Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3672

College Admission To The Direct Medical Program

College Admission To The Direct Medical Program
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Jai Sai Ram everyone. I am a devotee from the USA. I am blessed to be part of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-5871N1, Red house since March 2020. I have been a Baba devotee since I was a teenager and have experienced uncountable Baba’s leelas. Today I am going to share an experience about how Baba guided us through the college admission process to the Direct Medical Program right after graduating from high school.

My daughter decided that she wanted to pursue a medical career in college when she was in 11th grade in January 2020 too she wanted to go for a Direct Medical program which is very competitive and students start preparing for such a program right from their middle school onwards. We did not know the admission process for such programs and I contacted a couple of my colleagues and friends regarding the process. They suggested approaching college admission counselors and a few of them even discouraged us. When we contacted the counselors they said that it was too late to prepare for such a program. We were disappointed and I prayed to Baba that we needed guidance as to what needed to be done for the Admission process.

To our surprise, after a week one of our old family friends called to wish us New Year’s wishes on a Thursday and when we were talking to them they mentioned that their son got admission to the Medical program and they would help us. From then onwards whenever they called it used to be a Thursday and they gave confidence that my daughter had all the grades and extracurriculars that were required for these programs they hand held us through the entire process and my daughter got admission into the program. Throughout this process, I felt that Baba Himself helped us through this family. I also prayed to Baba that if she got admission to a college within our state close by then I would share my experience in this Mahaparayan group and here I am very happy to share this with all of you. Thank You so much, Sainath for all Your blessings. I just want to say to all the devotees that keep praying to Baba and have faith in Baba and He will guide us and bestow us with what is good for us.

Baba, please always bless us and protect us all.

Jai Jai Sai

Sai Baba Gave Raise At Work

Sai Baba Gave Raise At Work
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a small devotee of Baba. I am from Pennsylvania, USA. Baba listened to my prayers. 

Baba has changed my life completely. I shared many experiences before regarding my infertility and how Baba blessed me with a beautiful girl without going through the third round of IVF. I can’t thank You enough Baba for what You have given me. I feel so blessed to have You in my life.

I would like to share another experience regarding the raise in my job. Sorry for the delay, Baba. I have been working as a software developer in one of the companies for the last five years and every time the evaluation time comes, we are always told that the company has the policy to give any compensation every three years. So, on my fifth work anniversary, I prayed to Baba that please bless me with a new job or give me a raise. Since the market is up for getting a job, people at my company started leaving and when I heard about their salaries I did not feel good staying with this company. I wanted to move on to another company but was scared of finding and adjusting to a new company. But this killed me inside and one day all of sudden my VP called me and gave me the news that they had applied for a salary increase. I kept praying to Baba and hoping to get a salary of around 12k more than what I was making and that I would post my experience. I got a 10K increase which was still good and I am super happy about it. My VP decided to move me to a different department which is also good for my career growth perspective since the new team is using angular technology which I will get the chance to learn and add to my resume.

I am still not making much money compared to the other folks who have the same experience as me but I trust Baba that He will give me that one day. I completely surrender to You, Baba. Please bless my side business too. 

Sai Baba Experiences 

Sai Baba Experiences
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Shirdi Sai Devotee Nirmal from Malaysia says: I am Nirmal from Malaysia. Om Sai Ram, I would like to share my recent experiences. I put my head on our beloved Baba’s Feet and thank Him for the blessings. 

  1. Recently my mother started showing Covid symptoms and I got worried as she was not fully vaccinated and she has heart disease. The doctor suggested an RTK test and chest X-ray. I prayed to our savior Sai Baba and the report turned out to be negative. 
  2. A few days later, my son was having a slight fever, so we gave him medicine. This morning my son was coughing and his voice changed which started showing Covid symptoms. I get worried as he is not vaccinated due to being underage. Before I proceeded with the Covid test, I kept chanting “Om Sai Ram” and with Sai Baba’s blessing, the result turned out to be negative. 

I bow down on Baba’s feet and thank Him for His blessings.

Sai Baba Is Our Protector 

Sai Baba Is Our Protector 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Pranam Sai Baba and Sai family. I live in the US with my two daughters and their father. Some of the experiences have been published here. I always had a difficult marriage and my husband never treated me well. sometimes he didn’t provide basic needs too even though he was earning well. In the last few years with Baba’s blessing, I got a good job and took care of my girls.

I have a few prayers. Baba, I started working a few years ago and college here in the US is very expensive. I couldn’t save much for their college after monthly expenses. My elder daughter is a senior here and applying for colleges. Please bless her to get into a good university with a good scholarship. 

This weekend my younger daughter wasn’t feeling well. She had a temperature, cold, and cough. Baba, with Your blessings her fever came down but she still has a cold, cough, and tiredness. Tomorrow she has to go to school. Please, please take care of her and bless her with good health. Bless both my girls with good health, good life, and everyone in the world too.

Om Sree Sai Rakshaka Saranam!

Sai Baba’s Help

Sai Baba's Help
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I need Your help and blessings, I’m so worried about an incident which happened two days back. I went to a wholesale mobile accessories store for a screen guard for my sister’s tab. The shop fellow didn’t have a matching screen guard at that moment so he said he will get it from another known shop and he took the tab with him. I saw the person taking my tab along with him. I thought he will go to a nearby shop, but he went on his bike to another shop. I could have stopped him by saying it’s okay if it’s not available in his shop, I’ll get it done elsewhere. I was blank/dumb and I didn’t say anything, though I saw the person taking my tab. I don’t know why was I dumb, but the moment he left I started feeling tensed that tab has no lock and there is important data in it (certificates). Though the person was back in max 10 mins, I still feel tense what if that fellow had copied data in the tab? this is bothering me very much, my heart is going heavy, why was I dumb? Sai Baba, please help me, bless me that nothing wrong would have happened, please save us & save everyone in the world. I need Your blessings Sai 🙏

Sarvejana Sukhinobavanthu, Om Sai Ram, Sree Sai Ram, Jaya Jaya Sai, Samarth Sai

Parent’s Health Improved 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I live in the USA with my family. My parents were visiting from India and my dad developed an infection and was having a very high fever. Medication was not helping much and I silently prayed to dear Baba to help my dad control his fever and that I would post the experience. In hardly two hours the fever started coming down. My dad was not yet fully recovered but didn’t have a high fever anymore. I am sharing my experience as promised to dear Baba and I am sure that with His grace my dad will be healthy in a couple of days. Om Sai Ram!

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2 years ago


2 years ago

Om sai shri sai jaijai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai.

Baba I am feeling physically weak, seems as if I have no energy after giddiness on the freeway. Thank you for saving me and guiding me to park the car in emergency lane. were you not there I would not have come out in one piece. Thank you baba