Sai Baba Gave Dream Job

Shirdi Sai Devotee Subrajit Jena from India says: I am an engineer by profession. I am currently working in Indian Oil Corporation by Baba’s grace.
Om Sai Ram! I am literally in tears to put my experience in front of all our esteemed Sai devotees.
I really feel sorry and pray for forgiveness by surrendering myself at the lotus feet of my Sai Deva for sharing my experience after eight long years. I used to read devotees’ experiences from this site and had promised Baba that once my wish came true then I would share my experience too but I failed to do so due to my carelessness. I request all Sai devotees to please go through my experience below.
I have one elder brother and a younger sister. Our financial condition was never good during my childhood. Initially, my father used to travel 7 to 8 km by cycle to a bus stop. There, by public transport, he used to go to the sponge iron factory to work there. For those who don’t know what a sponge iron factory looks like; it’s like a hell of an environment there. Anyway, we as a family of five managed somehow with our studies and daily expenses. Then we used to stay in a joint family as my father were five brothers. We total 22 people staying in a 1200 sq ft home having one bathroom. Just imagine the level of difficulty staying in such a condition and having a good environment for studies. I remember my mother used to be so sad that she couldn’t provide sufficient food to eat, a healthy environment for living as well as for studies. My elder brother was very good at studies and that was one positive thing that we had at that time. I was following my brother’s path. Despite having schooling from a state board that too from a very low-budget school, my brother scored 80% in 10th and 77% in 12th. I was an average student in my childhood. Similarly, I scored 76% on the 10th board and 69% on the 12th. Then my brother decided to have a career in B.Tech. So he started preparing for NITs and secured 97th rank in Odisha state and 5000 something was his All India rank in the entrance examination and got a seat in NIT Rourkela. I used to visit my brother’s college and hostel facilities often. I was mesmerized by seeing all the infrastructure and facilities. So, I was dreaming of getting a seat there. Thereafter, completing 12th I too started preparing for NITs.
During preparation for NITs, staying at home and studying was difficult. So, I talked to my mother regarding this and she talked to a hostel manager who was also our teacher in 12th and managed a discounted price for me to stay in the hostel. After that, I was studying and almost giving 7-8 hours of daily study. I left my entire sports activities and friends circle to put consistent effort into my exam. I put a lot of effort into my exam but on the day of the exam, I was not able to perform well. I was certain that I won’t get admission to NIT and for that, I went into depression.
After the NITs exam, I had an entrance exam for getting admission to state government colleges which was going to happen in the next few months. But I was in a hell of depression. Literally, I was thinking like let’s ruin this exam too as I was very emotionally attached to NIT. That too I knew getting a seat in state government college won’t compensate for the sorrow I had at that moment. In fact, I was not in a position to get a seat in state government colleges because my preparation was in a really very bad shape.
One fine afternoon I was in my room, my roommate and I were talking about something and suddenly he told me about one of the Sai Baba experiences that happened with his Uncle because his uncle walked around 17km on Thursday to see Sai Deva in a temple. I was so delighted with that and I became excited to meet Sai Deva. So one fine afternoon of summer I walked around 17km to meet Sai and was excited to have some divine experience to keep away my depression. This was my first meeting with Deva and this is how Baba pulled me like a sparrow.
After Baba’s blessings came into my life, somehow I gathered the courage to write an exam to get admission to state government colleges. Though my preparation was still, I managed a seat in a reputed state government engineering college.
But inside my heart, I wanted to have a seat in NITs, but that didn’t happen. Next year, continuing my engineering studies at a state government college, I was preparing for getting admission into NITs. Next year also I couldn’t succeed. Now, from the second year of engineering, I fully concentrated on engineering studies and as well as kept praying to Baba for a better future and better jobs at the end of the final year.
Finally, after four years (In 2013) with help of Baba’s grace, I completed B. Tech in Civil engineering. Now, the struggle came for getting a good job with a good package basically in a govt or PSUs jobs. In the final year, I was preparing for the GATE exam, because these days to get a job in PSUs we have to secure a very good rank in the GATE exam as a general category. But looking at my IQ level and my standard, I was certain that it was just impossible for me to get a Public Sector job. But having faith in Baba I was preparing for it hoping a miracle would happen.
Meanwhile, in campus placement in my final year, I got a private job in Bangalore. On the first chance for the GATE exam, I secured a rank that was not enough to get interview calls from PSUs. So I went to join a private job in Bangalore, but due to the high workload in Bangalore, my preparation for next year’s GATE 2014 was derailed. But by Baba’s grace, I got a call from only one PSU in GATE 2013 rank. I was happy; I left the private job as it was having a very high workload and less pay to sustain there in Bangalore. So, I came back home and started preparing for the only interview opportunity to get a PSU job. I prepared and appeared for the interview. The interview didn’t go well. I was again disheartened as I had failed miserably. That put me into a hell of depression again. Those days were the hardest part of my life, every time I was crying thinking of not having any jobs, and failing multiple times in my life.
After that, I didn’t know what to do, but I kept praying to Baba because at that moment I was having no one except Baba because even my father was thinking that I may not be able to get any job. Even I thought of managing a small private job as my standard was not more than that. But by Baba’s grace, I thought of giving one final try for the GATE 2014 exam to improve my rank. So, keeping faith in Baba, I started preparing and there were hardly 2-3 months left for the GATE exam 2014.
I had prepared well and on the day of the exam, I went to Sai temple which was on my way to the exam center. There I asked Baba to be with me during the exam and to please help me when I would get stuck somewhere. After the completion of my exam, I was not certain what would happen. I was eagerly waiting for the result.
In the month of March 2014, late at night, my result came. I had no strength to check the result. I had given my details to my elder brother to check it. Late at night he called me and guess what! Baba had showered His blessings immensely. I secured all India 67 rank in GATE 2014 in Civil engineering. That was a phenomenal achievement for me. I couldn’t believe it and I was awestruck. I was crying like anything seeing my Baba’s photo. I was in complete shock for 2-3 days. That year in 2014 I got a call for an interview from almost every central government PSU. I had cleared almost every interview that I had given. Finally, I joined Indian Oil Corporation, a Maharatna PSU with a very handsome package.
You won’t believe this achievement was huge for me as students from prestigious NITs try to get into these PSUs, even students from IIT Bombay are working here with me as colleagues. So, in the past, I was asking Sai Deva to get into NITs but Baba had planned something bigger for me and He delivered in a bigger way. Now, my brother is also working in a Maharatna PSU which is Steel Authority of India Limited. Our financial condition now is much, much better just because of my Lord Sai.
Surrendering myself completely in front of Deva is the only thing that I am dreaming of these days as without You Baba I am nothing. Hope You shower Your blessings upon those devotees also who are reading this experience.
Om Sai Ram!
Thanks Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am a small devotee of Baba who is waiting for Baba’s miracles. Thanks, team for posting my message today, and today, I came to post as per Baba’s wish. These days we have so many problems in our family. My sister still has problems in her eye and this time we are waiting for Baba to show a miracle to heal her retina and bring back her vision.
Our family is devastated. My sister’s daughter who is residing in a different city is also not feeling well. Baba, please protect her and heal her and give good health to our family. My son is sick. He did not go to school for two days. He is coughing and has a fever. Being in the final year of school I am so worried about how he is going to perform next week in his assessments. Baba, please give him ATAR of more than 99.85 so that he can get into medicine. Baba, one after another problem is coming. I was also diagnosed with shoulder pain and the doctor told me that my tendons are torn and I have no clue what to do. You are the doctor and these days, I am losing hope.
You know that I have been praying to build a house so that in the front yard I can have You. Yesterday, we got news from the council that they were building a tunnel beneath a house and this news makes us feel depressed. Baba, if a tunnel is built house prices will go down and You know that it is our hard-earned money. Baba, please shower Your grace and I am not able to tolerate any pain and suffering.
Baba, please be with my son all the time he should have good health and get good marks in this assessment in all exams and without Your grace nothing is possible. This young kid is working hard but why no good news is coming? Baba, please get him a good score and get into medicine here in the same city itself.
Baba, I am writing to say thank You as he decided to go to school today, and please do not disappoint us. If You are not showing Your grace, Whom we can ask for help in this world? I am leaving all in Your feet and please bless us all with good health and happiness. I should come to Shirdi soon once You bring back my sister’s vision. I do not want to come and cry in front of You and I want to see You with happiness. I am not interested in going to India as now I cannot go to Shirdi unless You bless my sister and my son. Baba, please do not play with us and You are our Father, Mother Guru, and good Doctor. Sai…Sai…Sai… Om Sai Arokyashemadaya Namah. Please forgive me for all my sister’s mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. My sister is staying with her alone and now that she is sick, please be with her and heal her completely so that she can go to the office safely and bless her with good health.
Sai Baba Helped In Interview

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram! I am a devotee from San Diego, CA. I have been a devotee of Baba since ~2007 and was able to experience a lot of Baba’s blessings and miracles these past years. I joined the Global Mahaparayan group in ~2021 and I am truly thankful to my cousin who told me about this great opportunity.
Please remember that Sai is always with you if you’re reading this. All you need to have is strong faith and patience!
Sai has always been guiding me with signs when it comes to big life decisions. Be it education, marriage, or career changes. I’ve been working with this software tech company for about five years. Since December of 2021, I strongly wanted to look for different opportunities outside my organization and started applying to job postings starting in early 2022.
In January of 2022, I was reading a Mahaparayan experience of a devotee who got a job with a tech company, Apple and this got me thinking about my situation. Surprisingly, I got a call from the recruiter from Apple the very next day saying that they liked my resume and wanted to move forward with the process. I was super happy about this and thought this was a sign from Sai. I felt overjoyed that He was listening to me.
During the interview process, there were some instances where I didn’t hear back immediately after my rounds. When this happened, I used to feel dejected and my faith in Sai wavered. I guess it’s just human nature to blame God when something doesn’t work out. Finally, after four long months, I was able to clear all my rounds and accept the offer. I learned that I shouldn’t be restless and have firm faith and patience towards Sai. He looks after our well-being and He knows what’s right for us and what’s not.
This Leela is just an example of Sai’s grace and I couldn’t traverse this journey of life without Him. He’s my Guru and Father!
Thank You Baba for pulling me towards You! My family and I are truly blessed!
Sai Baba Always Come To Rescue

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram! I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I am also a part of the Global Mahaparayan group.
I have shared many experiences before and many have been published too.
Below are my recent experiences which I would like to share :
1. My daughter got well due to Baba’s grace: In my last post, I mentioned my daughter’s fever and cough and prayed to Baba to help her get well soon. Baba listened to my prayer and her cough subsided. Now sometimes she does cough but very little. With Baba’s grace that will go away soon. Thank You so much Baba for helping her. Please take care of her as always and bless her with good health.
2. Baba protected us from a road accident. Thank You so much Baba for saving our lives. I am very thankful to have You in our life. I love You so much, Baba. You are my everything. I cannot imagine my life without You. Please always be with us and protect us and keep us safe.
3. Baba helped me and my husband to get well too. Thank You Baba for helping us again. Please keep me and my baby safe and bless me with a healthy baby. Please shower Your blessings on our family.
4. Baba helped me to get a job: I am very thankful to You Baba for helping me to get a job. Please take care of future things which I am worried about and help me join back and resume my job.
Thank You for everything, Baba. Baba, You know all my worries. Please take care of them. Baba, please be with us and keep showering Your love and blessings as always. Please take care of my parents’ health and bless them with a healthy, safe, and long life. Baba is with my family and keep blessing us always. Baba, keep blessing my sister and her husband. You are my everything, Baba. I love You so much. Please forgive us for our mistakes. Please end this pandemic soon and keep everyone safe. Om Sai Ram!
Om Sai Namo Namah !
Shri Sai Namo Namah !
Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah !
Sadguru Sai Namo Namah !
Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namah !
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraja Yogiraj ParaBrahma Shri Sadchidananda Samarth Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Om Sai Ram!
Experiences With Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank you to the team maintaining this blog.
Om Sai Ram. I want to thank Baba from the bottom of my heart for all His help this past week. We were traveling and I was praying to Baba that the rain should not be too bad yes Baba took care of the rain and helped through some nice people who were very timely. Another situation was that I was praying for a courier to arrive and that if it did then I would share the experience and yes our Baba helped with that too and gave me so much relief.
Baba, please clear my pimples completely and I am so sincerely sorry if I have done anything wrong. I am Your daughter, I make a lot of mistakes but I am learning because of You. Baba, please delay my date by a few days and make sure that the function goes well for Your daughter and Your children. Baba, I don’t know anything other than You. Anything good or bad I only come to You because I am Your daughter. Baba, we are always at Your feet. Please always take care of us and make sure that the function goes well with Your blessings on Thursday. I am not deserving of Your love but thank You always for being there for us. Thank You so much, Sai Baba.
Sai Baba Is The Saviour

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello, I want to be anonymous. I’m from India, a doctor. This is my 3rd post.
Om Sairam. I wanted to join a super specialty in my subject and also got a seat. I could not find my degree certificate the day before admission. I prayed to Baba. He then immediately showed me the certificate at my parent’s house. I don’t remember putting my certificate there.
Also, I have a baby of 6 months and I was so worried about joining my course as I could not get a better helper. Baba solved that issue also.
My head of the unit does not care much about me and I feel very bad. I’m telling this to Baba every day and I hope He will resolve this issue also. I got an issue in the hospital for which I prayed to Baba and the issue got resolved.
Thanks, Baba for staying with me 24/7. Love You. Om Sairam.
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