Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3658

Sai Baba Saved Devotee’s Grandpa

Sai Baba Saved Devotee’s Grandpa
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from the Southern part of India. My grandparents live about half a kilometer from my house. 

On May 28, 2022 evening my mother got a call from my grandmother saying that my grandfather was not feeling well. He was blabbering about something for some time. The moment she got the call, my mom and I rushed to my Grandpa’s house which is just two minutes away from our house. My grandpa was losing consciousness and kept on blabbering since his tongue got numb and started crying. I immediately called my father to come there and thankfully he was at home that day and came there along with my brother in a couple of minutes. In the meantime, I prayed to Baba to save him. 

My Grandpa was unable to walk. My father, my brother, and I carried him to our car and rushed him to the hospital. I also carried a small idol of Baba with me and dropped it inside the pocket of my grandpa. He was a diabetic patient. The doctor checked him and told him that his sugar had become low. Also, he had a heart attack. Everyone was tense and I kept on praying to Baba to save him. After a few minutes of treatment, he regained consciousness and started speaking normally but the doctor said that he could not give any assurance till the next day. We were very much worried and with a heavy heart I opened Instagram for His answers and I saw a post stating, “Don’t be afraid, just believe. God is doing the impossible for you. You have crossed a very long way by keeping patience. Keep the patience alive; You will get what you have prayed for.”

After this, I prayed to Baba that I will come to Shirdi as gratitude along with my grandparents if he recovered. The very next post I saw was, “I will call you to Shirdi soon. Be ready. All your problems and suffering will end soon. Dwarakamai is waiting for you. Chant Sai.”

The moment I saw this I got relieved that Baba will save him at any cost. Glory to Baba that he is out of danger and doing well now. He stood by our side throughout. I could not show my gratitude with just the word “thanks”. You are alive, Baba. We can feel Your presence. Thanks for choosing us. Baba, please help me to fulfill my prayer of visiting Shirdi with my grandparents at the right time.

Om Sai Rakshak Saranam Deva.

Sai Baba Blessings

Sai Baba Blessings
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Bangalore.

Om Sairam!

I have a son who is four years old and very naughty and playful. He is used to being very playful and adamant at times which makes me lose my temper and make me beat him at times. Today he was running around and not coming for cleaning. So I dragged him to the bathroom and he was protesting and not cooperating. I got angry and hit him hard on his head because of which he dashed onto the washbasin on his right side and his teeth cut the inner side of his mouth and bleeding heavily. Earlier around four months back he had hit his lips on the floor while playing and cut the blood veins on his lips and had nine stitches. He still remembers that and cried in pain asking not to take him to the hospital and was crying in pain. I was upset and washed his mouth and prayed to Baba to please help him and that the wound should not be too much. Praying, I put my finger on Udi in the wound area three times and tried to console him. The bleeding stopped and he was just crying that he was unable to bear the pain and the right side face and lips were swollen. By evening there was a reduction in swelling and it was recovering. Thanks a lot for saving him Baba I will try to reduce my anger and will try to stop beating him and have Shraddha and Saburi too. Baba, please help us in getting him potty trained also. He is not cooperating. We have no one except You.

Om Sairam! Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!

Om Sai Namo Namaha
Sri Sai Namo Namaha
Jaya Jaya Sai Namo Namaha
Sadhguru Sai Namo Namaha
Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva
Om Sri Sai Arogyashemadhaya Namaha
Om Sri Ananthakodi Brahmandanayaga Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabramha Sri Sachidhananadha Samartha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Om Sairam!

Miracles Started Since Joining MahaParayan In 2018

Miracles Started Since Joining MahaParayan In 2018
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Goa. I am a teacher by profession. 

Om Sairam to all. Baba, no words to thank You. You have been showering Your blessings on me. What I am today is only because of Baba. I got my government job. Getting this job was not possible but then and then Baba came and helped me to get it. Baba has always been with me. 

I can feel Baba’s presence. I talk to Baba. I share a lot of things. Recently the second important thing has been my son’s admission to the University of Manchester (UK). There were a lot of hurdles, like finance, visa, and my son’s 12th result. To name the list will be long. Believe me, all this was happening as per Baba’s instructions and I could feel it. I was at one point scared that things will not work but my Baba never made me lose hope and have faith and patience. The last thing on the visa which we received on Thursday was again Baba’s day. He showed me that he was watching me and that He was with me. Today my son is in the UK and I know my Baba is with him. I am sorry I can’t put it in words properly but it’s Baba Who has barbed and molded my life. Baba, be with my family and bless us and everyone.

Om Sairam! 

Thanks To Dear Thandri Sai Baba 

Thanks To Dear Thandri Sai Baba 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Shree Sai Nathaya Namaha. Om Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva. Om Sai Arogya Kshema Daya Namaha!

Om Sairam. Thank You so much dear Thandri Baba.

Coming to my experience. I was waiting to get my cheque from another state and I needed to get it by the next day as we have a plan for vacation for one week so we won’t be at home for one week and so it was better to get it latest by tomorrow. So I prayed to Baba to please get that cheque by today or tomorrow and if I got it by tomorrow then I would share my experience here. So by Baba’s grace, I got it today. Thanks, Baba. 

Why do we need to fear when dear Thandri Baba is there for us? I have full faith in You Thandri, my Baba. You are my Mother, Father, Guru, and everything. Please forgive me for all my sins and be sorry for the mistakes that I have done knowingly or unknowingly. Thanks for all Your blessings. Thanks to Hetalji and the team for your great service. Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavanthu. 

Sai Baba Experience

Sai Baba Experience
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: For the past few days I was getting nightmares and I was worried about my mom as I am in a hostel and I used to miss her a lot. A week later I came to know that she met with an accident and her hand got fractured. I came to know from one of my relatives. My mom didn’t tell me thinking that I would be worried. I prayed to Baba to cure her fast. She needed to undergo surgery so she was admitted to the hospital on Monday and the operation is to be performed on Wednesday. somehow it got postponed to Thursday and she is fine now all due to Sai Baba’s grace. Love You, Baba.

One day I was searching for my charger and I couldn’t find it. I always keep my charger plugged in. I got tensed and prayed to Baba that I would share my experience here if I find my charger and ya within a moment I could find my charger on the same table. Baba always helped me and my family in our difficult situations and He will always protect us.

Thank You Sai Baba

Thank You Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I’m a Sai daughter. Baba, thank You for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all. Bow to Shri Sai, peace be to all.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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  1. Om Sai Ram, please bless me Deva to complete registration with out any problem. Deva please please correct my identity proof name. Sai Ram, These days I am doing bad things without understanding Your presence. Please save me Deva. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Anantha Kodi Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai.