Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3639

Request To Sai Baba – Wellness Of My Son

Request To Sai Baba - Wellness Of My Son
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Shirdi Sai Devotee Sangeetha from India says: Om Sairam. I am Sangeetha from Tamil Nadu, a homemaker. I have been a part of the Global Mahaparayan for the past two years and still I am doing it faithfully. I have experienced many miracles from my Baba. I will share here which influenced me the most. 

My son Rahul. He is 27 now. He is naturally a very good-hearted person. He completed his graduation in mechanical engineering in 2017. He was searching for a job for more than three years but he didn’t get one. So he started to prepare for government exams and gave three exams. He worked day and night for that. For his bad luck, some politics got held at the exam hall. He went into depression and he was shouting and crying lonely. As a mother, I couldn’t see my child like that. After that moment I even went into depression. My health became worse. 

As I belong to a joint family my father-in-law and mother-in-law pierced me and my child in front of all my family members. I was helpless to my child. Daily I cried in front of Baba to help my child in any way. I couldn’t tolerate that anymore. Finally, I decided to do Saptah parayan (one week parayan). I tried to do this several times and I failed. This time I begged Baba, “Please Baba, help me. Don’t leave my child and help me to do this parayan without any hurdles.” With Baba’s grace, I completed it successfully and happily and did my puja on the last day (i.e.) Thursday. I was very much satisfied and I couldn’t express my happiness on that day. Believe it or not, on the very next day of the completion of my puja, my son got an interview and was selected for a good salary. Though it was a very tough job he is handling it properly because he needs this job very badly. I hope Baba will give strength to face anything in this job.

I want to end this with one more miracle. I was writing Om Sairam in a notebook every day. Once I thought of drawing Baba in that notebook but I didn’t know how to draw and so I left it. Days later to my surprise there was an image of Baba on that note. This was such a very big miracle for me. 

Special thanks to my daughter who was a big support for me and my son in that toughest time. God bless her abundantly. Please pray for my son and daughter for their bright future. Om Sairam.

Sai Baba Our Saviour

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam, I am one of the sparrows that Baba has pulled towards Him. 

He humbly pulled me towards Him and Baba has been showering His blessings on us throughout our life. Baba also pulled my husband towards Him, now he has become a sincere devotee of Baba. 

Thanks a lot, Baba for everything. Kudos, to the people maintaining this blog. You all are blessed ones and may Baba continue showering His blessings on you all. I am part of the Global Mahaparayan group because of His blessings. Whenever I feel low I read the miracles of Baba on this site and I get more energy and peace. 

Baba has shown many miracles in our life. We are very grateful to Him. Even for small things, my husband and I go to Baba. He guards us like a parent and guides us on to the correct path. 

Baba, please save my mother-in-law. She is a good soul. Please make her healthy again. She is suffering a lot. Please guide us, Baba. Thank You, Baba. Please bless all Your devotees. Om Sai Namo Namah, Sri Sai Namo Namah, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah. 

Sai Baba Blessings

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: Om Sai Ram! I am Sonia residing in Germany originally from Hyderabad, India. 

Thanks to Hetalji and the team for maintaining this site where we can share and read many experiences of Sai miracles from many devotees. Today I want to share one of my experiences of Sai’s miracle in my life. I am very happy to share my experience with all of you.

We are staying in Germany for many years and learning the German language is very important here. Recently my husband wrote the B2 level German certification exam. He was not at all confident that he would clear the exam. Many times he said that it would be a miracle if he cleared the exam. With Sairam’s grace, he cleared the exam. Thank You Sai Baba for showering Your blessings on us. It’s Your blessings that made my husband clear the exam. Thank You so much! Om Sai Ram!

Ananthakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabhrama. Sri Sachitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. Om Sai Ram. 

Sai Baba Miracle

Sai Baba Miracle
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai, thanking this wonderful site for bringing all the devotees together. 

I feel my good time has started already, only with Baba’s blessings after seven long years of Saturn effects. I am very thankful to Baba as He guided me throughout this phase and helped me to gain the strength to cope with all my stress. 

I am now focusing on my career with the help of Sai. Thanks, Baba for bringing us together and helping us to prepare for the future exam. Hopefully, only with Your blessings, we will pass them. 

Thanks for giving my friend a booking for a workshop. Please help us with our travel plan to visit our home country and visit the pilgrims. Thanks for everything, Sai. Please help me in preparation for this last exam as You know everything, Baba. Om Sai Ram. 

Curing By Grace Of Sai Baba

Curing By Grace Of Sai Baba
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Shirdi Sai Devotee Arunraj from India says: I would like to share the showering of Baba’s grace on me.

Om Sri Sainathaya Namah. Today I am very happy and experiencing calmness in my mind after about a month with Baba’s blessing.

For about a month I was experiencing pain and irritation in my urinary tract. Repeatedly having different medicines also couldn’t help to bring relief to me. Even the top Doctor couldn’t figure out what my alignment was about. Everything was normal in my scan results but I was suffering from urine irritation. I lost all hope of getting cured with the aid of medicines. It took me to a more worried state. At this juncture, I prayed to Baba’s picture which was my screensaver on my phone wholeheartedly to help me to get out of this health issue. Our loving Baba, the Bakthavatsala, heard my prayers and I am fully recovered without any medication. 

Sai Baba Helped

Sai Baba Helped

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Please keep my name anonymous. Om Sai Ram. Today my parents were traveling from Kolkata to Bangalore. They are old and because of the pandemic am scared of how will they come. But Sai Baba made all arrangements. My cousin accompanied them and they came to my place safely. This happened only with Sai’s blessings. Please Sai. always keep my family in Your Lotus Feet and protect us. You are everything to us. Koti Koti Pranam.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Shri sai ram, Om shri sai ram, Om shri sai ram. Thank you baba my friend got 190 visa which gives him PR. Thank you baba I am happy for him. I am praying for you to do wonder in my life also and give us also baba.

  3. Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower on them your choicest blessings of long life, good health, disease free life, happiness, joy, peace of mind, courage, strength, effort, wisdom, knowledge , love, devotion and prosperity. Baba please help my hubby in terms of his health and at work. Help him do very well in his life. He considers work as worship and I request you to be with him at all times. Please safeguard him. Be with my children Baba, they are planning a travel, need you to protect them from all danger and evil. Baba please help my elder get a job you think he can perform well. Help my younger in his new environment. Bless my little family Baba. We hope the auspicious occasion is graced by your presence Baba and you will extend your blessings in person. I invite you for the occasion Baba please do come and bless our family. Baba I am confused at this point, help me through making the event successful and make the Lord very happy. Baba I surrender to you. Hope to hear wellness, feel good, happy and content in mind and soul. I surrender to you Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏