Sai Baba Always Listens To Prayers

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UK says: For a peaceful, divine life, surrender to Sai Baba and have ‘Shraddha’ and ‘Saburi’.
Om Sai Ram,
I am a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba currently living in the UK. Before sharing my experience with all the Sai Baba’s devotees browsing through this website, I would say that in my life since I started believing Baba, I have seen that Baba never lets you go empty-handed. If you pray to Him, cry in front of Him, He will definitely take care of you, maybe not immediately when you ask but at the time when He thinks it is right. I believe that Sai Baba’s timing is the best timing.
Coming to my experience, my parents and I had a very good bonding with my maternal family in childhood and it continued till my grandfather died and even a year or two after that. The bonding was so strong that I never differentiated between my mother and my mother’s sister, and my father and my maternal uncle. They too loved me from the core of their heart and could go to any extent for my good or my well-being. In fact, I cannot express how much I loved my grandmother and how much she loved me.
However, things started changing after my grandfather’s death. Though my grandmother remained the same and loved me the same till she breathed her last, the other relatives who loved me so much started changing. So much politics and brainwashing happened that I, my mother and my father became an outcast. We understood everything and limited visiting my maternal house to a minimum. We would hardly talk over the phone. They said bad and false things about my mother. We tolerated everything, discussed among ourselves at home, and cried a lot but hardly protested. We only prayed to Sai Baba and asked Him to see the truth behind everything.
My mother was psychologically affected by the behaviour of her siblings whom she loved so much. It started affecting her physically.
I always prayed to Sai Baba to please show my maternal relatives their fault and reconcile with my mother who was really depressed. However, decades went by.
In the meantime, I came to the UK and there was nobody to even call my aged parents (they aged faster mostly because of their sadness of being ignored and betrayed by their siblings) to ask how they were doing during the pandemic. Sometimes, one of my maternal uncles would come but not that frequently. But, I in the UK, always called them up and asked how they were, but one of the reasons was that my parents were alone in India and in case something happens then at least I could beg for help. Though they talked to me over the phone, I could feel the reluctance and indifference. I felt sad, cried a lot and asked Sai Baba to look after the situation and do something so that my maternal relatives understand that they were not doing the right thing for my mother.
To cut the long story short, we recently went to India to find my mother had a big ovarian tumour but she did not seek anybody’s help to go to the doctor and even she did not want to bother me with her health issues as it might demand me to visit India leaving everything here. She endured all the inconveniences that the tumour caused and always said that she was ok with a smile on her face (I even could not understand in the video call that she was unwell). Please Sai Baba pardon me for not understanding. You know my situation, Sai Baba. You know how helpless I am to help my parents. I am married and have to say over my husband.
After reaching India, I consulted a doctor and he immediately asked for surgery only to discover that my mother had ovarian cancer (stage 3). We postponed our ticket back to the UK for some days as we could not make it longer and my knowledge ds’ school said that my children would lose their place in school if we extended our stay in India. So, we stayed for a month in India and came back with a heavy heart. This time my husband helped my mother with hospital affairs but always accused my aged father of not being serious with my mother. Though I knew my father was not to be accused because of his age and mental state, I could not say anything except a few fruitless protests.
However, a miracle happened this time. Sai Baba started acting. It was my Sai Baba’s intervention and blessings that my maternal uncle said that I need not worry as he would take care of my mother with chemos, tests, reports, seeing the oncologist and everything while I could fly back to the UK.
Yes, the impossible became a reality. I never expected such sympathetic, helpful and supportive behaviour from my uncle after decades. It was all by Sai Baba and my Guru Ram Thakur’s blessings.
A request to all Sai Baba devotees reading my experience; please, please pray to Sai Baba so that He blesses my mother and some miracles happen that she recovers and the deadly diseases never come back. My situation is very bad. This space is not enough to write down my circumstances. Sai Baba and my Rambhai (my Guru) know everything. I know mass prayers work wonders. Please pray for my mother’s recovery and well-being. My mother is my backbone. I need her badly. Sai Baba, please take care of my father too. He is really a very, very good person You know. You know how he always helped people and the needy ones when he was young and able. Please Rambhai, (My Guru), take care of your ‘Paramananda’.
Sai Baba, please do not leave me. I apologize for all the Karmas that I may have done, knowingly and unintentionally, in all my past births and present birth. Bless me so that I become a better human being day by day and do some good for the needy and human beings. My pranam to my Guru and Sai Baba.
Anantakoti Brahmandanayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parambhahma Sacchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Also read: Shradha And Saburi-Power Of Baba’s Udi
Sai Baba’s Protection And Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ganesha. Thanks to Hetal Mam and team for giving us this beautiful holy site. Baba, I don’t have words to express my gratitude. Thank You very much for Your blessings. Hetal mam I am not good at writing. Please edit my experience if you find something odd.
This time Baba blessed our female dog. Our dog was pregnant and for the last 10 days was not in a good condition. We could see that by her expressions, movements and sound. Last time when she was pregnant I don’t know what happened but suddenly her stomach became normal. So this time we all were worried for her. Five days back mummy said to me and my brother to at least find some pet doctor and to take her to the clinic. My brother enquired with the pet doctor and told them the last thing also. When the doctor heard this he said that mostly we would have to do an operation and there was no other option. When I came to know this I was in the office doing the second shift. That day I left the office at 12 Am at night and while riding my bike I was continuously praying to Baba for her and her puppies’ well-being. I do Sai Kasht Nivaran Mantra while riding my bike and that night I prayed to Baba to give darshan not to take her to the doctor and she should deliver naturally before I finished saying the Kasht Nivaran Mantra as an assurance. With that, I also vowed that as soon as our dog gives birth to puppies, same day or the next day I would share Baba’s leela on this holy site. Mostly at night time, it’s rare to get Baba’s darshan but that day I got it. Devotees, you can’t imagine my happiness at that moment. I was sure that she would be fine and no doctor was needed when our Almighty is the biggest doctor.
The next day mummy was telling my brother to take her to the doctor but I said not to do that. That day she was looking active and was in a good mood. Daily after my puja, I was applying her Vibhuti saying Sai Kasht Nivarana Mantra. At home, all were worried and said to take her to the doctor but my trust in Baba was firm. I didn’t allow them to take her to the doctor. Then finally after five days yesterday (23/05/2022) she gave birth to 8 puppies.
Devotees, actually I was hoping for Baba’s miracle on the same or the next day but when nothing happened for three to four days I was also worried and down but kept strong faith in Baba and finally Baba blessed me. We have to only trust Him and keep patience. Once He gives assurance, He will fulfil the same at the right time at any cost. Baba, now it’s Your duty to protect the mother and her puppies. They all are Your blessings. I want You to give health, happiness and peaceful life to all our home pets (Cat and Dogs) and also all the animals and birds. Please take care of all.
Please forgive me if I have failed to express something and also for all my mistakes. I love You, Baba. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva.
Shraddha & Saburi

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Doting Devotees, Om Sai Ram! Prayer is the strongest weapon against all difficulties and faith is the only key to having what we believe.
Baba blessed me with a miracle which I would like to share with all of you.
A few months ago, during a routine blood test, we discovered that my father’s platelet count was low and along with that his monocytes were high which was a cause of concern to the doctors. A few other abnormalities were seen too.
Having recently recovered from Covid, the doctors felt it could typically be a side effect of that. We have been monitoring these levels for the last few months and in the last blood test, Baba blessed me with a miracle. The monocytes in the last report had thankfully dropped and were just a notch above the normal level. I had repeatedly been praying to Baba to show me some sign that there was nothing worrisome and this was a huge sigh of relief as the doctor felt that we could wait and watch and this was most likely a post-Covid side effect. He also felt that there was no need for any further tests which was worrisome!
We are now due for a blood test and I am praying from the bottom of my heart that the monocytes come under 10 (which is the normal range) and the platelet counts have gone up. Further, there are no more abnormalities or anything which may lead to further tests.
Hope is the confidence to believe that God’s blessings never end and may you bless us with this wonderful news next! Baba, You are the best and most kind-hearted! Thank You for showering my family and me with abundance always and keeping us safe! Love You my Baba!
Om Sai Ram!
Sai Baba Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Bangalore. Om Sairam!
Om Sairam to all Sai devotees. I wanted to share an experience regarding my son’s health. Last week he was back from school and sometime suddenly he started crying in pain and telling that he was having some pain in the urinal area and refused to do anything like eating, playing, passing urine, stools and just wanted to lie down in his mother’s lap. He was trying his best to sleep but he couldn’t sleep. We were unable to do anything except for giving more water and tender coconut water to drink and also his regular paediatric doctor timings were at night time. We thought that may be some urinal infection due to overheating as we were in Hyderabad the last few days.
We prayed to Baba, applied Udi and requested Baba to cure him without any issue as my son will protest and refuse to take medicines as well. We were continuously praying to Baba and finally took him to his regular paediatrician at 7 PM. He suggested maybe urinal infection and gave a couple of medicines which again was a herculean task to make my son consume. We prayed to Baba to support us on this and came home. After coming home my son was walking here and there for some time and then passed stools more than usual and then came to normalcy. Looks like some old stool got stuck inside and it was paining a lot while trying to push out and no other issue. Baba cured it without any medication or further issues. Thanks a lot, Baba. Om Sairam Om Sai Rakshak Saranam Deva. Baba, please eradicate this coronavirus from this universe. Om Sairam!
Sai Baba Relieved From Bigger Health Scare

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all Devotees. Thanks to the team behind this wonderful blog. I am feeling blessed to share this leela of Sai once again here. He made both my aunt and mom’s health report normal other than the vitamin deficiencies. The doctor had prescribed injections and supplements for a few months to help both of them recover their health. I had prayed to Baba that the report should not have bigger abnormalities. Baba, please see similarly in my upcoming health check-up as well. Please keep my vitals healthy.
This week the meeting is going to happen for the first time with a prospective groom. Help me see this clearly and You make a decision for my life. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva.
Thank You Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji and team, thank you for providing us with this divine platform. Dear Baba, thank You as I got a good hotel. By Your grace the hotel is safe. The food is good and the service is also good. Baba, please be with me always. Thank You for always doing miracles in my life. Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidmahe, Sachidananda Dheemahi, Tanno Sai Prachodayat.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Dear devotees,
Today Baba once again showered his blessings on me.It was almost 15days that i and my beloved spoke to each other due to some circumstances. From 3 to 4 days i was trying to contact but couldn’t get in touch.Today evening i prayed Baba to pl make us talk to each other and let me know that he is safe and healthy so that I will post my experience here.Immediately within 30mins i received the call..what has not happened since 3 days or more has happened with in 30mins of promising..I’m writing this here as promised. Thank you so much deva..Om Sai rakshak saranam.Om Sairam🙏
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai jai jai sai
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba shower them with good health, free from all diseases, enrich them with love, devotion, patience, faith, happiness, laughter, inner joy, peace, knowledge, courage and prosperity. Baba I surrender to you. You know everything, I have no idea where I am heading but leave it to you wholly. Please be my guide and parent. Please help my husband and kids who are alone in their respective areas. Please help me start a flexible career oriented life and help me feel secure. Help me take care of my family and help me be a likeable person. Help me stay calm and composed. Baba with you inside me everything is possible. Please do be there with us at all times. I leave my children under your care and return to my base. Please be there for them Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏