Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3585

Sai Baba Cured Numbness In Fingers Without Surgery 

Sai Baba Cured Numbness In Fingers Without Surgery 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks to Hetalji for maintaining such a wonderful platform to share our experiences. 

I have been a devotee of Baba from 2009 onwards. From that each, and every moment of my life is a miracle made possible by Baba.

Coming to the experience, recently one month back I went to the doctor for numbness in my fingers. Initially, he had given five days of tablets to use. If it was not cured then we had to take two scans. The next time we visited the doctor and numbness was not cured in the fingers. They suggested scanning carpel tunnel syndrome and it came positive with a minor. Again doctor suggested five more days of tablets. This time if it was not cured then we would need to test thyroid and final test ENMG. I did thyroid and it was negative. The doctor told me that if my thyroid was positive then we could cure it with tablets. As there was no option so finally did ENMG. In that also same situation CTS was found. 

After that, we visited the doctor. He suggested surgery. Before going to the hospital itself and a few back days I prayed to Baba to please cure my numbness without surgery. The doctor told us that they would go for surgery and if we wanted to go for tablets then also we could go and that it was our choice. My husband asked the doctor if there was any other treatment like physiotherapy. Then he said that yes we could go for that also. Like that then there was one more guy with a doctor.

I know a physiotherapy specialist. Then we came out and consulted in our home town only. We visited a Physiotherapy specialist and he suggested taking a one-month course. Daily I was taking Udi and applying Udi to affected areas. After joining physiotherapy the right-hand shoulder pain got more severe than numbness. Daily while taking physiotherapy, I am praying to Baba to please cure this. Finally, my treatment got completed and numbness in my fingers and shoulder pain was cured. But during the last physiotherapy, I fell down while getting down the steps. My right hand and leg had more pain than my left leg. Please Baba cure the leg pain and don’t know why the skin color has changed. As I promised I shared the experience with Baba. Please bless me and my family with good health. Ananthakoti Bramhandanayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sachithanandha Sadhguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai!

When Sai Baba Is There, Nothing Can Go Wrong

When Sai Baba Is There, Nothing Can Go Wrong
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Shirdi Sai Devotee Divya Walia from India says:  This is my experience of Sai Baba’s grace on our family during COVID.

Experience 1 -Last year, in the month of November, my parents, my brother, and my sister-in-law all became COVID infected. Just a week later, we all too tested positive (my Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, son, husband, myself, and maid) which was a mere coincidence as we all didn’t meet. We all were recovering well except my brother there and my Father-in-law here (who was even hospitalized). It was a very tough time for our family as we were losing so many of our relatives and neighbors and were truly stressed about the health of the family. But by God’s grace, we all finally recovered and are now vaccinated too. 

Experience 2– We have recently moved to a new house and due to Covid, it all happened in haste and we all were very tired both mentally and physically. So soon after shifting both me and my son developed a fever and because of the Covid scare, we got stressed. I prayed to Baba to make us both better by the next day and in the morning we both were absolutely fine. It was just exhaustion and nothing else.

Experience 3: 3-4 days back my son had a cold though it wasn’t much still he was restless. I gave him Udi and in two days he was fine but then both my husband and myself got a severe throat infection and a cold. We had to travel for a day over the weekend for my husband’s office outing and so we decided to get RTPCR done. Though we knew it wasn’t Covid but were still nervous about the result. By Dadu’s grace, we got the results negative. Thank You, Baba. Please be with us and all Your devotees as always. Please, Baba, help my husband rise in his career. Waiting to post another experience soon.

Om Anant Koti Brahmandnayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahm Shri Sacchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!

Sai Baba Is Life’s Wire Puller 

Sai Baba Is Life’s Wire Puller 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: Om Sairam to all. I find solace in Baba’s lotus feet and my day starts with Baba. My heartfelt gratitude to Hetalji and the team for this divine platform. 

I really don’t know what I would have done without Sai in my life. I am so grateful to Baba for guiding and being with me always. 

As lesser mortals more often than not, we come under the spell of this Maya and forget the true nature of ourselves that we are part of the divine spirit and that Baba lives in all our hearts. I am no different and for the last two years, I was going through a lean patch without peace of mind and with a lot of unnecessary tension in life. Covid issues also started on top of this. Baba somehow helped me in all situations and kept me going. Though many times I kept thinking of quitting, Baba was making His presence felt now and then, motivating me when I was hitting the lows. 

Two months back there was mandatory training in my office. These training sessions are viewed very seriously and I was supposed to complete the training before 5 pm on the same day. Somehow I was taking more time than others and I could not complete the test in time. I was so scared and prayed to Baba to help me. Even though I had not gone through the course material properly, I could pass the test after praying to Baba. I was so scared of the work in my company and again Baba gave me strength and courage.

I earnestly pray at Baba’s lotus feet to increase my faith (Shraddha) and patience (Saburi). Baba, sometimes it’s so scary and I feel alone in this Bhava Sagar. Please be with me always and make Your presence felt so that we get the courage and confidence to go through this worldly grind. Thank You so much Baba for looking after me so far and bringing me here which would not have been possible at all without You in my life.

 Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Raajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Shri Sai Rakshaka Sharanam Deva. 

Thanks To Sai Baba

Thanks To Sai Baba
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am writing this experience as gratitude to Baba and also request Him to take care of my brother. 

My mother already had Covid in November 2020. She was fully vaccinated in March 2021. She again fell sick in September 2021. All her symptoms seemed like Covid. I stayed away from my parents and was worried about her and was constantly praying for her. She consulted her physician and was told that it was just a common cold and her sugar levels had gone a little high and prescribed her medicines. She is doing better now. Thank You, Baba.

My husband was laid off from his work in early 2020. He has been looking for a job since then but things were not working in the right direction. During this time he joined an online MBA program and he will be graduating in December 2021.

I am also part of the Mahaparayan group since 2018 and made him join this Mahaparayan group in 2020. My husband just received a job offer and he will be joining on 27th September. I wholeheartedly want to thank Baba. Baba does not let anything go wrong with His devotees. My husband wouldn’t have joined Mahaparayan if he had a job. I always wanted him to do his masters in the USA; he wouldn’t have joined MBA without Baba’s grace. And look at Baba’s timing. My husband is about to graduate and on time Baba got him a job. Baba, please bless him to perform well in his new job.

Baba, this one is a request for my brother. He is addicted to alcohol and does not respect elders, family, or money. My parents are getting old and are very much worried about him. My relatives and cousins have tried counseling him but he does not care. My mother and I have been praying for him. Baba, please help him with his habits and bless him. My brother prays to You a lot, only You can change him, Baba. 

Sairaya Cured Devotee’s Father’s Restlessness

Sairaya Cured Devotee’s Father's Restlessness
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai Is ‘The Best Doctor.’

Hi, I am one of the children of Baba. I think I am sharing my experience of Baba’s Leela for the fourth time on this Saiyug network. As the endless pandemic is still on, we humans have become psychologically weak. For even small health problems, we just panic and go through whatever website, which in return makes us more horrible. Rather we should try our best to convert our worry to prayer. So my experience is like this:

My father is a hypertension patient and he is under medication. After having hypertension, he is just too worried about every single thing regarding his health. Mostly he thinks negatively. Last week he was restless and told me that he was having some peculiar feelings like dizziness and was about to fall. I told him to eat small, hourly small meals and it was all because of his food. But he was not ready to listen. Then I told him to make a vow and pray to Baba that if his peculiar feelings vanished quickly then I would share the experience on Baba’s Saiyug. With Baba’s blessings he got rid of that restlessness. Thank You Baba for listening and solving all our problems. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Appa Is With Devotees 

Sai Appa Is With Devotees 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Appa. Thank you Hetalji and her team for this wonderful platform. 

We were expecting our daughter’s final year MBBS exam result. I prayed to Sai Appa that the results should be announced on Thursday i.e. on His day. Yes, the results were announced on Thursday i.e. day before yesterday, and with my Appa’s blessings, she cleared that too with good marks. Thank You, Appa. Om Sairam. 

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2 years ago

Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa,I am getting very scared please help baba

2 years ago


2 years ago

Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower on them your choicest blessings of good healh, long life, happiness, joy, peace, love, devotion, wisdom, courage and prosperity. Baba my hubby is going through a lot of challenges at work. Please protect his health and reputation. He has worked and dedicated himself all his life to this company and you with Lord siddhivinayak are the ones you can remove all obstacles and hold his hand for support. My elder needs a good job opportunity Baba and please turn around his stars favourable. My younger is unwell and all alone – he is feeling very very lonely. Please be his companion and help him find a true friend Baba. Keep them all happy. Baba I feel so lazy and weak. Please help me compose myself and stay active in life. Help me look good and deliver. Help me set my work. I count on you Baba. My visa waiver was cancelled Baba, please baba i hope you will let me get the visa to be with my kids. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om Siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏