Sai Baba Made Impossible Into Possible

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Nagpur. I wanted to share Baba’s miracle in my life.
First of all, I would like to thank the admin for giving us such a platform where we can share our Baba’s Leela. I would request you to please keep me anonymous.
I don’t know where to start but I am always short of words for whatever I want to say or write about my Baba.
I had promised Baba that if I get this miracle in my life then I would share this with you all. This miracle is about my struggle to have motherhood which Baba has given me as a blessing.
I wanted to become a mother and after trying for a long time, when nothing happened, we thought of taking medical help. When I went, I was very shattered after hearing the doctor’s comment which broke me completely and I cried a lot. This made me very sad and I lost hope that I will be able to get pregnant and carry a baby in my womb.
I explained myself and thought that this could not happen to me while my Baba was there. However, as we know with faith and devotion (Shraddha & Saburi) Baba can make whatever seems impossible into possible! With this thought in mind and with blessing, I started my treatment in Feb 2021. During this time Baba made me part of the Global Mahaparayan and I started reading two chapters of Satcharitra every Thursday which gave me immense peace of mind.
Everything was going very well and I was very happy. I was sure to be successful this time as the procedure started on Thursday but the treatment failed. I cried a lot in front of Baba and I went through very bad times in my life. I would be completely broken inside when people used to ask me when were we extending our family.
It is said that if things happen according to your wish they are very good and if they are done by the will of God, then even better Baba has His own timing and He knows when and what time He has to give what to His devotees. With this belief, I started another round of treatment as I always used to tell Baba that Baba this is my last chance. Maybe after this, I do not even have that much money to take treatment and I do not know whether my body would support me or not.
I surrendered completely to Baba’s Lotus feet and I had full faith that Baba would never let me down. I went to Shirdi and had a darshan of Baba. I completed Satcharitra parayan at Shirdi. I got a lot of strength and felt His presence during my whole treatment with many miracles.
Baba was constantly motivating me through Instagram posts and giving me an indication that this time my treatment would be successful and that very soon I would be getting good news. Below I am sharing the screenshots that I saved whenever I felt like asking Baba answers to my questions on Sai Baba Answers or whenever I was in doubt, Baba has always replied to my questions.
Also Read: Sai Baba – Saviour Of My Life
I would like to share a miracle with all of you here that when the result of my treatment was about to come, whether my treatment was successful or not when my blood sample was taken I prayed to Baba by watching Him on home TV which was live from Shirdi, that now all is in Your hand and to please take care of it. Then suddenly at the same time, a flower fell from Baba’s crown and it fell directly on the Samadhi. With this Baba told me that He was with me and I was so confirmed this time that the result would be in my favor and exactly the same thing happened. My result was found positive. I took a pledge that I would read one chapter of Sai Satcharitra during my pregnancy.
Baba, I have one request. Just like You blessed me similarly please bless all those couples out there who sincerely wish to become parents with a loving baby.
I am so happy. I pray to Baba to always keep me in His feet and bless me to complete these 9 months of the journey. Be. Thank You loads Baba for everything.
Sai Baba Helping His Child To Lead A Healthy Life

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Sai’s small devotee. I am a Chatak bird keen to have a glimpse of my Sai’s darshan.
Our life is a gift from God. We encounter thousands of experiences daily, which mostly we take for granted. Rather we should thank God for each and every second of life which itself is a miracle. With Baba’s blessings, my family members are healthy and happy and our family life is good. It’s not that we never face any problem, but we always have the courage that in every sphere of life Baba is holding our hands and protecting us. Thank You Baba for everything.
My words always fail to describe Your mercy on us. You are our everything. Thank You for giving us a peaceful sleep every night, thank You for filling our plate with plenty of delicious food, thank You, Baba, for giving us an abundance of clothes to cover our bodies, thank You Baba for giving us shelter during the day and night. Thank You for keeping us healthy. Our whole journey was safe only because of Your blessings. We are Your children, Baba. Please be with us always. Here are some recent experiences that I want to share:
1. Our entire family went to attend a marriage party, though Baba told me not to attend the party I was unable to say no because it was from my in-law’s side. I prayed to Baba. Baba guided me to chant Om Sai Ram throughout the occasion. With Baba’s blessings, I chanted Baba’s name and with His blessings everything is good.
2. My son’s cough, cold, and asthma are all controlled because of Baba’s blessings.
3. All our travels and journeys are safe because of Baba. Even if it rains, the rain stops before the journey.
4. My husband’s relationship with me is very good because of Baba’s blessings.
Though there are many more experiences to count right now I am unable to count them. Maybe when I remember Baba’s blessings I will again share.
Om Sai Ram!
Sai Baba Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a devotee of Baba for the past 12 years.
Thanks to Hetalji for maintaining such a good platform to share our experiences. Coming to the experience yesterday we noticed that my two years old kid was passing more urine frequently. Then my husband checked the symptoms of diabetes in kids. He saw a picture that near the neck there are scratches. My kid also saw the same pic as in Google. We both were very worried and were not able to sleep properly at night.
I was praying to Baba to please bless my kid as he is of a very small age. Today we went to the hospital. The doctor told me that my kid was not having diabetes after seeing him and said that if a kid is suffering from diabetes then there will be vomiting, weight loss, and feeling hungry. We both are very happy and I had prayed to Baba that if nothing was there then I would share my experience on this site.
Baba, thanks a lot as after the completion of my B.Tech. till now You were there in my life each and every moment. I can’t say thanks, Baba but. more than that koti pranams to Baba. Please bless my kid, husband, me, and my family.
I can’t imagine my life without Baba.
A small piece of advice from the team: Kindly do not search about the symptoms for any discomfort. It produces dreadful search results. Better to consult a doctor immediately and keep on praying to Baba until the diagnosis is done. After all, for us, Baba is the Ultimate doctor.
Sai Baba Healed

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am Sai’s devotee from the USA and also a member of the Global Mahaparayan group. Thank you to all the people who maintain this divine platform. I became a member of the Global Mahaparayan group in June 2019 and since then Baba has solved many of our problems.
My son had surgery a few months back and Baba was with us all these tough days and has been continuously guiding us. After recovery from the surgery, the doctor suggested a Colonoscopy test to check if everything was healed inside. I prayed to Sai to arrange the test on Thursday and also to make the results come back as normal. As Baba’s plan, the test was scheduled on Thursday and also three days before we received Shirdi prasadam through one of our friends. Even though Baba has shown positive signs through prasadam, I didn’t get sleep the day before. When I woke up on Thursday morning Baba had shown me a positive message through Saiyug network and also many positive signs while going to the hospital. Throughout the test, I chanted Ammavaru Stotram and read Sai Satcharitra chapters. It was completed in 20 minutes. After the test, the doctor came out and said that everything looked good and healed. Thank You Baba for healing me and also giving me strength to go through these times. Thank You Baba for solving all these problems.
Thank You for curing my son’s bleeding nose, making the medicine work and also extending my leave. Baba, please make my son healthy and save all the people from Coronavirus.
Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam Deva.
Sai Baba Saved

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small dust particle at Baba’s feet. As promised I am hereby submitting my experience here. Baba arranged the tickets for our journey. Thanks a lot, Baba. He also saved me from a big problem at my workplace. Right now I am also in trouble. Please save me, Baba. Please be with my kids Baba. Please keep them on the right track. Without You I am nothing. Please be with me and save me like a father.
Sai Baba Helped Devotee’s Father Get His Pension

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I’ve been a Baba’s devotee since childhood. My father didn’t get his pension due for some reason Government didn’t release the amount. I prayed to Baba and on the same day, He gave the pension into my father’s bank account. Thank You, Baba. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam!
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
I’m Sairam.
I am an ardent devotee of our Sadguru Sai. I am undergoing chemotherapy for the last four monthsand I have been experiencing lot of side effects which was manageable and bearable because of the blessings of Sai. Last Saturday it has been found that my platelet count has become 20k and I rushed to the hospital and had one unit of platelet and other parameters of creatin potassium were not normal. I prayed Sai and uttered within myself that Sai why this should happened to me and prayed to Sai that I will write my experience once there is improvement. Really Sai has done the miracle that my platelet count was 29000 yesterday and today it is 40000 and other parameters are within normal level. I pray Sa appa to be always with me and ensure that I get cured completely without much difficulties