Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3566

Sai Baba Blessed With A Home 

Sai Baba Blessed With A Home 
Day 94 – 108 Days Anusthan – Chanting 108 Names Of Sai Baba

An anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all the beautiful Baba’s children here. Blessed to know Hetalji and thankful for her to create this space for us to speak to Baba and to be able to share the happiness or sadness as if speaking to Baba directly.

Coming to my few more experiences:

1. Baba helped buy our house. Three years ago, suddenly there was a house which came up on the market for sale and we decided to buy it. Though it was slightly expensive we were very keen. When my husband shared with me house viewing videos, the first thing I saw was Baba’s portrait in that house. I felt that it was Baba’s signal for us to get to that house. But somehow the sale couldn’t go through. Probably that was the way Baba was saving us because Baba knew Covid was approaching and we wouldn’t have been able to move into that house for the next three years. Recently again there was another house on the market. It was slightly over our budget. We decided to buy the house but somehow the money we were expecting from others or from different accounts got stuck. We were not sure how we were going to do the payments each month. But somehow miraculously, before each deadline, Baba made sure that we had money in hand. Some people would just come and give us the money without asking. For the last installment, we had applied for a bank loan which initially got rejected. We had given up the hope of the bank loan and we were trying to arrange for that money to be borrowed from the market at higher interest.

Suddenly one day, a person who was not very close and just knew us because of our name came to our house to meet us for some other purpose. In discussion, he decided to help us with the bank loan. Though we did not have any high hopes, as the bank loan was denied once. He tried it again and within a week, our housing loan was sanctioned. By Baba‘s grace, we were saved from any humiliation and managed to give money before each deadline. Surprisingly the new house is right opposite the previous house we saw three years ago. The house we bought is much bigger, almost double in size compared to that house, and for a much better price. All this is Baba’s Daya and mercy. Baba, be with us always. 

2. Baba saved us during Covid. I had promised Baba that I will write in this blog if my family feels better after having Covid. Everyone in the family felt good, with no fever, and equally energetic as before. This was only possible because of Baba’s mercy. Thank You, Sairam!

3. Sai Baba saved the puppies: Recently our dogs had given birth to four puppies. We were asking the breeder to come and take these puppies away for some price. After calling quite a few breeders and our old breeder, none was ready to take these puppies away. These puppies were growing and wouldn’t go for sale. Then Baba’s perfect timing- someone came to buy two puppies and the other two were taken away by close friends.

4. Sai Baba blessed me with a higher degree – recently I applied for a higher degree in my profession, for which I have to be in a certain position in my job. After filling out the application, I realized that I might not qualify now and may qualify with some other paperwork. But Baba’s blessings be, that the college decided to honor me with a higher degree without any more paperwork.

5. Sai Baba is running the show at my work, saving me every time, completing my work, and getting a good name for Baba and me. Baba, keep holding me tight. Sai Baba is so kind and merciful. Sai Baba knows the best. Baba, You know the best. Baba, always bless all. Keep showing us the right path, hold our hands and teach us Your two pice dakshina. Om Sai Ram!

Gratitude To Sai Baba

Gratitude To Sai Baba
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An anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thank you Hetal Di (modern Hemadpantji ) for this modern Sai Satcharitra.

My daughter was not well and fell sick again and again. She had a 104.2 fever. Medicines were also not working. I applied Udi and prayed to Baba. We got the appointment the next day which was another Baba’s Leela. As I said my daughter was falling sick again and again, around the first week of this month my husband had tried to book an appointment which showed availability for the 24th of this month. Knowingly and unknowingly that was booked and during that time we roamed to different pediatricians as the appointment was not available with our pediatrician. Almost after 15 days, she got well when on special repeated requests we managed to get an appointment with our pediatrician. Then again after a week on the 23rd of this month, she got a very high fever. It was the highest fever that I had ever witnessed. But Baba Who is Omniscient had already booked an appointment almost 20 days before. We went and she started recovering. Still, she was coughing. I had promised Baba to post here when she would be alright. She has become very weak but is playful and naughty and I know Baba is taking care. We started with homeopathy medicines two days back to boost her immunity. Baba is guiding. 

Our flat was to be vacated by the tenant and a good new tenant who would give the proper rent was needed. I had promised Baba to post here. Baba heard and He took all the care and it was rented out at almost 60% increased rent with Baba’s grace. Thank You, Baba.

We wanted to visit Shirdi. We had been planning for a very long time. Last Monday Baba made it possible and blessed us to have His darshan.

Sai Baba also saved me from a very big problem. Thank You, Baba. So many times Baba has helped me remind my misplaced things by me or by my kids be it toys or valuables after making a promise to post here. Please forgive me Baba if I have forgotten to post anything.

He is all-pervading and guiding all the time. Baba, please help to serve You at our best. Jai Sairam!

As Always A Prayer To Sai Baba Helped 

As Always A Prayer To Sai Baba Helped 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: 

Exp 1: Twin Babies Delivered Safely With Sai Baba’s Grace

A high-risk mother, with precious twin pregnancy, delivered healthy twin babies and all three are doing well. 

I am an infertility consultant and this is one of the many experiences in which Baba has come for my help in dealing with pregnant mothers. A pregnant mother with many complications, with a twin pregnancy, had to be taken for an emergency cesarean when my senior was out of town. I was very tense but prayed to Baba to help me and kept myself calm which was much needed to perform the surgery. I called a friend of mine for help. She was also busy that day but could make herself free during this time. With Baba’s grace, I completed the surgery successfully and though the twins are admitted due to prematurity the mother and the babies are safe and recovering. Thank You Baba as You have been by my side as always when I was in need. 

Exp 2: Sai Baba saved my patient’s twins.

As I am an infertility specialist and many times I pray to Baba for my patients and always it works. Two days back, a mother who is three months pregnant, IVF conceived with twins after 10 years of marriage called me telling me that she was having heavy bleeding and she was on the way to the hospital. I was at home after my OPD and rushed back to receive her. On the way, I prayed to Baba to keep both her babies safe and that I would post it here. I did a USG and found that both were safe and gave medicines to stop bleeding after which she is alright now. Thank You Baba for safeguarding the babies.

Sai Baba The Protector Of All

Sai Baba The Protector Of All
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Ireland says: I am a Sai devotee staying here in Ireland. Baba is everything for me. 

One day there was a long weekend and I went outside with a friend. We had some dinner and after coming home I was experiencing some uneasiness in my stomach. I already had some problems before, so at night I prayed to our dear Sai to please resolve my issue and make me feel better. I then drank some Vibhuti in water which I had and prayed to our Sai.

The next day I was feeling better and the day went on smoothly. What to say; Baba takes care of us in every way. How a mother cares for his child, in the same way, Baba takes care of me as well as all of us; Sai devotees?

Just we should love Him wholeheartedly, with full faith and patience call Him and Baba reaches us wherever we are as distance doesn’t matter to our Sai. Baba is omnipresent. May Sai bless us all and make us strong each day. Love You Sai.

Bow to Shri Sai and Peace be to All. Om Sairam!

Sai Baba Heard Prayer

Sai Baba Heard Prayer
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: 

I have been a Sai Baba devotee for more than 8 years. 

I’m happy to share my experience here on this platform. When we pray, believing Baba, it happens quickly. I had promised to submit my experience here. 

I couldn’t reach my customer for the last three days which worried me for not getting any response. I was totally sad, as I have to respond to my superiors. I tried multiple times and later I tried through the board line and reached him and spoke. I was relieved from the tension and updated. I was continuously praying to Sai Baba. I pray to Baba that I successfully achieve my work. I thank Sai Baba for listening to my prayer. Om Sairam. 

Sai Baba’s Udi – A Divine Medicine

Sai Baba’s Udi - A Divine Medicine
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: We live in the USA. I am a small devotee of Sai and a member of the Global Mahaparayan group. 

I have been experiencing many miracles of Sai for the past three years. I have no words to thank Sai for how He is helping and guiding us in each and every matter. As promised I am sharing a few experiences here.
1. Sai cured my son’s pain in his shoulder and also the pain when he was going to pee after applying Udi.
2. He was getting hiccups continuously and I promised Baba that I would share the experience if he felt better by the next morning.
3. By Baba’s grace his inflammation levels came back to normal.
4. Sai also cured his swelling arms and solved dehydration issues by making him adjust to parental nutrition.
Sai’s Udi is divine medicine. It cures all health problems. Thank You, Sai from the bottom of my heart for helping us. Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam Deva

Sai Baba Helps To Learn At Work

Sai Baba Helps To Learn At Work

Shirdi Sai Devotee Preethi from the UK says: I am working as a manager in IT.

With the blessings of Baba, I am sharing a learning experience at work that Baba made feasible for me. 

I have been going through multiple challenges at work which causes a lot of stress on me. Recently I had to take up new work on reporting which is very critical as it is related to finances. I found it to be a bit complex and redundant and so was reluctant to even pick it up. I sought Baba’s help to give me the knowledge and interest to complete the new report and was able to do it independently on my first try. 

There were other hassles at work when I prepared the report and it actually seemed to be impossible. But we know nothing is impossible under the grace of Baba. He will drive things to completion when we look to Him for help. Thanks so much, Sai Appa for being with us and helping us when we seek You. Om Sai Ram.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 858


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba cure his cough protect my mother saima we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect and safeguard my husband and children. Please shower on them your choicest blessings of good health, inner peace of mind, intellect, education , wisdom, knowledge, ability, courage, strength, love, devotion, faith, happiness and prosperity. Baba please be with them as their parent, protector, guard and Guru at all times. Baba I need emotional strength, I am going through too many changes and at times I think I am overreacting. Baba please be with me and help me honor my committments to my family. I am really sad that we have to relocate and would like to stay in my base, however I leave the decision to you Baba. Please show the right path Baba and enlighten my husband too about the path. Help me stay composed and not over react to circumstances I do not like. Help me adapt and be there for my family. I leave the decision to you Baba to help me pursue a successful career. Baba be with with my husband and children always and protect them in every way. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om Siddhivinayaka namo namah 🙏