Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3587

Sai Baba – Thursday Aarthi Leela

Sai Baba - Thursday Aarthi Leela
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you to the admins of this platform for providing an opportunity to us for sharing our experiences. Jai Sai Ram!

Experience 1: I offer my sincere thanks to my Sai for completing the sale of our land. For the last 8+ years, we have been trying to sell it. There were many interested parties but somehow or the other things did not close or the offers were very low. We had three offers that pulled back at the last minute.

I prayed to Baba to help us with this sale. Finally, two months ago we got an offer that was finally completed yesterday. Although at a slight loss, I am grateful to Baba, that He helped complete this transaction smoothly. Many thanks to our realtor who stuck with us enthusiastically through it all.

Experience 2: I have started Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat and last Thursday was my first day. I did the puja, reading, and did a short aarthi at home in the morning thinking that I will go to the temple in the evening for the full aarthi. 

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Now our regular temple where I usually go on Thursdays is closed temporarily and I have not been attending for a few months. There is a new temple nearby. I had been to this new temple only twice and had never been there for Thursday Aarthi. I was not sure if they held one though I knew there was a Baba idol in that mandir. Later that afternoon when I looked up the temple timings, it said that there was Baba’s Aarthi at 7:30 pm on Thursdays. 7:30 pm was too late for me that day, so I thought that I would just visit the temple earlier (since I was doing Nav Guruvar Vrat) and do namaskar, and come back. I went at 6:30 pm and wondered about wonders, the evening aarthi had just started. It seemed that day it was not at the usual time but happened to coincide with when I arrived. I quickly joined in and stayed till the end and received prasad. 

I just felt that Sai had arranged for things so I was able to attend and complete the aarthi as I had thought in the morning. He really is the inner Ruler and the Omniscient One! When we have good thoughts, He helps us bring them to fruition. 

Baba – please bless that my Nav Guruvar Vrat is completed successfully as an offering of devotion to You. Bless my daughter with the desired outcome from it. Shower Your grace on me so that I may learn to give up anger and instead always be gentle and kind to all. Place Your hand upon our heads and bless me, my family, and all Your devotees. Jai Sai Ram! 

Kindness Of Sai Baba

Kindness Of Sai Baba
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank You to the team maintaining this divine blog, 

Om Sai Ram. I want to thank You Baba for Your help yesterday. I was in a difficult situation and I realized my mistake but I didn’t want it to turn into a problem so I prayed that I will share the experience here if it got resolved. 

Yes, You helped me, Baba. Baba, I am so grateful to You for taking care of the situation yesterday. Baba, I also want to thank You for the huge miracle You did for us. Only You know how many tears I shed and the state we all were in after coming back from our trip but thank You so much for completely taking care of everything as if nothing had happened. Baba, I pray to You from the bottom of my heart that You will not let any more situations like that come up and that You should take care of every single step until January. You know what is best for Your daughter so I have surrendered everything to You. Please take care of everything for Your dear daughter. We are always blessed to be Your devotees and be at Your divine and holy feet. Thank You so much, Sai Baba. 

Sai Baba Is Always Listening To Pleas 

Sai Baba Is Always Listening To Pleas 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank You to the team maintaining this blog. 

Om Sai Ram. Thank You so much Baba for helping me this morning. I was in a difficult situation and I didn’t know what to do. I prayed that if it gets resolved then I would share the experience and within minutes You solved it. I am so grateful to You, Baba. Thank You Baba for also solving the situation this afternoon. 

Baba, please help me get the response that I am waiting for and please make sure that there are no arguments between us. Baba, please take care of everything from start to finish for Your daughter. We are always at Your feet, Baba. Please help us, Baba. Thank You so much, Sai Baba. 

Sai Baba Granted Request

Sai Baba Granted Request
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Jai Sai Ram. I am a very small devotee from the USA and want to say thank You to Baba. 

A couple of days ago we decided to do a Zoom call with a few of my relatives for some work. I am always concerned about one of my close relatives. I told Baba, “Baba please let that particular relative join the zoom call and she should be happy during the whole call.” Baba helped me and she came on call, she was there for the whole call and I hope she left happily as well.

Thank You, Baba. I always trouble You but forgive me. 

Sai Baba’s Grace – Phone Data Saved

Sai Baba's Grace - Phone Data Saved
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I live in the US with my kid and spouse.

Last week my phone fell into the water and although I knew it was not going to work, I still prayed to Baba to save the photos and other data as it had my kid’s photos. Luckily, all the data is saved. Thank You, Baba. 

Sai Baba’s Blessings Are Always With Us

Sai Baba's Blessings Are Always With Us

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai thanks to Sai and the team behind this blog. 

Thank You, Sai for making my Covid report negative after a seven days quarantine period. Please help me and my family to maintain good health. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 858


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram…. Baba wishing you a Hapy Navrathri ! Please protect my husband and children. Please shower their lives with good health, long life, happiness, peace of mind. joy, laughter, wisdom, courage, knowledge and prosperity. Baba thank you for taking care of my son while he was unwell. Baba there are so many challenges at my husbands workplace. Please resolve the same Baba for the better and help him relax as he has been working so hard all these years. I hope you will make things better for him. Help my elder get a great opportunity and keep him healthy and happy. My younger is lonely please be with him and keep him happy and smiling always. Give him courage Baba. Please take care of my little family Baba. With your blessings I start my course tomorrow Baba, I seek your grace to make the venture successful. I wish to look good Baba but just feel so unhealthy and lazy. Help me organise my day and make each day productive and effective with some constructive work and results. Baba I surrender all challenges to you. Help and protect us from all dangers and evil Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai Arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏