Sai Baba Took Care Of Devotee’s Child

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee Abhishek Shrivastava from India says: I am a small Baba’s devotee. I am from Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. First of all, I want to thank Hetal mam and her team for maintaining such a wonderful blog where we can share our experiences.
Experience: My Baba is my lifeline for me. This experience is about my son (Vidit) who is 5 years old. With Baba’s blessings, I got a baby girl on 3 November 2021 (Diwali). This was an auspicious gift for me because I wanted that for a long time. My son used to go to school daily but after the birth of our child (a girl), we all family members were busy with all rituals and taking care of the newborn baby. Since the baby took birth on Diwali so there were holidays for Vidit’s school.
After vacations, Vidit started refusing for going to school. For some days, we didn’t pay attention to what he was doing but after some days, as soon as my wife got him ready for school, he used to cry badly and refused. He would say, “I will not go to school.” We all began to think, everything will be alright because after the vacations children do this and it was normal (we thought so). But as days passed, it began to happen regularly. We all were very tense about what to do because before our second child’s birth he used to go to school regularly. It had been approximately 4 and half months (Nov-2021 to March-2022). He didn’t go to school. If we tried to take him to school then he would begin to cry badly and didn’t move a single step outside the home. Seeing all this, all the family members were tensed and some people said that there might be any negativity or black magic on him and that is why he was not going to school but I didn’t believe in such rubbish. I only prayed and worshipped my Sainath Maharaj. Whenever I am in trouble He is the Savior. I requested Him from the core of my heart, “Baba, do something because I can’t go anywhere else leaving You. You can do anything, You can do miracles.” We used to give Udi to my child (Vidit) with water and apply Udi on his forehead regularly.
In March 2022, the exam was going to be conducted. My son was in the U.K.G. So I prayed to Baba that at least my son should go to school to give exams because in 2-3 months he didn’t go to school.
Baba listens to each and every wish of His devotees. With Baba’s blessings, my son started to go to school for his exams. It was a good moment for us. Then after exams, in April month, he began to go to school regularly. I used to take him to school early in the morning. It was all because of my Baba. I had promised Baba that if all went well then I would post this experience on this blog. Sorry, Baba, I delayed this post. It is my mistake.
Baba, we are nothing without You. Please keep on showering Your blessings on us. “Anant Koti Brhmandnayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Prabramh Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!“
“Om Shri Sainathaya Namah!”
Sai Baba The Saviour

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I am also a member of the Global Mahaparayan group. I have shared many experiences before and many have been published too.
I would like to share my recent experiences:
1. Baba helped my little one again. Her body temperature was 100 f in the afternoon. I got really tensed since she was not even a month old and her fever was above 100f which was not good for her. So I prayed to Baba and applied Udi on her forehead and tried cooling the room a little bit. It helped reduce her temperature and it came to normal. It was due to heat and so Baba helped my baby again. Thank You Baba for being with her. Please take care of her as always and bless her with good health. I love You so much, Baba.
2. Today morning my stomach started hurting a lot. It was due to gas. Since I have undergone C section the pain in my abdomen was unbearable due to gas. So I started calling my Baba to help me get rid of this and prayed that if everything becomes normal then I would post this tonight. Not to mention my Baba helped me to get rid of this gastric pain and as promised I am posting it now. Thank You Baba. You are the best. I love You, Baba.
Please always be with us and protect us and keep us safe. Please keep my baby safe and healthy. Please shower Your blessings on our family.
Thank You for everything, Baba. Baba, You know all my worries. Please take care of them. Baba, please be with us and keep showering Your love and blessings as always. Please take care of my parents’ health and bless them with a healthy, safe, and long life. Baba, be with my family and keep blessing us always. Baba, keep blessing my sister and her husband. You are my everything, Baba. I love You so much. Please forgive us for our mistakes. Please end this pandemic soon and keep everyone safe. Om Sai Ram!
Om Sai Namo Namah !
Shri Sai Namo Namah !
Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah !
Sadguru Sai Namo Namah !
Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namah !
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraja Yogiraj ParaBrahma Sri Sadchidananda Samarth Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Om Sai Ram!
Sai Baba – The Protector And Sadguru

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba who wants to be at His lotus feet always.
My sincere thanks to Hetalji and the team for maintaining this wonderful site. Whenever we feel low, these devotees’ experiences lift us up. My gratitude to Baba for the sweet experiences that I had recently.
In my office, there was a difficult situation and we had an obstacle while responding to a tender. If it was not resolved then people would have blamed me for that. I prayed to Baba that it should get resolved and lo behold, it got resolved. Thank You so much Baba for saving me.
We were traveling with a lot of luggage and were apprehensive that customs guys may create unnecessary issues. I prayed to Baba to look after everything and Baba did just that. My travel was smooth. Thank You so much Baba for all the love and care. Also thank You Baba for settling the house deposit issue and for helping me manage the luggage issue.
I had to get a license for myself and an Aadhaar Card for my son. Was praying to Baba to take care of these things and help me in getting these things done without any issues. Thanks, Baba for helping with these.
Saima – You know what I am waiting for and I am sure You will give me that. Thank You so much, Saima for showering so much love and for always being with me. I will write about that in my next post.
Om Shri Sainathaya Namaha. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai. Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachhidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sai Baba’s Grace And Blessings

Shirdi Sai Devotee Meghna Sai from India says: I have left everything under Your lotus feet.
Om Sai Ram! Thanks to the team and Sai Bandus for reading my experience and also for sharing yours.
Sai Baba, till now You did whatever I asked and also You did which I didn’t ask. You have done the biggest miracle in our lives. But You know what hurts mothers a lot. I have that pain and burden but I decided not to worry because my father Sai is with me. He never sends me empty-handed. You are my Mother. You know how much pain I am going through as a mother. I know one day You will make him shine. I am waiting for that day.
Posting experience as promised:
1. Baba, thanks for helping me in that difficult situation. I was very worried that something bad was going to happen that day. By Your grace, everything went well. Please forgive us for our mistake and guide everyone. Baba, make us do good without pride and ego.
2. Thanks for helping me to reach the office on time and by Your grace I am in this stage today.
3. Thanks for helping Adhi with his therapy and making him sleep every day.
4. Thanks for helping in our daily life.
5. By Your grace the foundation day was awesome for me. I was also looking good and thanks for helping me to travel. My husband came to pick me up.
6. Thanks for helping me with my recipe.
7. Please forgive me if I forgot to post anything that I had promised.
I trust You and I love You.
Om Ganeshaya Namaha Om Shakthi Kallalamma Thaye Adhithimappa Om Sai Ram MKDG Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva Om Shree Sai Arogya Kshmadaya Namaha Om Shree Sai Theertaya Namaha.
Sai Is Always There For Us

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Appa and thank you team for this wonderful platform.
I prayed to Sai Appa for three things which as usual were fulfilled by our Sai Appa. Sorry for posting it late. Thank You once again Deva for Your kindness. You know what is running in my mind. Please fulfill the wish, Appa. Kindly bless me, my family, and Your children. Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Sai Baba Kripa

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Haryana. With Baba’s grace, my son is keeping up these days. Baba, please bless him with patience and positive attitude.
Our AC worked well and got repaired too. I am moving with positivity. Please Sai remove all the diseases from my family. Help me to settle in Vadodara Gujarat. Om Sai Ram!
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