A Devotee’s Personal Experiences And Miracles With Sai Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I am really blessed to be a devotee of Sai Baba. Please do not disclose my identity. I have been a devotee of Baba since my childhood, and Baba has blessed me in all ways throughout my life in each and every aspect, including my job, marriage, and child. All of these blessings were given to me by Sai Baba, and I believe that without him, all of these things would have been impossible in my life. I want to narrate two great experiences and miracles of Baba in my life and how Baba helped me to come out of a difficult situation.
Experience 1: I am working in an office where there are only two posts in my cadre, and I am the only one available out of two posts. I prayed to Sai Baba to fill the other post for me as the workload was huge and couldn’t be done by a single person. Sai Baba listened to my prayers but kept testing my Saburi. Sai Baba doesn’t give everything all of a sudden. First, He will see our Shraddha, and for sure, Sai Baba will test our Saburi. How we are able to trust Sai Baba and wait in tough situations really matters. Baba doesn’t give me anything very easily. Whatever I ask Sai Baba, He asks me to prove my Shraddha and Saburi every time I ask. I am actually explaining the above situation, in which I asked Baba to allot another vacant post in my office. Baba let me wait for four months since I was blessed with a baby boy with the blessings of Sai Baba. I wanted to take leave for two months, and at that time, I directly applied for leave and left the office for looking after my personal life. At that time, Baba did not answer my prayers. After 45 days, I wanted to extend my leave for a further two months. At that time, I was in a really tough situation as I couldn’t extend as there was no one available in the office other than me, and it was the time of Corona. As there were no postings allotted to anyone, when I called the office people regarding my leave extension, they said to extend my leave as a new worker joined in the other vacant position. I really thanked Sai Baba from the bottom of my heart, who helped me in a really tough situation where human intelligence couldn’t do anything. At that time, Sai Baba helped and lifted me up to overcome the situation. See how Sai Baba tested my Saburi for five months. He really helped me when there was no way. Some people may complain that Sai Baba is not listening to their prayers, though they are in vain. See, Sai Baba listens to each and every devotee’s prayers, and he knows the exact time to help them out. I suggest everyone not get depressed about the time Sai Baba takes to help us. But it is only a testing of our Saburi, and Sai Baba knows exactly when to help us. Please trust Sai Baba’s timing.
Experience 2: I am really blessed to do aarti at my home almost every day, but these days I somehow neglected Baba’s pooja on May 30th, 2021, when I was playing cricket. The bat hit hard on my right foot, and the pain was huge. I couldn’t even take a step forward or backward. Somehow, I managed to come home, and after coming, I asked Baba to please reduce my pain as it was unbearable. I was sure it would go for something serious and lead to a bone fracture. As this is the time of Corona, I got really shocked to see my pain. I asked in ‘Ask Sai Baba Website‘ a question about my pain, and it replied, ‘Chant Sai Sai. Sins will vanish, and you will celebrate.’ I am also a member of the Mahaparayan group, and I recalled the Satcharitra chapters 18 & 19, which say in the para of Mr. Sathe, ‘Man does not generally think of God, but when difficulties and calamities overtake him, he turns to Him and prays for relief. If his evil actions have come to an end, God arranges his meeting with a Saint, who gives him proper directions regarding his welfare.’ I really recalled the above words. I prayed to Baba for forgetting him in these days, and I promised Baba that I would go for aarti every day in my home. ‘Please forgive me, Baba. I can’t take any pain no more.’ I applied UDI all over my foot and drank Udi water and sang aarti that day. I again recalled the Satcharitra chapter 33, which talks about the Jamner Miracle and the importance of UDI. One Ramgirbuva, whom Baba called Bapugirbuva, wanted at this time to go to his native place in Khandesh. Baba called him and told him to take a little rest and stop at Jamner on his way home and give the Udi and Arati to Nanasaheb. So as I promised Baba to sing aarti daily, my pain subsided, and I really started walking one day. All in the home were surprised about this. Without consulting a doctor, I got cured, and I was also able to ride my bike. See how we are connected to Satcharitra in many ways. A real devotee of Baba gets all answers from Sai Satcharitra.
I promised Baba that I would publish my experiences. Baba, I mailed them to them as I promised you. I pray to Baba to please let it reach all. Thank you all for reading about my experiences.
How Sai Baba’s Blessings And Mahaparayan Helped A Devotee Overcome Challenges During Covid-19 Pandemic

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, Please keep my name anonymous. I am an Indian who used to watch the Mere Sai serial. My family and I had planned to visit Shirdi, as it was my father’s wish, but due to Covid, we couldn’t go. I felt disappointed that we couldn’t make the trip. However, one night, I had a dream where I was waving Arathi to Sai Baba. My parents, brother, and aunt were also present in the dream. Later, my father received the Karnataka Rajyotsav award for his 50 years of selfless service to farmers. Despite this happy event, I still felt guilty that we couldn’t go to Shirdi.
In March 2021, my friend introduced me to the Mahaparayan group. After joining the group, I saw Sai Baba in my pooja room. A coconut appeared, which looked exactly like Sai Baba. At first, I thought it was an illusion, but later I dreamt that Sai Baba asked me to read something in the evening. I didn’t know what to do, so I asked Baba for help. The Admin of the Mahaparayan group advised me to do pooja and read Sai Satcharita daily.
At the time, I was scared of the second wave of Covid. My parents had already suffered a lot due to Covid in the first wave, and the whole family had tested positive. My parents were due for the second dose of the vaccine, but Covid cases spiked in my town. I prayed to Sai Baba to help me. Baba sent a health worker to vaccinate my mom at home, and my dad took the vaccine in our village.
I was facing problems with my servant, and I prayed to Sai Baba for help. The next day, Baba solved my problem immediately. Previously, I was angry with God, as I had seen evil winning over truth. However, just like a mother who never leaves her angry child, Sai Baba came to me to change my mindset. With Baba’s grace, the truth will undoubtedly prevail.
Words are not enough to express my gratitude to Sai Baba for his blessings and miracles. Once again, thank you, Sai Baba. I am sorry for getting angry.
Om Sai Ram.
Miraculous Experiences With Sai Baba: A Devotee’s Testimonial

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, I have had many beautiful experiences with Sai Baba. My mother used to tell me that He is the head of the family and that He will always be there to protect us. That is exactly what happened. I had a beautiful miracle happen to me a few years ago. My mother, who was a devotee of Sai Baba, had passed away, and for her death anniversary, I wanted to be in Shirdi to offer my prayers to Baba. I booked train tickets with my friend, daughter, and my friend’s mother. We were planning to visit Shirdi.
Somehow, it happened that I dreamt of Sai Baba 15 times, and we actually ended up leaving late. The station master was so kind to me that I actually got on the train 20 minutes later than it was supposed to have taken off, and the best part is that my compartment was just in front of my eyes. I have never experienced anything so beautiful ever in my life. This is when I was shown that Sai Baba is always with me.
After the Darshan and every other formality, we were planning to do on the return, we realized that our bus got canceled, and I had to go back because my boss was visiting my town. Again, I placed my faith in Sai Baba and asked him to help, and Lo and behold, I got train tickets out of nowhere to go back to my hometown and visit my work without any problem. This is how Sai Baba is always with me, good, bad, and ugly, and I have never had to ask Sai Baba to give me anything because he is always there, giving me exactly what I want and taking care of me and my family in thick and thin. I have never gone without food even without a job because he has always been there, serving me, and taking care of me and my family. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba’s Intervention To Retrieve Lost Data On Laptop

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Kanaka from India says: Om Sai Ram to everyone. My name is Kanaka Durka, and I am from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. First of all, I would like to thank every person behind this blog who is doing a wonderful job maintaining this site. I am going to share my experience regarding the data I lost on my laptop and how Sai Baba retrieved it.
My father was working on the laptop when he suddenly called me and asked where all the data had gone. I was really shocked since it had been ten days since I had used the laptop. We tried various methods to retrieve the data, but nothing worked. I continuously prayed to Sai Baba for this issue to be resolved and promised him that if the data was retrieved, I would post my experience here.
After some time, my father informed me that the data was being retrieved bit by bit. I was overjoyed to hear this news and thanked Sai Baba for helping my father solve this problem. As I had promised Sai Baba that I would post my experience on Saturday (29/05/2021), I apologize for posting it a day later, on Sunday (30/05/2021).
I request all devotees to have firm faith in Sai Baba and be patient, for he will never abandon his devotees in any situation. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Thank you, Hetalji and your team, for maintaining this wonderful site. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba, and I have already shared a few of my experiences, and with Baba’s blessings, a few were published.
I would like to share one of my recent experiences. I came across a person and interacted with him for a few minutes. Later, I came to know that his wife had tested positive for Covid-19. I became worried and tense because I had recently recovered from Covid-19 with Baba’s blessings. Then, I decided to wait for five days and prayed to Sai Baba to protect me. I also took a vow that I would post my experience on this blog. Sai Baba protected me, and after five days, I was fine. Thank you very much, Sai Baba, for protecting me from Covid-19. I am posting my experience here.
Sai Baba, please protect me and my family always. Please remove this virus from the world and protect and bless everyone. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, I am a devoted follower of Sai Baba.
Please keep my identity anonymous. I am from Mumbai and feel incredibly blessed to be in the presence of Sai Baba.
I would like to extend my gratitude to Hetalji and the entire team for creating a platform where we can share the blessings of Sai Baba in our lives.
I would like to share my experience. I prayed to Sai Baba and consumed Udi mixed with water for my problem. Today, I am perfectly fine. Thank you, Sai Baba, for blessing me.
I am immensely grateful to Sai Baba for his blessings upon me and my family.
Sai Baba, please forgive me for posting my experience late.
My family and I continue to be blessed by Sai Baba, and we feel his presence every day.
Dear devotees, today in some discussions, I heard that their were few misconceptions regarding a person’s health.I was disturbed hearing those and pray Baba that those should not be true.And that I will post my experience here if i get the confirmation from that person that he is not having any health issues. Usually he gets irritated if i go on asking something but today by Baba’s grace he answered everything very softly.And confirmed that he is healthy. Baba thanks a lot for your blessings.
Om Sairam,Om Sai rakshak Saranam🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
OM sai shri sai jai jai sai, Om Sai shri sai jai jai sai, Om sai shri sai jai jai sai
Baba please bless my friend’s daughter – 1 year old to recover soon. Doctor mentioned that she has a very rare kind of disease affecting her blood and brain infection. Baba please bless her and save her.
Dear Sai devotees please pray for her, Baba is only hope left.
Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai
Hi @Anon, We are happy to inform you that with baba’s grace baby did not have the infection in her brain. She is being discharged from hospital after 7 days of review.
Thank you baba for listening to my prayers
Om Sai. Ram
It is our Dearest Baba Sai s mercy and blessings.
🙏🙏Koti koti pranams n koti koti Aabhar🙏🙏🌸🌸🍀🍀👏👏 for review
Love you Deva! Jai Sai Samarth!
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Avatar Meher Baba ki Jai!
Jai Sai!