Sai Baba’s Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from India. This is the first experience that I am sharing. Heartfelt thanks to the entire team for maintaining such a big blog. I know it is not that easy to maintain a blog. We appreciate each and every one of the team. First of all, I would like to share how Baba has entered our life.
When I was seven years old in 1994, we didn’t even know who Sai Baba was or what He looked like. While playing with my sister in the back of our house in the mud we got the iron nail with Baba’s face covered with the glass on its front side. We thought that we found something. We didn’t even know Who that was and in that place where we lived, there only the Goddess was prayed to rather than the other Gods like Rama, Shiva, and Venkateshwara Swami. We kept Baba’s photo which we got while playing on the wall. Like that first time, Baba entered our lives. Even today we are having that nail with Baba’s photo. After some days we got transferred and after coming to the new place we heard about Baba and came to know that the thing we found was none other than Sai Baba. We were happy and started believing in Baba.
Another thing I have to mention is after marriage we thought of purchasing a flat. But so many problems we faced from our surrounding people. At that time I thought that I am having so many experiences but if we purchase the flat then I will post my first experience with the house. That day only I thought like that and knew that the time had come. Here is my experience, Baba that I had promised. After so many complications with the relatives, we at last purchased a flat with Baba’s grace. Baba has given so many clues and confirmed that we will purchase the house but the fickle mind wouldn’t listen. Presently we are living in our purchased flat.
Recently two years back there was a health issue for my mother. That time Baba pulled us from the deathbed. The day before my mother’s operation; my sister and I had the same dream like punishing or beating or kicking the thief who had entered our house. The next day after the operation which was successful, suddenly we memorized our dream and realized that it was Baba’s miracle. It meant that we were removing or killing the diseases which had entered my mother’s body. We felt like in Satcharitra also Baba used to give information in dreams and we felt very happy that such a coincidence had happened with me and my sister with respect to the dream.
We are having so many experiences but it is becoming a long sorry for the big post. We are very much thankful to Baba. Baba, bless each and everyone and also be with us. Baba, we are nothing without You. We all love You so much, Baba. Thank You.
Sai Baba’s Protection

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I would like to share about Baba’s blessings for a safe and happy vacation.
Om Sairam!
We had planned for a family trip to Alappuzha and Kochi in Kerala from September 1st to 5th and all bookings were done including stay, travel, houseboat, etc. Even though there was no specific reason but I was getting some negative or anxious thoughts that we will have some issues with the trip when reading the rain news, tomato Flu, etc. I prayed to Baba to please make the trip happen peacefully and happily without any issues.
As this was a prepaid vacation, package booking cannot be canceled or rescheduled. Everything was going fine and suddenly my son was not feeling well and was having a heavy cold, cough, and fever also around 10 days before the trip and it was continuously raining in Bangalore. We gave the regular medicines that we give to him in this scenario and still, there was no good news he was on leave for school for a week and was struggling a lot.
I prayed to Baba to please get him out of this. We consulted the doctor and he suggested some changes in the combinations of medicines to be tried for four days. Then after taking the medicines, he started recovering and became ready for the trip with some slight cold still there but it was not a big issue for traveling. Thanks a lot, Baba for curing my son.
The second issue popped up in the form of rains in Kerala and there was an Orange alert in Ernakulam on my travel dates. The flooding happened a couple of days before and the rail route that I booked was re-routed. I got tense and was feeling confused about whether to go or not as the city was affected by rain. I left everything to Baba and decided to travel and asked Baba to please guide and take care of us for a happy trip and return without any issues. My Baba came to our rescue and from the day we reached Ernakulam it was not raining and we enjoyed our trip very well without even a single issue. Then only while coming back to the railway station for return travel, it was raining all the way from Alappuzha to Ernakulam but we never faced any issues and reached on time and were back home safely.
We also enjoyed the houseboat trip and it was an awesome and memorable vacation with a lot of Baba’s blessings around us. Very much thanks to Baba.
Om SaiRam
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Om Sri Sai Arogyashemadhaya Namaha
Om Sai Rakshak Saranam Deva
Om Sai Namo Namaha
Sri Sai Namo Namaha
Jaya Jaya Sai Namo Namaha
Sadhguru Sai Namo Namaha
Om Sri Ananthakodi Brahmandanayaga Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabramha Sri Sachdhanandha Samartha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Sai Baba Saved Devotee’s Life

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetal JI and Team, Om sai ram. I am thankful to you from the bottom of my heart for this platform where for the first time I am going to share my story.
Requesting you keep my name anonymous for various reasons.
This week from Monday to Thursday I went through hell in my life. I can never forget this lesson baba taught me for not obeying His order. I met a person through the internet and became close to him.
I asked Baba whether I should continue my relationship with him or not and got the answer No. But my stupidity got carried away by his talks and became close. Then the deadly blow came in the form of blackmail and I paid so much money to a third person. Every day he would threaten me to deposit money and I would do that. On Wednesday I feel like ending my life. I prayed to Sainath and opened the chapter in Sai Satcharita’s book and to my surprise, I opened the chapter where a person wanted to end his life by jumping to a well but was saved by Sainath, and later on, he got a lot of fame. I got the indication that I must not give up. I lit a lamp and promised my Sai till my problem gets resolved it will light and added oil to it.
On Thursday Baba send His messengers to tell me that He is always there with me He sends me to a person whose name is Satyasai. It’s not a coincidence or anything, it’s just my Sainath telling me whatever wrong you have done My duty is to protect you, My child.
The matter got settled and I am dedicating my life to Baba, my savior. Once again I have promised my Baba to help three people in my life and I am quite sure about it. Baba just give me more strength and power so that I will stick to my goal from now on.
Om Sai Ram and may sai be with you all and bless you all.
Thank You Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Jai Sai Ram. I am a small devotee from the USA and would like to say thank You to Baba.
I am always worried about my family in India and trouble Baba a lot. I did a prayer to Baba that as this was Ganpati festival time so my family should be together and all should celebrate the Ganpati festival very happily. Also, they were planning to visit a couple of places. I know for some people this is usual and normal but for me, everything going well is a stressful thing.
As I prayed Baba, they had a nice Ganpati festival; they visited places as they decided. Today I got a text from them that they were home after a week.
Baba, thank You so, so much. Without You it would not have been possible. I know I trouble You a lot. Baba, please be with us all the time.
Sai Baba Helped In Finding The Passport

Shirdi Sai Devotee Aditya Naik from India says: I’m Aditya from Karnataka.
Om Sairam.
My experience: Sai Baba helped me in finding the passport. Actually, I went to my native for Ganesh Chaturthi and I kept it all. My documents related to study and other documents at home but my passport was missing. I thought I forgot that in Bangalore and again I came the very next day to Bangalore and searched for it but I didn’t get it in my room. Also, I was a little worried and I prayed to Baba if it was found then I would submit the experience. As always Baba came to the rescue. Thank You, Baba. For all the devotees, if you pray to Him from your heart then He will definitely answer You. Baba, bless all Your devotees.
Sai Baba Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am from Puri, Odisha. Thank you Hetal mam and your team for providing this beautiful platform to us. Please keep me anonymous. As a promise, I want to share my experience. My niece was facing the period problem for a long time. Then I prayed to Baba to solve this problem. Due to Baba’s grace now her periods are in time. Thank You, Baba. Om Sai Ram.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, Om sai shri sai jai jai sai. Baba please be with me as today I have driving test. Love you baba.