Experiences With Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Pallavi from Hyderabad and mother of two kids.
Dear Sai Bandhus
Hetalji you are the reincarnation of Hemadpanthji. My Paadhanamaskaarams to you. This site is God’s gift to me. I daily read date-wise and complete my Nityaparayana of Satcharitra here. Today I want to share my recent experiences.
- We have recently moved to a new rental flat near to my daughter’s school. I was very much doubtful and was worrying that my periods arrive early as I am seeing few symptoms and my joining pooja on auspicious dates and times gets delayed. But with Baba’s grace nothing stopped and no obstacle has come our way. All went well peacefully. Jai Sai Ram. 🙏🙏🙏
- My elder kid recently fell down while riding her cycle in such a way that her leg muscle has come out and was deeply bleeding. I was trembling in fear and cried a lot as that was a very bad incident happened. The doctor put on surgical stitches and gave medication. But with Baba’s grace, she didn’t suffer pain and she was able to manage her physical schooling also. which was really unexpected. The stitches dried soon and fell off without a doctor visit again. I was earlier worried for her as she is too small and can’t bear the pain. But my Baba has blessed her. Jai Sai Ram. 🙏🙏🙏
- My parents want to visit us but my husband was stopping me by putting a condition that my father should not keep on scolding my mother in front of him and I was totally under stress due to this topic. As my father is very egoistic and will not listen to anyone. But due to sincere prayers to Baba. somehow my husband changed his mind and coolly Said. ok. I am really grateful to u Sai. Jai Sai Ram.
- My elder daughter is totally accustomed to the new school and new teachers and timings. She is also improving her communication skills and showing interest in her studies. I am really feeling relaxed now. As this was also worrying me since the beginning as she has never been to school due to Corona for the last two years and suddenly joined the class. Sai please bless her with knowledge and a bright future. Jai Sai Ram. 🙏🙏🙏
- My second daughter who is three years old had severe ear pain. She couldn’t sleep well at the night and started being cranky. With my Baba’s grace, she recovered in no time and now actively playing.
- Though my husband is a beginner in driving drove us safely to Bengaluru from Hyderabad along with small kids without any hassle with Sai’s blessings.
My Prayers To Sai Baba
- Sai Sravana Maasam is going to arrive soon as You know what I have in my mind and what I am praying for. Please bless me with no obstacles for my pooja and also see that my father and my husband have no clashes or arguments or cold war for at least this time. Without You, I can’t even take a step forward. I am the dust at Your Feet Sai. Never leave me alone.
- Sai tomorrow we will be shifting to a new house. Please, bless with all good healthwise. education-wise and relationships wise in our family. Because these three factors worry me very often. As you all know or might have got experienced with our Sai Leela, He raises the storm first, and when we start suffering and crying, He will pull all the sparrows towards Him like a mother pampers the kid.
- Please don’t leave my hand Sai else I will get drowned in this big Bhavasagara of family tensions.
Om Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva
Om Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva
Om Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva
Sai Baba Ensured Safe Return Flight To USA

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I want to be called Sai’s daughter. Thank you Hetal Ji and team for providing us with this beautiful platform where we Sai devotees can share our beautiful experiences with our Sai family.
- Thank You, Sai for protecting my kids throughout the journey.
- Thank You, Sai for helping us to go through the immigration at the Indian airport without any trouble. All the luggage could be checked in and it happened without any trouble.
- On the way back, my younger one got a fever at Dubai airport but You took care of him and we could reach home safely even after high a fever.
- He is doing much better now and this could happen only because of my Deva’s help. I was going on chanting Sai’s Shlok when my son had a fever and also during the Dubai immigration process, we could get through the process without any trouble only because of my Sai. Thank You, Deva. Thank you for always being there for us Deva.
- I know Sai our green Card will come soon with your help and grace so we are just worried at all Sai. I know Deva sometimes I feel many of our friends got GC and we have not yet got I’m sorry Sai for comparing, they might have done many more good things than us and You are still testing our patience so I will wait patiently Sai.
- Deva, I will not do that Sai, I know You are there for us, so I will not think so much about that.
- Thank You for always being there for us Deva.
- Thank You for loving us so much Sai. I will try my best to walk in your footsteps Deva but if I do any mistakes please forgive us, Deva, don’t get angry with us Sai.
Love you, Deva.
Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba Experience

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a Sai devotee from USA, and I will request to be anonymous. I am always very grateful to this team and thank everyone for their great work for this platform where we can share our experiences and get strength from each other.
I have experienced many miracles of Baba, though I have shared only a few. I pray to Baba for forgiveness. Sometimes when something nice happens to me due to Baba’s blessings, and I think of sharing, later I forget in day-to-day activities. I am sharing today all of Baba’s blessings in my life that I promised to share but have not done so far.
My son sometimes gets nose bleeding, and it happens on an extremely hot day when he plays out in the sun. Sometimes it’s very scary. One day he was playing out in the swimming pool for a long time on a hot summer day, he came home and his nose started bleeding. I get very scared each time it happens and I run to my temple and pray to Baba and put Baba’s Udi on his nose, and within a few minutes, it stopped. I prayed to Baba to help my son as It makes me very scared and worried.
I was working in the garden and got stung by two bees on my palm, it was burning so much. My husband told me to put on some medicine but I only applied Udi immediately and I couldn’t believe it, within seconds so much burning disappeared.
Recently, I had a big fight with my husband. It was almost for no reason. This covid situation, staying home most of the time, my office issues, and everything together made me very mentally disturbed. But it definitely affected peace at my home. And I became more restless. I prayed to Baba for peace at home and felt a little better, also asked Him for guidance here. His advice was, ‘Be calm, everything will be alright soon. It was such meaningful advice that I was shocked. Baba knows everything. In a few days everything became fine.
I also suffer a lot from acid reflux, and it makes me very sick. I drink Udi with water and pray to Baba and I don’t get sick so often these days.
Baba is always with us and helping us in so many ways. But sometimes I forget to thank Baba for His blessings. I pray to Baba for Peace and good health of my family and ask for forgiveness as I do so many mistakes in life. I read SatCharithra and I learn a lot and try to change myself.
‘Baba’ Please keep me and my family at Your Lotus Feet always.
Thank You very much!
Sai Baba Gives Darshan As A Young Boy

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I am, from India, an ardent devotee of my Sai (maa-paa, my everything) since 1995. I want to remain anonymous. First of all, I thank all the members who maintain this site thereby enhancing the faith of Sai devotees.
I have experienced many miracles starting from the year 1995. I was blessed by my Sai with His “Sakshaat Darshan” to start within 1995. He gave me darshan in a form of a boy aged 10-11 years that too when I was passing through my worst period of life. He opened my eyes to see the reality of life. He told me about my wish to visit Shirdi and that I will fulfill my wish to visit Shirdi that year only. And He will meet me there in Shirdi. And yes, it was fulfilled that year only, by His grace. Then He asked for food and I gave Him laddu (as it was Randhan Chhathth-6th day of Krishnapax of Shravan maas and I prepared it for home). He asked for Dakshina and I gave him 50/- rupees. He asked for more but internally I was afraid as if there may be something wrong if I go for taking more money from my cupboard so I asked for His forgiveness and politely denied His request to give more money. I came back to my house seeking His forgiveness. (Those days, My house was upstairs having some 12-15 stairs, and then starts a big plot to pass out my society). After a few seconds only, I checked whether He had gone or not, and to my surprise, there was no one either on the stairs or on the plot. How He came, the same way He disappeared. When He told me about my wish to visit Shirdi, He committed to meet me there in Shirdi. he Said, “Mai Tumhe Shirdime Milunga”. but I was naive that I can’t understand His words.
It was my late father who took me to Shirdi that year thereby my wish to go to Shirdi was fulfilled and there I was wandering to search for that little boy Who came to my house and told me that He will meet me in Shirdi. I asked my father about the boy after wandering here and there, then my father, showing me the statue of Baba, Said, “This man – Sai has only come to meet you”. From that day I heartily devoted to my beloved SaiBaba. Then after there are so many experiences that I felt in my life. My Baba made my life smooth. I experienced the real truth about my life.
The latest experience is about my visit abroad as my only son resides THERE and we have to reunite with him. I was checking by asking SaiBaba, when will we reunite with my son, in the SaiBaba question answer site, which gave me an answer like, “You will go in October/November”. And I think how it’s possible? Because we were to go abroad in April 2020. But my Sai knows the exact time when to go. Due to covid pandemic, all flights got canceled and we were not able to go. as Baba said, it became possible in the last week of October this year and due to a quarantine period of four days, we were able to reunite in November 2020. How accurate my Baba’s prediction is? In the last days of departure, there were so many obstacles but my Baba assured me of a safe journey every time to reunite with my family.
Love you Baba so much. Please shower Your blessings on all Your devotees. Remove this covid from all over the world. Om Sai Raam..
Sai Baba Miracle

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai Devotees. I am a small Sai Devotee of Baba. Thank you Hetal mam and your team for providing this wonderful platform to us for sharing our experiences. Please keep me anonymous. As a promise, I could share my two experiences.
- One day I was searching for my bank passbook. But I couldn’t find it. I prayed to Baba to help me. Due to Baba’s grace, I could find my bank passbook in my sister’s house. Thank You, Baba.
- I was suffering from shoulder pain for a long time. I couldn’t bend my hand on the backside. I used Baba’s Udi on my shoulder. One day I was climbing upstairs and fell down and I had pressure on my hands. Since that day my shoulders have started to heal.
Thank You, Baba. Please be with me always and my family and your Devotees. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba Saved

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: A small devotee of our Baba currently staying in the USA. Thank you team for this platform. Today we were all saved due to Sai Baba’s blessings on us. Thank you Sai Baba for sways protecting us. Bless all. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
© Shirdi Sai Baba Devotees.com – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com
OM sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai