Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3690

Thank You And Prayers 

Thank You And Prayers 

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am from Bhutan but presently residing on a student visa in Perth, Western Australia. Thank You, Baba.

I am from Bhutan but presently residing on a student visa in Perth, Western Australia. I am also a member of the Global Mahaparayan MP-4659N1 -Sai Ramesh for the last two years. I am a regular visitor to the divine blog of Thank you devotees for sharing wonderful experiences and admiration for the admin for doing a great job. Baba bless you all.

Baba, it is with due graces that we are blessed with the following:

  1. A daughter was born on Thursday as a gift from You after a gap of eight years.
  2. Thank You for ensuring the good health of my wife, daughter, son, and myself. 
  3. Thank You for ensuring that my daughter is registered with no waiting period for health insurance. 
  4. Thank You Baba for ensuring that my daughter’s census is updated. Please help us to obtain her passport ASAP. 
  5. Keeping the good health of my family and friends. 
  6. Thank You Baba for keeping my hopes alive. 

Baba my daily prayers for the followings:

  1. Our daughter’s umbilical cord is not dried properly even after two months. Baba, please bless her so that it dries ASAP. The doctor has given me some ointment and has an appointment. Baba, praying You dry It before the appointment. 
  2. The doctor has pointed out that the daughter’s leg creases are not even. Baba, praying that it should not be something serious. 
  3. Praying for getting an invitation from the Western Australian Government. Many rounds have been done but I did not get one. 
  4. Making me strong in faith. My Shraddha and Saburi have been dashing. Baba, please give me the energy to keep going. 
  5. Baba, I am looking for a better job and have been looking to come out of night shifts. If I get an invitation then I can walk out of night shifts and give more time to my family. 
  6. Please call me to Shridi this year. 
  7. Baba, I know I am going through all this pain due to my past and present bad Karma. I pray that all this will be grounded with Your grace. 
  8. Baba, I want to contribute to Your temple construction here in Perth. Bless me so that I am capable of doing something. Let my income grow Baba so that I can use the same for dharma. 
  9. Baba, I am on BP tablets, I pray that I should be able to stop it. 
  10. Baba I do not stop praying for the things I have been trying to get which You already know.

Om Sairam to all the readers.

Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabramh Shri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Saved My Special Day And Provided Me Vaccine In These Times

Sai Saved My Special Day And Provided Me Vaccine In These Times

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I would like to remain anonymous. I stay in the USA and my devotion to Baba has immensely increased in the last two years. I am sharing my recent experience here as I promised Baba that I will.

We were trying to get a vaccine appointment in March 2021, every day and night my husband used to sit and try online but none was available, all the slots use to fill up very fast. Finally, we did get one appointment which relieved us but on calculation, we realized the second dose would be right before my birthday (3-week gap for Pfizer). I assumed it was Pfizer because that pharmacy was giving Pfizer mostly at its locations. I had no real plans for my birthday because of the covid situation but still, I did not want to feel sick on my birthday because I heard a lot of people getting side effects after the second dose.

I was really upset about the timing but then I talked to Baba and told Him to do whatever You want to do but You have to solve this problem, either cancel this date and get me another one, or I should get another vaccine (Moderna with a 4-week gap), or maybe the pharmacist agrees to give me second dose after my birthday or maybe I don’t get any side effects. All this conversation went on with Baba in my head for a week.

My husband suggested canceling the appointment and trying again to get it at later date, I thought about it but he had put in a lot of time and effort to book it for me, and I didn’t want to waste his efforts and secondly, I thought there must be some reason why Baba got me an appointment on that day only when we were trying from such a long time. I told him to let it be, we will see.

All this while, I m trying to find out from friends what their experience was after vaccination and also telling Baba that it is up to Him, I shouldn’t be sick on my birthday. 

So, around five days passed. Thursday I did my puja and Satcharitra reading, Friday morning I thought of calling my vaccine location to find out which one they were giving. As most of you must have guessed by now the pharmacist told me they were giving Moderna (4 weeks gap) at this location, so my entire dilemma vanished. Baba solved the whole issue. I can’t even tell you my relief and the love and gratefulness I felt towards Baba at that time. I couldn’t thank Him enough. 

To some, it might be a very trivial thing but for me, birthdays have been very very special days since childhood so I just didn’t want anything to be wrong that day.

Love you, Baba. Bless us all and save us from this virus.

Thank You 

Om Sai Ram 🙏

Sai Baba’s Miracle In Making The Sales Happen

Sai Baba's Miracle In Making The Sales Happen

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: I am from Germany. My heartful Pranaams to the readers and the team of this divine platform.

I am here with one another beautiful experience of our Deva. I am doing a small plant business. One buyer who asked me to reserve a big amount of plants didn’t show up. I was very much disappointed and prayed to Sai to make the sale happen. But I didn’t hear anything from her even though I tried to reach her in all the ways. Now comes our Sai’s Leela. One of the persons whom I know had shared my sale links in some other groups. I didn’t even ask her to post it and she did it by herself without even informing me and I got the sale more than the one the lost sale.

Thank You so much Prabhu! You test Your child only to teach them important things about life but never disappoint them. Amazing are Your leelas, Thandri.

Sai, please help my brother find a good job, Thandri. Please keep everyone healthy and happy Sai. Please help me grow in this field, Swamy. Always hold my hand, Deva.

Raajaadhi Raaja Yogi Raaja Parabramha Sri Samartha Sathguru Sathchidananda Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!

Sai Baba Made Day More Memorable

Sai Baba Made Day More Memorable

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from India and I have already shared so many experiences on this site. There was some misunderstanding between my parents and my husband. There was a big fight between my in-laws and grandpa. I was totally worried about how their relationship would be thereafter. I was not at all at peace as my husband stopped talking to my grandpa. 

In a few days, I was about to celebrate my daughter’s second birthday. We had invited everyone. But my husband was not okay with inviting my grandpa. I felt really bad and was totally disturbed. I cried to Baba and prayed to Him that some miracle should happen and my husband should invite my grandpa. I read a few random experiences where Baba helped to solve fights between the relationships. The next day, I tried to convince my husband and he agreed to invite my grandpa. They spoke normally on call and I felt so relieved. 

We even visited our grandpa’s home with Baba’s blessings. That was one memorable day that Baba gave me. Thank You so much Baba for helping me. 

Sai Baba Blessings 

Sai Baba Blessings

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a small devotee of Baba currently staying in the USA. Thank you team for this beautiful platform that connects many devotees in the name of Baba.

Recently at work, my manager nominated me for the additional reward for the Quarter and he mentioned that it would be given by the month’s end. I was waiting for the mail confirmation on this but I did not get any mail on this and I did not want to ask my manager.

I just told Baba that whatever I have and get is Your blessing and if it has reached me then I should see some mail by tomorrow morning as it was the start of next month and left it to Him. The next morning I was so happy to see the mail in my inbox confirming the same. Thank You so much Baba for blessing us and protecting us. Bless all. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Gave A Good News

Sai Baba Gave A Good News

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanking our Sai from the bottom of my heart while penning this experience. 

After many hurdles and sleepless nights, Sai Baba helped my paper to get selected for a conference in the USA that is happening in January 2023. It’s a miracle because I got the selection letter while I was in Shirdi. Previously I received too many negative comments for my paper, but Baba made all the negatives into positives. Thank You, Sai. However, I do not have a visa to travel and dates are not available until 2025. Baba, I hope you will do a miracle if you think that I am eligible to travel to the US. You know what is good for me. Leaving to You all my worries. Om Sairam. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba cure my mother’s cough and lungs we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai.

    Thank you baba for publishing the experience and I could read it today, Thursday. Om sai ram, om sai ram, please show your grace and fulfill my dreams. You know very well that I have one pending for long.

    sai sai sai sai sai

  3. Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba shower on them your choicest blessings of good long life, healthy living, laughter, joy, inner peace, wisdom, ability, courage, knowledge, happiness and prosperity. Baba you are everything to me. Please protect my family. Thank you for the project last year and hope you will take care of this year too. Baba help my husband build a great team , earn and preserve the respect of the company. He is all dedicated. Baba please hold our hands and take us across all challenges. Everything is possible with your support. I surrender to you Baba. You took my friend for a reason, hope she is safe with you. She is lucky the way she went away. Give strength to her family Baba. Bless and protect my little family Baba in all ways. Baba help me build the right team and count on you to get the right people. I am posting this that so far we have got the people are with your grace only. Thank you Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏

  4. Om Shri Sachidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai 🙏🙏🙏

    Please bless everyone Sai. Om Sai, Shri Sai, Jai Jai Sai 🙏🙏🙏

  5. Om Sairam
    Baba , as usual you again considered my pain and gave me relief.Thank you so much baba for reducing the throat infection and making everything normal and restoring the health.As soon as i prayed to you, you immediately responded even if I haven’t used your udi physically. Only remembering you and your udi itself brought everything into its place.Thanks for your miracle deva.indebted to you forever Baba.
    Om Sai rakshak saranam🙏