Sai Baba Appeared As A Driver

An anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am a Sai devotee from Chennai. This is one of the Sai devotees and I would like to share one of my experiences with Sai Appa and how He helped me at the right time.
When we traveled to Shirdi it was the first ever time we took a flight to travel and we (me, my husband, and my daughter) were all excited to travel by flight. The ongoing trip was all fine and well as planned but while returning from Shirdi we needed to go to Mumbai to catch the flight. So we traveled from Shirdi to Mumbai by train. As per the scheduled time, the train should reach Mumbai otherwise it would be difficult to catch the return flight. What happened is, it was almost the middle of the night and suddenly I woke up on the train and saw the time. The train was delayed as per the scheduled timing and it was waiting for its signal at the Lonavala station for a very long time. It was also raining heavily. When we calculated the time of the train we realized that it would be difficult to reach on time and we would obviously miss the flight. We would then need to stay in Mumbai and buy new tickets to come back to Chennai but my Sai Appa was there to help us.
Suddenly we got down from the train in Lonavala. It was raining heavily and the station was also very lonely. We thought we could not catch a taxi to go to Mumbai. When we came out of the station there was no taxi nor many of the people were there. My husband went to enquire about any taxi availability. Since Lonavala is a small station, we could not find any taxis or any other mode to travel to Mumbai.
We were almost lost in our minds and didn’t know what to do. We were standing without knowing what to do. Suddenly when I turned I saw Sai Appa’s face in a small hole. It was a small temple outside the station. I prayed to Appa to please help us to reach Mumbai. My husband saw an auto driver. He asked him if he could help us to reach Mumbai. The driver suddenly said that he knows some taxi driver nearby and asked my husband to come with him to enquire. So my husband left me and my daughter to stand at the station and went out in the heavy rain. To be honest in the dark night and in less developed cities where there is not much transport I had no hope that we would catch the flight. What happened then was that my husband returned in a taxi within 10 minutes and we started to travel in the dark and heavy rain. I could never forget this night’s journey in the heavy rain and the driver who took us to Mumbai because the journey was not an easy one. The driver could not see anything in the rain and no lights on the roads. I could barely remember his face but I could feel Sai was there with us. At last, we reached Mumbai airport an hour early. Later we checked the train arrival time and it was late by an hour. Thanks to Sai Appa for being with us and helping us in every hard situation. Om Sai Ram!
Udi Is Sai And Sai Is Udi

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello All. Aum Sai Ram.
I am a female devotee writing from Nagpur, Maharashtra.
Saying “Thank you” is never sufficient for asking to accept gratitude to Hetal Mam and the entire team. You all are blessed souls to provide us with daily vitamins (well that’s what this site has become for me).
Today what I am is all because of Lord Sai’s grace. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to share my experience which might boost a few people’s faith more in Baba. We have a Jeep Compass (a four-wheeler vehicle) by Baba’s grace. One day while we were outside in a picnic area (mostly a forest area). The jeep didn’t start after multiple trials and it was giving alarms. We somehow returned home after contacting RSA but the problem persists in the coming days regularly.
Once it so happened that the jeep stopped in my husband’s office location. Every time we contacted the service center person for help, somehow he returned the vehicle without finding any fault. We both got very frustrated with the service of the jeep as it might stop anywhere in the middle of the road. After multiple hits and trial methods, no one was able to detect the issue.
Then one day after coming back from the office I took a pinch of Udi, taking Baba’s name put Udi on the steering wheel and gear. I prayed in my heart for some miracle of Baba and promised myself that I would share the Udi miracle story with all the devotees once it got sorted out. Trust me from that day onwards the jeep never showed a starting problem, but somehow with all the daily chores, I forgot to share the experience on this site.
So here I am asking Baba for forgiveness and to be with me till my last breath. Aum Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Merciful Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba. I always think that I should not ask Sai Baba for help on small things. This is a small instance when I felt one of my relatives was angry with me. In the past, she had ghosted me whenever I did something which she didn’t like. So I prayed to Baba that I will post my experience. As soon as I prayed she called and was normal with me. Baba, You know I don’t have any friend circle here and I am getting manipulated just to have people to hang out with.
Baba helped me with my biopsy results to be nonmalignant, thank You Baba.
I have been praying to Baba for a promotion or a change in job, though I worked hard and extra. I was not considered for promotion or pay increase. I have been asking Baba what did I do wrong, why I am always pushed down, bullied, and don’t You agree that I deserved growth and promotion at work? I believe He is working on grinding my karmas and setting me for bigger things. Baba, You know everything about how people are bullying and treating me which is not fair and I don’t have any confidence to fight back as whenever I did, I was the one who lost everything. I feel that You have deserted me. I don’t have anyone except You.
Thank You Baba.
Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Thank you everyone for maintaining this blog. It is a source of strength.
1. I had to go out to meet a friend. I was very anxious due to certain things. With Sai’s grace, everything went smoothly and it was a nice experience. Baba helped me realize a few things too. I had prayed to Baba about it and He helped me. Thank You, Sai for always taking care.
2. An issue had come up in my father’s office but Baba helped him with it. Things are now okay and Baba helped tackle it at a lower level. We prayed to Baba and He helped us. Thank You, Sai.
3. Thank You Sai for taking care of Bhai. He is in the hostel. Please Baba take care of his health and his studies. Please, Baba, let him always be happy and safe. Thank You, Baba.
Baba, please keep ma, papa, bhai and me under Your shade and refuge. You are our sole protector. There are a few important things that are lined up and You know how important they are. I surrender to You Baba. Be with us, Sai. Om Sai Nathaye Namah. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba Shows The Path

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: I am a very small devotee of Baba but have big faith in Him.
I have submitted so many experiences on this divine portal. The past few months have been very tough as I am a new mom and with job and family clashes. I have cried myself to sleep every day. But at this moment, I am at peace because of Baba.
He was the only one listening when I was crying. I hope He blesses me always. It was His way to change me. Thank You, Baba, give me the strength to cope. I know I am not sharing a particular experience, but I am sure anyone who has gone through a dark experience will understand. Baba, please keep Your blessing on me and my family always.
Give me the strength to fight evil. Jai Sai Ram!
Malaysia Trip

Shirdi Sai Devotee Rakshit from India says: I’m Rakshit. My mother belongs to the Global Mahaparayan group MP-3235N1, Gurusthaan 30 Chavadi, Greenhouse.
I was sent for a two months business trip by my company AT & S. I was anxious during my trip because this was my first international trip. Also, we had a few Covid cases in the office. I always made sure that I read stories from Everything went well and I was able to return home safely.
Thank You.
Yours Rakshit
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba cure my mother,we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram… Om siddhivinayak namah 🙏
Baba please protect my husband and children. Please shower your choicest blessings of good health, knowledge, wisdom, integrity, love, faith, devotion, courage, long life, happiness, inner peace, joy, laughter , happiness and prosperity to my little family. Baba please hold our hands and take us through any challenges. My husband has committed himself and dedicated to his work all the time, please be within him as his strength and help him complete all his tasks without any hindrance and obstacles. Baba help him to take care of his health and shower on him your blessings. Baba both my children are ready to leave home for their studies, please grant them wisdom courage knowledge and hold their hands to lead a respectful life in a good company. Baba give them good friends and be with them as their friend, mentor, parent and guide. Help me Baba to be good to others, give and get love and positive feelings. Help me stay at peace and self composed. help me complete all my tasks without any hindrance. Baba you are everything and I surrender to you I promised to post here if you take care of my husbands health last week – thank you for everything dear Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
OM Sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai.
Thank you baba.