our friends’ children are married. Whenever my son used to tell something about this girl, I used to answer in a positive way. After around two months my son planned a trip to Boston with this girl to meet her sister and brother-in-law as they had invited him for dinner. My son stayed with my daughter. It was then again that I asked Baba if this was the girl my son should go ahead with, Baba again answered a No. Since then I have been very worried. Her family is not bad even. I came back to know about this recently. But one thing that my son did during this trip hurt me a lot and it was totally unexpected. He booked a hotel in Boston and stayed with this girl for one night. It came as a big shock to me and my daughter. When Baba does not give approval for this candidate, how can I ask my son to go ahead with this girl? Also, why did my Baba not stop my son from doing something like that?
Now I am in extreme pain, I feel guilty for encouraging my son with positive replies when he used to mention this girl. One day my son sent me a nice picture of this girl and I liked it. The same night while watching Devon ke Devon Mahadev I felt as if I saw my son and his bride as Shiva Parvati. I felt very happy. The next day my daughter told me how she saw we had gone to Cambodia and the description was of a Shiva temple that she saw in her dream. I again thought it to be a positive sign. But since last Friday I am in deep pain, confusion, and completely lost. A few days back I had read about a devotee’s experience where she saw a light in the half-conscious state in her sleep when she was very worried about her husband’s health. The same night I prayed to Baba if He was planning something good for my son then He should show some light like that. That night around dawn time with half sleep and half-closed eyes I saw the sky with many lighted stars in a beautiful pattern. I had forgotten about my request. Later on when I realized I felt very happy about it. When we ask for something, we might forget, but Baba never forgets about it.
Baba, my son had really liked a nice girl once in medical school. Somehow that did not work. Since then my son is choosing all random girls. I feel very sad about it. Please do something that without any hard feelings he should part with this girl and at the same time bring the girl You think is right for him as soon as possible, Baba. I have been waiting for a long time, Baba.
I am also part of a group where we pray for marriages and partners. Once my wish is fulfilled, I will publish my experience here.
Baba had asked me to donate oil and tobacco for three Thursdays and that my work will be completed. This was again about my son whom I had prayed for. Baba’s ways are beyond human intelligence and understanding. After three Thursdays it was on Friday only that I asked Baba for the final approval from Baba about this girl and He said, ‘No.’ Since then I have asked several times and I have got the answer ‘No.’
Another thing I would like to mention is how Baba knows the past, present, and future. Sometime back when I was praying for my daughter’s admission, He had asked me to donate food on Holi Day in Baba’s name. I forgot about it. Then it was on Holi day that I remembered about this, I was in a dilemma about how to donate food that day. I had enquired with the temple Holi celebration team about how they were giving food to the devotees. It was a huge number and I could not possibly make food (even one item) for such a large gathering. Then I thought I would donate food to the temple but then that would need some time for preparation. I didn’t have enough time with me. Then suddenly an idea flashed through my mind to donate food to the homeless along with the oil and cigar. I purchased burgers and donated them to two homeless persons and they were very happy. It was as if Baba accepted the food. Baba knew I was going to donate food with oil and cigars, months back in advance. Baba is omniscient.
Also, the next day while reading from the Satcharitra, I came across a page where I read about how Baba used to like oil and Tobacco. Then I realized Baba did accept my offering.
Baba, I love You and completely surrender at Your lotus feet. Please help my son marry a nice girl. I want my son to be happy.
Baba gives us hard tests and when we cry He comes running to us to comfort us and shows us ways to fulfill our desires and give us the best.
Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram Sri Sai Ram Om Sai Rakshyaka Sharanam!
Sai Baba Is The Only Saviour

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I prostrate before our Lord, God Sai to help me pen down my experiences.
I thank Him from the bottom-most part of my heart for accepting me as His devotee. I am humbled and blessed to be in the company of other beautiful souls who are Sai bhaktas as well. Pranam and namaskars to all of you and dear Hetalji and her blessed team. Hetalji is surely a reincarnation of Hemandpantji.
I have been wanting to share my experiences for a long time now, but I have been lazy and I feel bad about it. When we ask Baba for something, we want our wishes to be fulfilled immediately but while sharing them we take our own sweet time, which is not right.
Experience 1: My sister’s son got admission to college because of Sai’s grace. The college website where he was to apply was not opening and the cut-off time was just an hour away. But thanks to our Sai, the moment my sister took Baba’s name, the website started working and he was able to apply in the nick of time. So, thank You so, so much Baba.
Experience 2: I kept my spectacles somewhere and kept looking for them. I searched the whole house 2-3 times. I thought there was no point in disturbing Sai for such a silly thing. But for our Baba nothing is insignificant. Finally, I requested Baba to help me find them and the moment I said this, you won’t believe, I looked behind the pillow that I was using as my backrest, I mean why would my glasses be kept behind the pillow and that’s where I found them that very moment. As promised to Baba I am sharing my experience on this holy site.
Experience 3: For some personal reason, I was under a lot of stress for almost 10 to 12 days, and I thought of getting my blood pressure checked. I really don’t know why I thought of getting it checked, maybe because I was feeling heaviness in my chest and continuous mild headaches. My blood pressure usually is always within range. But this time it was on the higher side, in fact much higher. I was advised by the doctor to monitor it, morning and evening for a week. During this period, it continued to be high, very high. Finally, I took an appointment with the doctor. I had prayed to Baba to make my BP normal and that I would definitely post on this divine site. Although, honestly speaking, I really had a feeling that I will have to start taking BP medicine. But our dearest dear Baba heard my prayer and the doctors’ exact words were, I quote, “Mam your BP is better than mine!” He checked my BP twice. You cannot even imagine my happiness at that point in time. I mentally thanked Baba for answering my prayers.
We are nothing without Him. He raises a storm in our lives and then He calms it down too, maybe to put us on the right path. I thank Baba from the bottom most part of my heart for taking a small mortal soul like me under His wings.
There have been numerous big and small experiences that I’ve had since the time Baba took me in His fold and hope that I haven’t forgotten to pen down any of my other experiences. I am sorry Baba if I have.
Koti Koti pranam mere Sai.
Om Sai Ram. Peace Be To All.
Sharing Answered Prayers

Shirdi Sai Devotee Meghna Sai from India says: Om Sai Ram to all. Thanks, team. I am from Bangalore. I would like to share my answered prayers.
Baba, I am sorry for my greedy behavior, sorry for selfishness, sorry for not being thankful to people who saved me in my hard times. I won’t continue it. Baba, please guide me. I feel blessed to be Your child. You always stand behind me and I can feel that. For a few things, I am scared and have left everything under Your lotus feet. Sorry for always asking You questions but I trust You always even if I get angry with You. You know that I like the way You love me. I love You jastiiiii.
Posting my answered prayers:
1. Thanks for guiding us to shop for the festival and You made us celebrate the festival very happily with new dresses, sweets and what not. Thank You, Baba. We enjoyed the shopping festival and food too. Thank You. Thanks for helping me to get a festival holiday. Enjoyed a lot because it was Sai’s plan.
2. Thanks for making arrangements to visit Muttu Mariamma temple. After praying to You we got a booking for an auto and car. Thank You.
3. Thanks for giving us confidence and asking us to trust You in our tough time. We were so sad to see him sick again, but You helped us. Thanks for giving confirmation that You are with him and You will protect him by giving him a biscuit in Your temple by telling his name.
4. Thanks for making sir recover and for helping me with my office work.
5. Because of You, everything went well in his check-up, thank You.
6. Thanks for blessing us with this. It’s left under Your lotus feet.
7. Thanks for helping me to clean my pooja room because it’s very big with a lot of idols and photos. Before the festival we did it. Thank You.
8. I was dressed well for the festival because it was Your selection. Thank You, Deva.
9. Many times my UPI or scanner works when I pray to You. Thanks for that. Thanks for clearing the mark of mundane on my son’s head.
10. I got my periods. As promised posting here. Thank You.
If I have forgotten to post anything which I had promised then please forgive me. Thanking You for everything. I love You and trust You. You are the Head of the family. Guide us every second and lead us.
Om Ganeshaya Om Shakthi Kallalamma Thaye Adhithimappa Om Sai Ram Mkdg Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva Om Shree Sai Arogya Kshemadaya Namaha Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidmahe Sachidananda Dhimahi Tanno Sai Prachodayat. Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogiraja Parabramha Sachidananda Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Sai Baba Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Innumerable are His leelas and as humans, we can only bow down and accept Baba’s blessings.
As told in Satcharitra, storms are created in our lives and we become helpless as situations and incidents occur over which we have no control. When we seek Baba and ask His help, He never lets His devotees down.
In December my dad fell sick and was hospitalized. I wrote about that in my earlier post where after 15 days he came back home with the blessings of Baba. He was recovering slowly at home when another issue came up for which hospitalization and minor surgery were required. Since he was weak and not fully recovered we were apprehensive but still went ahead because it had to be done. With full faith in Baba, we proceeded with the surgery and hospitalization. The surgery went well and my dad came home yesterday. Even the expenses were taken care of by the insurance with only a minimum amount required to be paid from our side. I did not know how I would manage to go to the hospital and do my official work but it got done. It was stressful and I managed. Last three months I have been going a lot around the hospitals. Hope things settle down and life becomes normal.
I face a lot of issues at work and not a day goes by when I do not ask for Baba’s help. Today morning too, someone who had to do some prep work did not come online to do it. I waited for a long time. Finally, through some other way, I got to know that he had completed his work but forgot to inform me. My work got delayed but I completed it. Hope the job goes well without any issues. Many incidents are there where I promise to post but because of some reason or the other, I forget. For all such incidents please accept my humble pranams and guide me through my personal and professional life.
Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba’s Blessings In Curing Son

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Srinath from Bangalore.
Om Sairam. This is regarding my son getting well with Baba’s grace. My 3.5 years old son was playing one day inside the house chasing a balloon and suddenly he fell down and his teeth hurt his lips. He was bleeding profusely from his lips as some of the blood veins got cut and there was non-stop bleeding. He was crying in much pain. We rushed him to an emergency and were advised to put some stitches. The surgeon was not available and we had to wait for a few hours. Blood was coming non-stop and it was going inside his mouth which was also a problem that could lead to some blood clots if it got into the lungs. I prayed to Baba to take control and get him cured soon as we couldn’t see him suffering and also couldn’t handle him as he is very sensitive. The surgeon came and asked to give a sleeping syrup so that they could stitch and we could go home with the prescribed medicines.
My son is also against taking medicines and he will vomit if we force the medicine. The same happened – we tried to give him sleeping syrup thrice but he vomited and was not falling asleep. So we were left with only one option of giving anesthesia and doing the stitching. So it was carried with some difficulty and stitching was done. He was hospitalized for a day and then came back home. Then he started to remove the stitches as it was itching for him a lot and somehow with Baba’s Udi, grace, and blessings we were able to manage him to have some patience until the wounds were gone and he is doing good now with Baba’s blessings. Thanks a lot, Baba and please keep blessing us always. Please eradicate this coronavirus from the universe.
Om Sairam
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Om Sri Sai Arogyashemadaya Namaha
Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva
Om Sri Ananthakoti Brahmandanayaga Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabramha Sri Sachidhanandha Samartha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Om Sai Namo Namaha
Sri Sai Namo Namaha
Jaya Jaya Sai Namo Namaha
Sadhguru Sai Namo Namaha
Mother Sai Helped A Worried Mother

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am a Sai devotee from Sambalpur Orissa, India.
I think that my recent experience was a kind of a very common problem encountered by many mothers. Yesterday my son was getting ready for his morning school. But he didn’t get pressure to complete his toilet work. I was worried about what would happen if he got the pressure in school. He will be troubled, as he is too young. So I prayed to Baba to help him and let him not face any difficulty regarding the toilet during school hours. Mother Sai understands a worried mother’s worries. He helped me and my son and he was not troubled during his school hours. Thank You, Baba, I need You in every sphere of life. Sorry for troubling You with every little thing. Om Sai Ram. Be with us always, oh Father.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima, I am very scared baba please don’t let any bad to happen please save my parents saima please cure them sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Sai Ram to dear Sri Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing Sri Sai’s wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
OM sai shri sai jai jai sai, Om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai
Om sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children always. Baba shower them with a long healthy life full of happiness, peace of mind, knowledge, wisdom, courage, love, faith and prosperity. Baba I surrender to you. Please help my husband to take care of his health and some problems he has. Please Baba he is my everything in this world and I surrender to you to take care of him. Help him by being his guide, mentor, parent, teacher, protector and everything though he has not yet developed his faith in you. Baba please take of my children and please give them a healthy bright future. Baba take care of my little family always. Baba please give us some good projects to protect our dedication and committment towards our work. Its my husbands dream. Please help us stay respectable always. Thank you Baba for everything. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏