Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3716

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Miracles of Sai Baba: Devotee Share Experiences

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Kanaka from India says: Om Sai Ram to all. My name is Kanaka Durka and I am from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. I am a devotee of Sai Baba who depends on Him for everything. Without Him, I am nothing. I am a small dust particle at His Feet. In this experience, I would like to share how Baba cured my mom’s cold.

Last week, on February 18th, we went to our cousin’s engagement which was held in a place called V.Kota in Andhra Pradesh. We first went to our native place, stayed there for some time, and then went to our family deity temple. From there, we all went to V.Kota as it is nearby from our native place. We attended the function, met all our relatives, and had a nice time there. After 6-6:30 PM, we left from there, reached our native place, and stayed there for that night. We started to Chennai the next day morning.

As we went to our native place, we all drank the water there after having food. Due to the change in water, my mom got a throat infection, and she was not able to talk properly at all. She also gargled warm water with salt for relief and had Baba’s udi along with water. I prayed to Baba that I would post my experience here after my mom became alright. My mom’s throat infection got alright, and she is able to speak clearly now. This is only because of Baba’s grace. Devotees, please have strong faith in him; he will never leave us in any situation. Baba, please protect all your devotees all over the world from this virus and keep everyone safe and healthy. Please bless the whole world with good health, wealth, happiness, peace of mind, and prosperity. Om Sai Ram.

I want to share my experience of how Sai Baba helped me find a suitable match. My parents had been looking for an alliance for me for the past year, but they couldn’t find a suitable match. Every time a nice proposal came, the horoscope wouldn’t match. Although I am a Baba devotee and trust Him completely, my parents trust astrology and horoscopes a lot. Despite my faith, my mother used to worry a lot that no suitable alliance had been found.

I continued to pray to Baba, even doing the Sai Divya Pooja for 21 Thursdays. I also prayed to other Gods, visiting a nearby Lord Shiva temple on five Mondays. Finally, on December 23, 2021, which was a Thursday (our Baba’s day), my parents visited a lady astrologer who was the sister of the priest who came to the Ganesh temple located inside our flats. They took three horoscopes, and one matched very well with a boy working in New Zealand in a place called Auckland.

I was happy to hear this news, especially on a Thursday. Shortly after, I saw a video on YouTube about a Sai Baba temple in Auckland where a lady talked about Baba’s miracles. I felt happy, thinking that Baba was giving me a hint to accept this proposal. A few days later, we received news that the boy’s father liked my photo and was searching for a tall girl for their son. As I am also tall, they liked me. We also liked the boy’s photo as soon as we saw it, and his horoscope matched well with mine.

We spoke to the boy’s father and arranged a video call after Pongal festival, which was during the Tamil month of Margazhi. However, one of our dad’s side relatives passed away during Pongal, so we postponed the call. On January 23, I and my family members finally spoke to the boy through a video call, and everything went well.

On January 27, which was a Thursday, the boy’s parents came to see me, and we spent some time together in our house. Before they left, they gave me their blessings, and even my parents went along with them to see them off. The boy’s mother told my mother that they liked me so much, which made me happy.

The next day, my parents went to the boy’s house for formality, and everything went smoothly. On February 20th, we all spoke through a conference video call, and we had a good conversation and a good time. On February 27, which was my birthday, I and my parents met the boy and his family at Durga Temple located at Mogappair West in Chennai, and we prayed to God, spent some time there, and had a good time.

After some time, we went to a Sai Baba temple in Mylapore. When we arrived, they were about to start the aarti for Sai Baba. I was fortunate to have Sai Baba’s darshan along with the aarti on my birthday.

Later, both our families went to an astrologer to fix the dates for our engagement and marriage. My engagement is on June 9th, and my marriage is on September 12th, and I am grateful for Sai Baba’s grace that made this possible. I was thrilled that day as the boy’s family came to our house, and we spent time together. The boy and his parents are wonderful people, and we were all happy about the fixed dates. It is truly a miracle of Sai Baba that I found a good match.

To all devotees, I urge you to have firm and unwavering faith in Sai Baba. He will surely be with us in all situations. Sai Baba, please bless the whole world with good health, wealth, happiness, peace of mind, and prosperity. May all your devotees follow your path and lead peaceful lives. Om Sai Ram.

Devotees, please have firm and strong faith in Baba and he will surely be with us in all situations. Baba please bless the whole world with good health, wealth, happiness, peace of mind, and prosperity. Let all your devotees follow your path and lead a peaceful life. Om Sairam. Devotees, I have a small request for everyone. Please pray for the people who are in Ukraine to be safe and secure. Pray for their well-being. Om Sai Ram.

Miraculous Experiences Of A Sai Baba Devotee

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, I would like to express my gratitude to Hetalji and her team for their beautiful work on this platform. I also want to remain anonymous.

Reading about the experiences of other devotees gives us the strength to face our own life’s challenges. Here are some of my experiences that I would like to share:

  1. We had planned a month-long trip to our native place, which required a lot of packing. Three days before the scheduled date of our journey, my husband developed a fever and weakness. This was a difficult situation for me as I also had a four-month-old baby to take care of, and I couldn’t ask my husband to do so as I was worried about my baby getting sick. I prayed to Sai Baba for his quick recovery and that it wouldn’t be Covid-19. I gave him Udi mixed with water, and within two days, he was feeling better. This was a challenging time for me, but Baba’s grace helped us overcome it.
  2. We had planned a two-day function for our daughter’s welcome in November, taking into account my period dates. However, in October, I got my period on the exact date of the function. I usually have very heavy bleeding after my delivery, and I was worried about not being able to enjoy the function. I tried to see a gynecologist to take medicine and postpone my period, but it was not possible. I prayed to Sai Baba that if I could not contact any gynecologist, it would mean that he would take care of this and ensure a peaceful function. In November, I got my period five days before the function date, and I was able to enjoy the function very well. Thank you, Deva, for listening to my prayers.
  3. My four-month-old daughter was traveling with us for the first time. While going, we faced many challenges and had to take two flights that got canceled. Finally, we managed to get on a flight, but my daughter could not handle the air pressure and cried incessantly throughout the journey. This was a tough situation for us. However, while returning back, I prayed to Sai Baba for a safe and comfortable journey, and he listened to our prayers. The return journey was very smooth, and my daughter slept for most of the time.

I would like to express my gratitude to Sai Baba for helping us in every situation. I apologize for the delay in posting this article, and I request Baba to be with us always.

Thank you and Regards.

Unfathomable Leelas Of Sai Baba: A Devotee’s Testimony

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Dear Maintainers of this blog, I am an anonymous devotee of Sai Baba from India, and I would like to thank you for maintaining this holy blog. I have been waiting for many days to share my experiences with Sai Baba, and today is the day.

Sai Baba’s Leela’s (miracles) are unfathomable. If you surrender to him, he will give you the best, whether you ask for it or not. Sai Baba is everything to me. No matter if someone is there for me or not, he is always there for me.

Let me share my experiences. I was having a constipation problem that became quite serious, and I desperately prayed to Baba and promised to post my experience on this blog. Now I am free from the constipation problem. Thank you so much, Baba.

My next experience is about how Baba selected the best roommates and rooms for me in the hostel. When we were shifting to the new hostel, I was worried about my roommates and the room. However, I completely left this situation in the hands of Baba and kept quiet. After some days, an unexpected person asked me to join their room. This miracle is impossible without Baba’s blessings. They are not so close to me, and those who are close to me didn’t invite me. However, those whom I never thought would invite me actually accepted me as their roommate. Although they have many closer friends than me, I don’t know what led them to this decision. But surely, this is a big Leela of Baba for me. I don’t have many friends, but I have Baba with me. He alone can make me happy, and he is the reason for my faith and patience.

I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors in my message. Also, I request that you kindly capitalize the first letter of Sai Baba in your blog.

Om Sai Ram 🙏🙏

Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva 🙏🙏

Om Shirdi Vasaye Vidhmaye Satchidananda Dhimayi Thanno Sai Prachodayat 🙏🙏

Om Sai Ram 🙏🙏🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔

Om Akilanda koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai 🙏🙏🙏

Om Sai Ram 🙏🙏🙏

How Sai Baba’s Grace Helped A Devotee Find A New Job

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! Thank you very much, Hetalji and the entire team, for providing us with a holy place where we devotees can share our wonderful experiences and miracles with Baba.

I would like to share my experience of searching for a new job, which ended very pleasantly by Baba’s grace. I strongly believe that Baba always helps devotees whenever they are in need or in trouble.

Coming my experience, I resigned from my previous company in July 2021 without any new job due to some personal issues, and my notice period was three months. After two weeks after my resignation, I uploaded my profile on UKRI and LinkedIn and started searching for jobs. In the first 30 days, I didn’t get any positive signs even though I had the latest technology experience, and I kept worrying about it. Then, we prayed to Baba to offer me a decent job in good company. My wife is a staunch devotee of Baba, and she kept praying for me to get a job. After a few days, I got an offer (on 18th Aug) from a very good company. Later, I kept getting multiple offers continuously and received a total of six offer letters from top MNC companies, which is really a miracle for us. Finally, I accepted an offer from a nice company and joined. This was really possible because of Baba’s grace. I am also very glad to say that my first job in 2011 was offered by Baba’s grace, which was the turning point in my career, and I would like to share this experience as well.

Thank you very much, Sai, for always guiding me in the right direction in my life.

Sai Baba’s Blessings: A Devotee’s Experience With Hair Loss

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, As a devotee of Sai Baba, I feel blessed to share my experience with fellow devotees. Please keep me anonymous. I am from Mumbai, and I am grateful to always be at the feet of Sai Baba.

I would like to express my gratitude to Hetalji and the entire team for creating this wonderful platform where we can share our experiences of Baba’s blessings in our lives.

My experience is related to my hair. Normally, my hair falls out, but it stops after a few days. However, this time, my hair had started falling out and had become very thin. I started taking Baba’s Udi with water and prayed to Sai Baba while also taking medicine. As a result, I am now happy with my hair. I apologize to Baba for sharing my experience late.

Thank you, Baba, for blessing me and my family. Your blessings are always with us.

Sai Devotee

Sai Baba’s Grace: A Devotee’s Experience

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: Dear Hetal Ji, I am Baba’s daughter residing in the US, and I have shared many leelas of Sai Baba on this holy site. I would like to express my gratitude to you, Hetal Ji, and the team for your tireless and dedicated seva. I prefer to remain anonymous.

I would like to share my experience of how Baba helped me during a difficult situation. Baba never leaves his devotees and always carries them through tough times. During my routine blood tests, I received some unfavorable results and had to undergo further tests. I was stressed out and constantly praying to Baba for normal reports. As promised, I am sharing my experience here, and I am grateful to Baba for my normal mammogram and blood reports. This experience has shown me that Baba resides in us and guides us. We must have faith and patience, and Baba will never forsake us.

Om Sai Ram!

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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. OM Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

    Thank you baba, without you nothing happens. Thank you for you grace and blessing. I have asked my consultant to do the documentations for 190 invitation. Baba I know I have made mistake in the dates in one of my experience as it is over lapping my other experience. It does not affect my points, however I am really scared and worried if the migration department ask for document, I will not be able to provide any documents. Please baba I need your blessing so that this issue does not get highlighted.

    Baba just praying that all the things will be sorted out soon so that I will be able to travel to Shridi once I get my PR. Baba please ensure all the financial aspect is also being take care baba.

    Thank you again and bless my daughter so that she is able to eat well and son to improve his eye sight issue.

    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram