Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3551

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Sai Baba’s Blessings

Sai Baba’s Blessings
Day 79 – 108 Days Anusthan – Chanting 108 Names Of Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Devotee Srinath from India says: I am Srinath from Bengaluru. Om SAIRAM to all Sai devotees and Pranams to Hetalji. I wanted to share a few experiences.

1. My wife was not feeling well and was facing a lot of chest heaviness, pain, gastric, and some breathing problems. One or the other issue that too which would start during the night and she was suffering for days. We prayed to Baba and consulted a doctor and found out about Vitamin D deficiency and started the medication on time. Thanks to Baba for alerting us to stop taking our own medicine and to consult a doctor on time. The levels were very deficient and it would take almost 8 months to get them back. Luckily my wife’s parents also came immediately for support and we were able to manage a couple of months with their support and get back on track with Vitamin D medication. Thanks a lot, Baba. Else, we would have not been able to manage my school-going and health recovery.

2. My son was about to go to school directly for the first time. He has started his schooling for Nursery online and was going to the school for the first time directly now. We were very much worried about how he would cope up with the new environment and mainly worried about his stools problem wherein he doesn’t sit in the closet and nor co-operates for the potty training also. I prayed to Baba and asked Baba to be with my son and take care of him at school for everything. It’s been more than a month and so far there have been no complaints from the school and my son is going to school happily. I sincerely pray to Baba to please help us in potty training for my son and free us from the mental troubles about the same.

3. We were about to plan a trip to Telangana to visit my parents for a week. I was very worried about what would be the terms between my mother and wife and also about the travel when still Corona is not fully eradicated. I prayed to Baba to please make the stay a pleasant one and no issues should come up during the visit due to any quarrels or Corona also. Baba helped us for a smooth stay and there was no issue/quarrel between them. We stayed for a week and returned back safely without any issues and there were no Corona issues as well. Thanks a lot, Baba always for Your guidance and protection for us.

Om SaiRam
Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha
Om Sai Namo Namaha
Sri Sai Namo Namaha
Jaya Jaya Sai Namo Namaha
Sadhguru Sai Namo Namaha

Om Sri Sai ArogyaShemadhaya Namaha

Om Sai Rakshak Saranam Deva

Om Sri Ananthakoti Bramhandanayaga Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabramha Sri Sachidhanandha Samartha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai

Please eradicate this coronavirus from the universe Sairam. Om Sairam!

Sai Baba’s Miracle In Finding A Job

Sai Baba's Miracle In Finding A Job
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a devotee of Sai Baba. I am a devotee of Sai Baba and currently staying in the USA. I started looking for a new job and with Baba’s blessing I managed to clear the interview of a very good company but the job location was not what I wanted and if I joined the job I would have to relocate to a different state. I prayed to Sai Baba to please do some miracle so that I would not have to relocate to the new state. Since I didn’t have any other job offer I decided to join the company and was thinking about how I would relocate. I kept praying to Baba. 

Meanwhile, I got an interview with another production company and I wasn’t even fully prepared. I was thinking that it would be very tough for me to clear the interview but my wife asked me to still give the interview and with Baba’s grace, I cleared the interview. My joy knew no bounds because now I would not have to relocate. 

While I was waiting for the visa from the new company my employer allowed me to work remotely and after 3 months when my employer asked to relocate, my visa from the new company was approved. Hence my wish was fulfilled by Baba and He did this miracle and I didn’t have to relocate to the new state. 

I pray to Sai Baba to please show me the path and help me after I join the new job. Baba, please be with me, and thank You so much for everything. Please give Your blessings to all.

Om Sai Namoh Namah, Shree Sai Namoh Namah, Jai Jai Sai Namoh Namah, Sath Guru Sai Namoh Namah. 

Blessings Of Sai Baba

Blessings Of Sai Baba
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Namaste everyone. Requesting Hetal mam and team to keep my details anonymous. Hope all are doing fine with Baba’s blessings and if someone is worried about something then please continue praying to Baba to give strength and patience. Even I am praying Baba to cure my health problems. My chest has been in pain for the past 2 days. I hope it will be fine. I am applying Udi and drinking it. Baba, please help me and be with me.

I had an appointment with my doctor to check thyroid levels and by Baba’s grace everything is fine and thyroid levels are also good. The doctor has told me to continue with the same dosage.

A few days before due to high winds, the calendar of Baba fell off in our room. We had put up a calendar using board pins and the pin fell off somewhere and I couldn’t find it. I thought it might hurt someone, I prayed to Baba that I would post it here and immediately I found it in the same place where I had searched before where it was not found but as soon I vowed to post it here I found it. Thanks a lot Baba for helping me.

Hope You will bless me with strength and patience to go through any situation.

Bless everyone with health and peace of mind.

Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai!
Sreepad Rajam Sharanam Prapadye!

Received GC And Job Offer

Received GC And Job Offer
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a devotee from the USA.  Sorry Baba, please forgive me as I am posting my experience very late. Baba, I write this post only with Your blessings. If I am writing today and in a position to write, it’s only because of Your extensive mercy that saved me from drowning in the pool of this worldly sansar. Your mercy helped me through the most critical phases of my life and You blessed me and my husband and my child. After going through numerous layoffs and a poisonous environment, You finally blessed me with a good job. Thank You so much, Baba. Please I pray to You that this job should at least give me the growth that I have longed for and a peaceful environment. Baba, You blessed us with a green card. Thank You Baba. 

We did not accomplish anything on H1. Please bless us to acquire everything that we desire and that our green cards will bring our family good luck. Thank You Baba for blessing my son with good scores and qualifying. Please grant him the citizenship award this year as well.
Relations have not been good with anyone. Please fix our relations and let us live harmoniously. Please give my son at least 2 good friends. Sorry Baba and thank You for all Your blessings. 

Sai Baba’s Blessing

Sai Baba's Blessing
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Bangalore. I have been following this blog since 2008 and came to know more about Baba. 

Fight with Husband Resolved: The relationship between me and my husband is not that good. He always finds fault in me and my children. Sometimes he makes a big scene like he won’t eat food, shouting at us in front of in-laws. Due to my mother- in- law and relatives, my husband and I had some misunderstanding and we both stopped talking to each other except for just 1 or 2 words for 2 months. I lost peace of mind due to this. I let go of my ego and started to speak to him normally due to Baba’s guidance.

Elders Son’s 10th Result: My son is an average student in his studies. His 10th result was on 19.05.22 (Thursday, also Sankashti Chaturthi). During his exam, I used to read stories of Mr. Tendulkar, Mr. Shevade and Mr. Saptnekar. Also I was reading Sai Stavan Manjari. I like having tea with more sugar, but on Thursdays I was drinking tea without sugar for my son. My son passed his exam with 82.3%. It is purely Sai’s leela. I did not expect this, as my son behaves abnormally sometimes like getting angry, not understanding what we say. He had met with an accident and his head was injured when he was 4-year-old. His head had become so soft like a sponge bed. After 2-3 weeks when the doctor was consulted, he told me to tonsure his head immediately. Later on it was found that there was a blood clot in the head. Blood was removed in an injection syringe. Even though his age is 16 years old, he is not that mature. So getting 82.3 % is definitely Baba’s miracle.

Thank You Sai Baba

Thank You Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji and team, thank you for providing us with this divine platform. 

Dear Baba, thank You so much that my resignation has been accepted and I can go on 28th of this month. 

Thank You Baba as my conversation went well with the HR and the accounts department. Thank You Baba as You saved me and cleared my dear. 

You always help me. Thank You Baba as You are always there for me. I am nothing without You. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 875


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels and cough baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa,pleae help us with tomorrow ‘s pooja, sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Anantha Kodi Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. Sai Deva Please bless me to be in IT for another one year. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Please bless me to be in IT for another one year. Om Sai Namo namah Sri Sai Namo namaha Jai Jai Sai Namo namaha Satguru Sai Namo namah. Please Deva, Please Deva bless me to be in IT for another one year.

  3. Om sai shri sai jaijai sai, om sai shri sai kjai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai

    Baba please bless us and fulfill our wishes.

    Thank you for everything baba. Without you we are nothing. Please be by our side alway. Om sai, om sai, om sai