Sai Baba Blessings For Good Health

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Health – My niece was experiencing stomach issues, so she prayed to Sai Baba that it wasn’t chronic and that she would recover soon. Thanks to Sai Baba’s blessings, she is now doing fine and can eat everything without any problem.
My son had contracted COVID-19, and I prayed to Sai Baba for his speedy recovery. Thanks to Sai Baba’s grace, my son is doing well and tested negative.
Recently, my daughter was also feeling unwell, but thanks to Sai Baba’s blessings, she is now feeling much better.

I am grateful to Sai Baba for making my husband’s cough much better.
Home – Sai Baba, with Your divine blessings, we were able to find new tenants for our property. Thank You so much, Sai Baba!
I pray to Sai Baba to protect my family from COVID-19 and bless my mother, sister, brother, their families, my husband, and children with good health and peace of mind. Om Sai Arogya Kshema Daya Namaha!
If I have forgotten to mention anything or if any of us have done any wrong, I sincerely apologize on behalf of all of us. 🙏🙏
Sai Baba, I am grateful for Your constant presence in our lives and for guiding me to do the right thing. 🙏🙏
The Miraculous Healing Power Of Sai Baba And Udi: A Devotee’s Experience

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: Dear Sai Devotees, I feel incredibly blessed to share my recent experience with you. There are truly no words to describe the grace that Baba bestows upon all creatures.
Yesterday, my dog suddenly became ill and began experiencing diarrhea in the evening. I was worried about seeking medical care, as it can be difficult to access clinics or emergency services at any time in the United States. However, I turned to Baba in prayer and gave my dog Udi, while promising to share my experience if he was healed.
To my joy and amazement, the next morning my dog’s diarrhea had ceased and he was feeling hungry and energetic again. It is clear to me that Baba is the greatest healer of all, and that Udi is a powerful medicine that can work wonders.
Thank You, Baba, for always taking care of us.
A Brother’s Search For A Suitable Match: A Story Of Faith In Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from New Zealand says: Hello everyone, Om Sai Ram. I want to share my experience from a few years ago when I was studying in India. Sai Baba always helped me during that time. In my last experience, I mentioned my brother and how I would share Baba’s miracle again if my brother’s work was done. Unfortunately, I forgot to do so. But now, I am happy to share that I prayed to Baba for my brother, and he was able to sort out his work. Thank You so much, Sai Baba.
However, I am now writing about another problem my brother is facing – he is not able to find a suitable match for marriage. We have been searching for a girl for him for two years, but we have not been able to find a good match. My brother Sumit is a very genuine, kind-hearted, and honest person, and I don’t understand why this is happening to him.
I request all of you who are reading this to please pray for my brother to find a good and perfect match. Sai Baba, please help him get married this year. I hope to share this miraculous experience again, hopefully by this October. Om Sai Ram. Anantkoti Bhrahmandnayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parambhrahma Shree SachidananaNd Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai.
Divine Intervention: How Sai Baba Blessed A Family’s Journey To India Despite Health Obstacles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: In the summer of 2022, I had planned a trip to India with my children. Due to Covid, we had been unable to travel for a long time, so we were all eagerly anticipating this trip. However, suddenly, there were some health issues in my family and the doctor prescribed some tests. I became very worried and wondered if we would be able to go on our trip or not. I kept praying to my beloved Sai Baba and with his blessings, the test results came out clear. We were all greatly relieved and were able to make our trip successfully.
I would like to remain anonymous.
Thank you,
Om Sai Ram.
How Sai Baba Drew A Devotee Closer To Him

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Dear Sai Devotees, I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba for the past one and a half years. Prior to that, I was not a follower of Sai Baba. However, one day I suddenly visited the Sai Baba temple. As I bowed my head before Sai Baba, a flower fell on my head, and I felt blessed. Since then, my small wishes have been coming true, and I started to believe in Sai Baba more and more. Sai Baba has drawn me towards him, always supporting and protecting me and my family. He has made all my wishes come true.
I want to express my gratitude to Baba for always taking care of us.
Thank you.
Devotion To Sai Baba: A Personal Testimony

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. Thank you, Hetalji, and the team for maintaining this divine site. My day starts and ends with Baba’s name and prayer. Baba is everything to me. With His blessings, I was able to complete a task at work that wouldn’t have been possible without Him. Thank You, Sai Baba, for taking care of us and hearing our prayers. Please forgive us for any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly made, and for hurting anyone. Bless us all, Baba. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai
Thank you baba, thank you for everything. With your blessing only we are able to keep smile o our lips. Baba you are the one who makes and change out fate from bad to good. Thank you for blessing us all the time. Please be with us all times baba.
Baba please fulfill one of wish which I had been praying for.
Thank you baba.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba shower your choicest blessings of good health, long life, happiness, joy, peace, love, devotion, knowledge, bliss, courage, strength, wisdom and prosperity on my little family. Baba please provide the right people to support my hubby, he needs your protection and grace. Baba he has worked so hard with dedication and today we have a challenge with people. I place my faith that you are with him and all is well with you personally taking care and providing the support. Baba please take care and help us in the most uncertain situations. Baba help my elder take a wise decision and whatever decision will be yours. Baba help my younger complete his education and let them know stand on their own feet and earn a respectful life. Baba I need your support to stay calm and composed, to fill myself with positive thinking and complete all my tasks with lots of productivity in the time available with me. Baba everything is possible with your grace. Baba please heal the world and make our family and workplace filled with positivity, goodness and bonding. I surrender to you dear Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshema daya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏
Sai Ram to dear Sri Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing Sri Sai’s wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us.
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Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!