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Surrendering Life’s Struggles to Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: I am Baba’s daughter. My day begins and ends with Baba.

Baba, I have just learned that he has to carry this new endeavour on his own. Please guide him every step of the way. With You holding his hand, everything will work out. We completely surrender to You, Baba. This is a very big responsibility, so please keep him on the right path.

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I also ask for Your blessings for the younger one. Take care of him and let him shine in whatever task he has chosen. Baba, You know my deepest wish for both of them—please bless them. You already know who they are. You have always been there for me, Baba. You are my Saviour. You are my mother and father.

Baba I am so very grateful to You. Love You Baba.

Anant Koti Bramhand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj Parabramha Shri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.

🔴 Announcement from the Founder of Sai Yug Network 🔴

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles, a proud member of Sai Yug Network, shares this important update from our founder. Sai Yug Network will no longer support the Global Mahaparayan as they have started charging for participation in their event, which goes against our values of selfless service. Thank you for your trust and support. 🙏🏻

A Devotee’s Thankfulness: Shirdi Sai Baba’s Blessings and Support

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I’m a small devotee of Sai baba from India.

Baba has always shown His kindness when my family and I were enveloped in negativity and hopelessness. Some time ago, my husband started coughing badly, and it wouldn’t stop despite many doctor visits. A senior doctor suspected it could be TB. We were both completely shaken.

I prayed to Baba and promised that if the test results were negative and the doctor’s suspicion proved wrong, I would share my experience on this blog. By Your divine blessings, the test results and CT scan revealed that it was not what we feared. It turned out to be an allergic problem instead. Thank You so much, Sai, for always guiding us out of difficult situations.

Baba, You know very well what we are currently striving for. Please help us and bless us.

Thank You for everything.

Om Sai Ram!!

Download Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra Book for Free

We invite you to download our ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra’ book, which is a collection of powerful mantras that can help you connect with the divine energy of Sai Baba and seek his blessings. We hope this book serves as a valuable resource on your spiritual journey and brings you closer to the love and grace of Sai Baba.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 875

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