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Sai Baba’s Miraculous Interventions: A Tale of Achievements, Lost Objects, and Divine Assistance

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I would like to share a few personal experiences highlighting the divine grace of Sai Baba and how I have been blessed to witness the miraculous ways in which Shirdi Sai Baba has answered prayers. These experiences hold immense significance to me as a devoted follower, and I aspire to share them with fellow devotees in order to inspire and uplift their spiritual journey.
Got the Original Degree Certificate
I am delighted to share that I have successfully completed my B.Tech from a reputed university. With Baba’s divine grace, I not only completed my degree but also achieved a good score and received a Gold medal. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I sent my convocation application form late, resulting in the management handing me the medal on the day of the convocation. However, when I visited the university a year later during the COVID-19 pandemic, they informed me that they had not received my application. It was disheartening to hear this, especially since they had acknowledged it during the convocation. They insisted that I pay the application fee of 5000 rupees again, which I couldn’t afford at the time.
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In my defense, I showed them the fee transactions and shared pictures of the application as evidence. In that moment of distress, I turned to Baba and fervently prayed for His assistance. Today, I am overwhelmed with joy as I received the original degree certificate by post. I never expected this outcome, and I am immensely grateful to Baba for His divine intervention.
A Few Days Before
A few days ago, while preparing for a wedding, I faced a setback when I lost the gold screw for one of my earrings. Remembering the numerous instances I had read about finding lost objects through Baba’s blessings, I decided to seek His divine help. Despite our thorough search efforts, we couldn’t locate the screw, and my hope began to fade after 40 days of fruitless searching. Just when I started to lose faith, my sister discovered the missing screw while cleaning the room. We had meticulously combed every corner of the room multiple times, so it’s astonishing how we missed it. Once again, Baba worked His miraculous ways, and these two experiences unfolded within a span of just one day.
Sai Baba’s Benevolence
Baba’s blessings extend beyond material possessions. He even assisted me in catching a bus to go home when I was feeling extremely anxious about missing it. His timely intervention and guidance eased my worries and ensured a safe journey back.
Thank You, Baba, please bless my Parents and cure them
Grateful For Sai Baba’s Divine Assistance And Support

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Sai Baba for His immense help last week. I had an incident where I needed to show my phone to someone, and I fervently prayed that nothing untoward would happen while they had possession of it. I made a promise to Baba that if He intervened and helped me, I would share this remarkable experience. True to His divine grace, Sai Baba answered my prayers, and I am filled with profound gratitude. I apologize for the delay in sharing this post, Baba.

Download Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra Book for Free
We invite you to download our ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra’ book, which is a collection of powerful mantras that can help you connect with the divine energy of Sai Baba and seek his blessings. We hope this book serves as a valuable resource on your spiritual journey and brings you closer to the love and grace of Sai Baba.
Furthermore, I extend my sincerest thanks to Baba for ensuring that I prepared a delicious meal yesterday. Your blessings ensured that I cooked with precision and satisfaction. Additionally, I am immensely grateful to You, Baba, for assisting in the process of moving our beds back to their original room. I was incredibly anxious and stressed about this matter, but Your divine intervention resolved it, allowing me to sleep peacefully that night. Moreover, thank You for granting restful sleep to not only myself but also to everyone around me.
Baba, I express my gratitude for giving me the strength and courage to pour out my emotions and express myself freely today. Your divine presence empowers me, and I firmly believe that justice is on my side. I humbly request Your continued support in this matter. Yesterday, I encountered several challenging situations, and I am immensely grateful, Baba, for resolving all the problems that arose. I pray to You that these issues do not resurface in the future.
Furthermore, Baba, I am deeply thankful for providing me with numerous opportunities to pursue my graduate education in esteemed institutions. I eagerly await the arrival of a parcel, and I sincerely request Your blessings for its timely delivery. Baba, please bless me with a suitable alliance that aligns with my aspirations and values. Even when I feel undeserving, You consistently extend Your helping hand, and for this, I am eternally grateful.
Thank You so much, Sai Baba, for Your unwavering guidance, support, and love.
A Miraculous Healing: Sai Baba’s Blessings Relieve Tooth And Throat Pain

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from Germany says: Om Sri Sai Ram! Heartfelt pranaams to the blessed team of this divine blog and to all the readers.
I am here to share another beautiful miracle of our beloved Baba. Yesterday evening, when I spoke to my father on the phone, he complained about his tooth and throat pain. He couldn’t take any other medications like painkillers as he is already on homeopathic medication for other health issues. I was also concerned when I heard about his throat pain, considering the ongoing Influenza outbreak in India. I prayed to Baba to cure his teeth and throat pain and made a vow to share my experience if my father found relief from the pain.
This morning, I messaged my mother about my dad’s health, and she replied that he is doing well. Thank You so much, Sai. Baba, You alone know what I am going through. Please bless me with peace of mind, Swamy. Please bless me to pass my exams, Thandri. Please bless everyone, Sai.
Om Sri Sai Naathaaya Namaha!
Miraculous Intervention: Sai Baba’s Impact On A Family’s Life

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: ai pulled me towards Him four years ago, and since then, he has been guiding and helping me in both big and small matters. I made a promise to Sai that I would share my experiences here if He fulfilled my wishes, and He definitely fulfilled them. I would like to share a few of those experiences below:
- My son had some health issues and was not gaining the normal height for his age. When we visited the endocrinologist, she suggested growth hormone therapy and left the decision to us. I prayed to Sai that my son should grow taller without any hormone therapy. Sai performed a miracle—my son rapidly gained height, and when we visited the doctor after three months, she was surprised and said that no hormone therapy was needed. This would not have been possible without You, Sai. Thank You so much from the bottom of my heart.
- Thank You, Sai, for changing my son’s behavior, improving his grades, regulating his bowel movements to twice a day, stopping his hiccups, normalizing his body temperature, and making that weird dream false. Through Sai’s grace, my son’s medical tests came back normal. Although my son regularly attended speech and debate competitions, he was not receiving any prizes, which left him feeling disappointed. After praying, Sai surprised us once again with another miracle. In the next competition, my son not only received the third prize but also a scholarship. I love You so much, Sai. Baba always blesses us more than we deserve.
Sai Rakshaka Sharanam Deva. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba’s Divine Intervention: A Sign Of Relief Amidst Health Concerns

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: One fine day, suddenly, I experienced a sharp chest pain! I have been suffering from severe gastric problems for many years. I used to skip meals at home and go without eating for the whole day, or sometimes I would only eat once. As a result, I experienced chest pain before and took gastric tablets. However, later in the day, I became a bit scared.
But then, I prayed to Sai Baba, hoping that this pain was only due to gastric issues and nothing more. I asked Him to show me a sign by wearing a green and yellow kafni in my Instagram post. To my surprise, the image appeared, bringing a sense of calmness to my mind. Nevertheless, I decided to visit the hospital, hoping that there would be no serious health problems. I am grateful to Baba for showing me this positive sign! I love You so much and I trust You, Sai Baba. Om Sai Ram!
Unwavering Devotion: Sai Baba’s Influence On A Devotee’s Life

Debashrita Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba for the past 1.5 years. Initially, I wasn’t a devotee, but one day I impulsively visited the Sai Baba temple. As I bowed my head before Sai Baba, a flower fell onto my head, and I felt blessed. Since then, my small wishes have been coming true, solidifying my belief in Sai Baba. He has drawn me towards him, offering unwavering support and protection for me and my family. I have faith that he will continue to fulfill all my wishes.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Please keep posting Baba’s miracles daily. Don’t skip.
Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba shower your choicest blessings of a long healthy life on them, free them from stress, tension and anxiety. Please fill their lives with happiness, joy, laughter, wisdom, knowledge, courage, awareness, alertness, wellness, goodness, peace and prosperity. Baba you know about the legal notice, dont know why, please baba help us in these times. I have so many challenges at work and my body is feeling so low. Please help me deliver my best at work and at home. Help me make my family proud of my achievements. Baba help my hubby, hold his hands, this year we have no good sales, I know you kept your promise last year and helped us. Please hold our hands this year too and give us the desired revenues. Baba hubby works very hard. Please make me a bit like him where I can please him and deliver my best at work and keep the home functional too. Baba thank you for giving a job opportunity to my elder, hope you will be with him at all times and help him deliver his best. Baba please be with my younger too and help him complete his tasks and desires. He is hard working and please be with him as his mentor, guide and parent. Baba I surrender to you. I plan to start yoga today and everything is possible with your grace alone. Please take care of my family baba, please remove all danger and evil around us. My apologies for not completing my prayers during travel. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai Arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om Siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai
Thank you baba due to your blessings only we are what we are now. Baba praying for better life with better professional and financial position. Baba it it sometimes difficult to make the end meet. Baba bless me so that I can return the money I borrowed from my sister as soon as possible.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa.please help me baba cure me to be with my husband.. bless him sai
I am hoping that Sai you will read my letter and answer immediately. Sai, I am your child and true devotee of you. I believe in you so much and I know you have accepted me has your loving child. I would like to thank you for all the blessings that you always have showered on my family members and me. Sai you have always taken care and protected us. Sai you have helped and made me come out difficult situations. Sai you have always guided me in confusion and hard times. Sai you know very well what is happening in my life and what a difficult situation that I am facing since past 6 months, financial issues, Marital issues between my spouse and me. Baba you know that my marriage proposal was fixed in front of you. Me and family considered that this proposal was your blessing and marriage was conducted in front of you in the temple. Baba you know that from the time of my marriage, there was issues with finances and disturbance between me and my spouse. Baba you also know there was issue in 2021 between my spouse and me, we were apart for 5 months and then Baba you reunited us with the pregnancy news. Though the pregnancy was not fruitful. Me and my spouse were together with all the difference between us. Baba you also know that my spouse and me are very short-tempered people and get angry very quickly. Baba, with all these things you also know that our expenses where very huge than our income which led to lot of financial fights between me and my spouse. My spouse being a lavish spender and no control on the spending unnecessarily and made me take multiple loans on my name that accumulated a huge debt now. Baba you know Again due to financial issues, me and my spouse had fight. My spouse relocated to Hyderabad, leaving me in Bangalore at my parents’ house. It has been 5 months that we are apart from each other. Now my spouse is not ready to fix the financial issues and he is not willing to continue this marriage. I thought he is in anger and taken everything to his ego, so he is behaving weird. But now he has blocked my number, stopped speaking, no communication and avoiding me. My in-laws are not ready to sort out the issues and are saying that they are not bothered. My spouse has completely put all the financial burden on me and not ready to resolve the issues. Baba you very well know from 6 months what I am going through with the financial crisis, mental stress, no proper sleep, not able to eat food, not taking care of health and deeply pressurized, how to fix the financial and marital issues. Baba, you also know along with me my family members are also in stress. Baba you are watching me every second and know the difficulties that am facing in my life now. Baba you are seeing my tears every day and night, with sleepless nights and asking you to help me in saving my marriage and fix the financial issues. Baba, I am praying you every day and night to resolve these two problems as soon as possible. Baba you also know that I am praying, begging, requesting and crying Infront of your photo every time to resolve these two problems in your presence and you do justice to me. Baba, I am praying that you make my spouse understand the wrong and bad behavior of his and guide him into the right path and make him regret for his behaviors and make him a good charactered human being, kind, lovingly, caring, understanding, cooperative, loyal, trustworthy, responsible, gentle husband to me and live happily with me and my family members. Baba, fill my husband’s heart and my heart with love, affection, care, forgiveness, kind, politeness and understanding, respect between each other and show same love, respect, caring for both the families. Baba, you know that I am requesting you to bring my husband back to Bangalore and come to my home and, he should apologies Infront of you for what he has done and he should also bring my gold and money to clear the debt which was done on my name and he should also live with me happily, lovingly, caring and respectively and we both should lead our married life together, forgetting the past. Baba, I want to live with my husband together and lead a happy married life together. Baba, you also know that I want you to do justice to me and these two issues to be resolved in Infront of you in the house peacefully between both of us as it’s a family problem and not raising complaint about these issues. Baba, my only request is that these issues should be resolved as soon as possible. I have been going through this painful and rough time from past 5 months. Now, I really need your miracles and blessings so that these problems get resolved as soon as possible. Please Baba, make my husband realize his mistakes and make him call me immediately and make him compromise and make him to come to home in Bangalore and discuss and agree to clear the debts and live with me happily in Bangalore. Baba, this is my painful letter that I have written you trusting that you will answer my prayers as soon as possible. Please Baba, show some mercy on me and forgive me for all the sins that I have done knowingly and unknowingly. I have true believe in you Baba. I have trust that you will surely reply and answer my prayer letter through some or the other mode of communication. Baba, again I am praying, requesting and begging you to resolve these issues peacefully. Baba, please reunite me and my husband. I want me and my husband should be living together happily with each other. Both my parents, brother and his parents should happily talk with each other and live peacefully together. Please give one more chance to this marriage so that me and my husband live together and not repeat these kinds of problems ever in our lives. Baba, you are my God, lord and everything for me. Baba, as I am your child and request you, please answer my prayers as soon as possible. Baba, I am waiting for your reply. I am sure you will not disappoint me and the resolution to the problems will be fruitful as I wished and free from financial crisis and no more fights. Baba, help me and guide me. I have been part of MahaParayan from 4 weeks. Hoping to hear from you Sai. Baba, I have surrendered my life and myself to your holy lotus feet. I love you Sai Baba. Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Request devotees to please pray for me.
From your lovingly child
Sai Ram to dear Sri Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing Sri Sai’s wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us.
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